My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1995: Tian Secret Revealed


How can Su Jin's self-confidence, the confidence to pull the four world realms together?

Tell the truth.

Even Lan Yueya who was watching did not believe that Su Jin could have more energy. This young man who resonated with him was worthy of respect. Otherwise, how could he refuse the invitation of the Bichen?

"Being cut by Lord Ear, it's pretty good for you to stand, and you dare to make such arrogant remarks." Da Erzun said with a cold smile.

"Lan Yueya, from now on we will be absolutely gracious, and now you take a good look at how tragic death of the people you like is in my hands!"

The female veteran Bichen stared at Lan Yueya, her voice complaining endlessly.

Ignore the woman's cruelty.

Venerable Shangshan feels that Su Jin’s words are harsh no matter how he hears it now, and he faintly said: "Cut your little ancestor to death, it is so dirty that the hands of the deity are dirty, you go and cut off his head—"

"Okay!" Da Erzun didn't dislike it, and was about to step forward with a scimitar.

"Hey~~ Xiongtai, let's go!" Lan Yueya turned around with the trident on his back, seemingly reluctant to watch this scene.

Such bullying of an ancestral realm was never done by Lan Yueya, contrary to what he thought in his heart, and he once liked a woman, but he failed to save it, which he still remembers.

Otherwise, Su Jin and his experience are somewhat similar.

Millions of watching monks, there are males and females, male cultivators account for 60%. At this moment, when I heard Venerable Shangshan asked Da Erzun to cut off Su Jin’s head...

Can't help but sigh.

Of course, more is the excitement. Su Jin is not a person of the "Panfu Great World". It is always not good for this kind of person to grow up——

"I almost thought he had the ability to fight the world--" a monk said with a curled lips.

"Yes, you have a great ability to brag, but when you really face it, the true shape is revealed. This kind of arrogance deserves to be executed."

"Seriously injured, don't forget to scare a few worlds, it's not too bullish."

"But aren't you weird?"

"What's weird?"

"Since the Zen Snow Woman of'Shentian Haotu' was arrested, how did she get arrested? Where is the'Shentian Haotu', the Supreme Being seems to attach great importance to it."

"This person must have used small means to catch the Zen Snow Girl by surprise!"


Many controversial discussions, ridicules, all came to a halt when Da Er Zun took the knife!

That sword contained the Wushuang Dao meaning, and ordinary people couldn't escape it. Under this sword, the Emperor Realm had no chance of surviving one in a billion.


When Big Ear Zun slashed this blow, Su Jin didn't hide a little bit. When the blade was three inches from Su Jin's neck, he stopped--


It was like a sleeping behemoth, opened its eyelids, and the sharpness of that moment penetrated everyone's hearts, making people only feel that their brains are blank...

The heart is shaking.

At this moment, Lan Yueya's eyes stared, he was really incredible, Su Jin was still hiding his strength, and after a period of intrigue, he finally used a big means!

With the sound of the ‘rumbling’, the surrounding wind rose, and the brown river surface of the Tianxu River, wave after wave, faintly bury the ‘Red Lin Immortal Palace’.

Millions of monks watching the battle were blown away by the wind and sand, and many people wondered in their hearts——

I wondered why Da Er Zun didn't cut off Su Jin's head, only three inches left to make achievements!

"Quickly get rid of him!" Venerable Shangshan was frightened and angry, already unable to stop him, so he had to transmit a voice to Venerable Big Ears in an instant.

"I can't do it..." Da Erzun's face was covered with beads of sweat.

Although it was only three inches away from Su Jin's neck, no matter how hard he tried, the scimitar couldn't make another inch! Even a cent!


A gorgeous scene appeared in everyone's eyes--

Su Jin clasped his hands together, keeping his golden body, and behind him, was filled with the endless mystery of the ‘wheel of heaven’! Really manifested!

The Wheel of Secret of Heaven, up to a height of 10,000 miles!

The four tracks represent four powers!

In the way of ghosts, billions of evil ghosts are real up and down, as if living in a world.

The avenue of immortals, the orthodox ‘Jade Pond’ exists in it, the mellow immortal water envelops all the power of the immortals, transforms into waves, and walks in the track!

Buddhism and Taoism exist separately, two vertical and two horizontal staggered, two forwards and two reverses, slowly turning in the orbital situation!

The most noteworthy is the blue that wraps around into a thin line, and the mysterious blue that separates the tracks also exists in the center of the roulette.

That is the blue of heaven!

"The ancestor of the four realms~~~" Lan Yueya Junyi's face suddenly relaxed, and his body seemed to relax.

This is not because of anything else, because Lan Yueya almost fell to the ground in fright!

It turns out that this is Su Jin's real method, trump card! Lan Yueya actually felt a kind of fortunate now.

"What? What means is this?" Bi Hun's face suddenly changed, her mind rumbling, she had become blank.

"This, this--" Venerable Shangshan was filled with terror.

"You, you weren't so strong when you caught me!"

The Buddha of Zen Snow trembled all over, her feelings were different from those of others, because Su Jin was still in a golden body, and the three temples that crossed her have not disappeared.

The tens of thousands of miles in the ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’ illuminates the world, and Su Jin at the bottom is like a small dust, the scene is so magnificent that people are imprinted in the heart.

Su Jin didn't answer. He had a golden figure, folded his hands, raised his head, and looked at one place at a forty-five degree angle.

There is nothingness.

There is Buddhism.

No one knew what he was seeing or thinking at the moment, or even who he was talking to.

"If I smell it, it's the origin."

Su Jin's voice was calm, speaking in just six words, representing the ‘track’ of his life-and-death king Buddha’s cultivation base. Thousands of creatures appeared in the wheel of heaven, and the Buddha overcome their karma.

"If I hear it, fate will die."

In the orbit of the King of Life and Death, tens of thousands of living beings are getting old. After death, the Buddha will pass them, pass them through the next life to be good, and take the future of the next life.

"Dependent arising is extinguished, and dependent birth is empty."

Su Jin had some enlightenment in his eyes. He lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet. The holy path behind his back began to grow majestic. Immediately he lightly patted the ground with the palm of the Buddha, and then said:

"Secure it, close its door, thwart its sharpness, resolve its disputes, be with its light, and its dust, which is the same as mystery. This is ‘with light and dust’."


The mud, gravel, and sand that shook up from the Buddha's palm turned bright.


Shocks and fears began to appear, and millions of cultivators saw the earth turn gray, appearing like a stone city of thousands of miles, but it was different from before!

Wherever gray is permeated, all the people who stand are turned into stone people!


The five world realms on the scene, all exuding the power of the world realm to resist, the Big Ear Zun was the worst, and in a blink of an eye, the stone color filled his neck——


Su Jin coughed out a mouthful of blood, but it was a pity that he was still a step late in realizing it. With a serious injury, it was already very difficult for him to support the ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’.

Almost without hesitation, Su Jin dragged the badly injured body, walked to the Zen Snow Female Venerable who had been petrified to the palm of her waist, and directly stretched out her hand.


He gave her a loud slap in the face.

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