My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 200: Solemn protest

"Bang!" Su Jin gave another sharp punch to the air.

The explosion of air rumbling loudly made the whole house tremble under his fist.

Su Jin smiled. Now his state, the old guy would be very happy if he knew it, at least his current progress can be described by a thousand miles, and it can't be compared to when he was released from prison!

He was very satisfied with his current state, and then opened the door of the room in stride and walked out.

An Qianyi and a few people also rushed over. After her explanations that she cherished words like gold in advance, Wang Mei Niu and others didn't doubt anything, but the tremor that just happened just like an earthquake still frightened them. When Su Jin walked down, the few people were relieved.

Su Jin glanced at the door, it was already dark, then he smiled and said, "I have to go."

"Brother Young Master." Wang Mei Niu pouted her small mouth, her eyes slightly dissatisfied, "Every time you move so much."

Su Jin cursed secretly, he did not engage in women, Wang Mei Niu's question really made him speechless.

He was speechless, and after squeezing Wang Mei Niu's face, he looked at everyone, and finally walked to An Qianyi's body and whispered, "Thank you, I'm leaving."

An Qianyi nodded blankly with her eyes wide open.

Su Jin's heart moved, and something nasty said in her ears in words that two people could only hear, "The clothes fit well. I have decided that I will marry you as a wife in the future."

Before An Qianyi could react, Su Jin laughed a lot, and then strode out with her trouser pockets in her pockets. An Qianyi was startled first, then she wore two red roses on her face, looking at The figure got into the car.

This is the hospital. Su Jin drove over the shortcut and came here. In his opinion, Yang Shiwen's condition should not be delayed. If he can transplant as soon as possible, he will be transplanted as soon as possible, otherwise Li Qing's happiness will not be guaranteed in the future! At least, the hope is still great now. He believes that the hospital can cure this girl, after all, this is one of the best hospitals in the world.

"Hey, what did you do!"

When Su Jingang walked upstairs, he saw the nurse mm before him eagerly ran to him and pulled his arm and said, "Come with me! That girl is already very sick, so she said she could not see you. No surgery! I don't know what you are going crazy, what is good about you?"


Su Jin looked at her with some weird eyes. What a pity, he wanted to clean up this girl long ago!

"Beauty, I am a person with a wife, you are pulling me like this, it's not good!" Su Jin looked at the nurse mm seriously.

There was a smell of solemn protest in his tone. Of course, the playful look in his eyes made the nurse Xiaomm unable to figure out what he was thinking.

"You, you." Nurse mm couldn't help letting go of his hand, blushing and looking at Su Jin, and finally stomped her foot, gritted her teeth and said, "Come with me!"

Su Jin also suddenly lost the thought of joking with her, because Yang Shiwen's delay for one more minute might endanger her life, which he didn't want to see in his heart, so he had to see her as soon as possible.

Yang Shiwen's ward was a sterile ward. Of course, at her strong request, Su Jin, Yang Zi, and Li Qing were sterilized together in advance, and also put on the hospital's unique bacteria-resistant clothes and walked in.

When I saw Yang Shiwen, Su Jin felt that she was in a good state of mind, at least she had a chance to recover after she learned that she was about to be transplanted, and Xiaobai m3 was the only type of leukemia that was conquered, so the success rate was quite similar. She is also very confident.

However, the truth is that her condition has delayed the best chance of transplantation, so now that she is very ill, Su Jin naturally knows her condition very well.

"Sister, if I can't get off the operating table, you have to live well. My sister knows that you did your best. In fact, you are the one I should be most grateful for." Yang Shiwen looked at Yang Zi and said.

She knew very well what her sister had done to treat her illness, which was still very guilty to her. After she finished speaking, she looked at Li Qing, "Brother-in-law, if I really have any accidents, you must take good care of my sister."

Yang Shiwen doesn't know if Li Qing and her sister are real, but at least she now feels that Li Qing really likes her sister, that's enough.

"Don't say unlucky things, with the blood of the boss, you will definitely recover." Li Qing said seriously, looking at Yang Shiwen.

Su Jin also nodded and smiled: "You will be discharged from the hospital soon, trust me."

Yang Shiwen hesitated, looked at Su Jin and said, "Brother Su, the money...If I can get better, I will pay you back in the future!"

There was a little embarrassment on Li Qing's face. He didn't know that Yang Zi had already told Yang Shiwen about it. He did feel a little bit uncomfortable. After all, it was not his effort. If there is no boss, he might not have a chance at all. With Yang Zi.

Su Jin shook his head, smiled and said, "That little money is nothing to me. You can transplant with peace of mind. If you succeed, you will be reborn. Don't worry about the follow-up expenses. Your brother-in-law will be responsible, right? Li Qing?"

Li Qing was stunned, nodding again and again, "Yes, that's right!"

He still has this confidence. After all, the company has gradually entered the right track. He has the ability to make the company profitable in a short period of time. Then he will have the money to cover her subsequent expenses, which can be regarded as dispelling Yang Shiwen's worries.

"Thank you." Yang Shiwen seemed to have the courage. She had already heard the doctor's steps, because her illness had reached the point where it could not be dragged, and she even stepped into the ghost gate with one foot!

"Have you finished? It's time to get into the warehouse!" Nurse mm asked quickly, and then said: "The professors are urging, they are already waiting in the operating room!"

"Okay." Su Jin stepped forward and squeezed Yang Shiwen's small face, "We will pay attention to you outside at any time, and you can treat it with confidence inside."

"Yeah, good." Yang Shiwen didn't know what else she should say, and nodded.

Su Jin and the others walked out of the room afterwards. They all knew that even if Yang Shiwen was transplanted successfully, he would have to stay alone in a special'house' for a month. These are routine procedures, and the main concern is after transplantation. Infection, and there are many bacteria outside, which is not conducive to treatment.

After leaving the room, Su Jin smiled and looked at Yang Zi and said, "After Shiwen is done, you can still go to work in the Xia Group. I have someone over there and will arrange it for you."

Li Qing said in a proud tone: "Boss, you are a step late. I have already discussed it with Yang Zi. When Shiwen gets better, she will come to work in our company!"

Su Jin:...

It’s not bad for him to think about it. Together, the two can also increase their relationship. At least after Shiwen’s disease is cured, Yang Zi can live with peace of mind. After there is no pressure, Li Qing’s affairs with her can be regarded as complete. Things I like more.

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