My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2012: Can he live?




When Su Jin was shaken back ten steps, he went crazy on the spot. He rushed to the 80th ancient coffin madly, holding his hands on the edge of the coffin, and looking at the beauty in it with red eyes.

A festive tulle bridal dress, wrapped around the body of a beautiful woman, her head and hairpin, her skin like white snow, and red lips, lying quietly in the coffin, like asleep.

For Su Jin, she was so familiar with it that she couldn't be more familiar, she turned out to be a dream girl!

How Su Jin didn't go crazy, as the dream girl of the Divine Mansion, I don't know how many encounters with him, the relationship between the two is so good that it can't be better.

There have been many times when Miss Meng shed tears for him. How does Su Jin believe this is true?

The corners of Su Jin's eyes were wet, and he kept shaking his head, unable to calm down under the impact.

"Sister Meng——" Su Jin trembled, breathing quickly.

In a state of madness, it lasted for half a moment.

Su Jin gradually calmed down.

The face of Miss Meng who once shed tears was reflected in his mind. There is no doubt that Miss Meng helped him a lot, but how can she explain the Meng in the coffin?

In view of the fact that Meng Girl liked Emperor Huangquan and was buried here with the Emperor, everything can be said--

Su Jin even felt that the dream girl in the coffin was the real dream girl back then!

If this guess is true, what is the identity of the dream girl in the underworld?

Su Jin felt afraid for a while, he came here regardless of risk and saw the truth, otherwise the dream girl from the underworld would treat him in the future...

"I have to figure out all this."

Su Jin clenched his fists and looked at the dream girl in the bridal costume a few more times before closing the coffin lid for her——

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

It's easy to come, but is it so easy to withdraw?

When Su Jin closed the lid for the 80 ancient coffins, the entire cemetery began to tremble, like a small earthquake.

In the dim mysterious cemetery, a layer of red mist began to appear, and 80 ancient coffins trembled while shaking, and a stream of bright red blood overflowed under each ancient coffin.

Su Jin is vigilant around him, knowing that what should come will always come, he is not afraid of anything!

"Who! Come out--" Su Jin burst out.


Su Jinmeng felt that the center of his eyebrows was touched by a gentle fingertip.

This is not a deserted bridge!

The six realms are available here. In the state of the golden body, the wisdom Buddha pupils are revealed. Under the touch of the gentle fingers, they immediately return the colors——

With that touch of vision, Su Jin only saw a red finger fade away, and the deterrent power of the wisdom Buddha pupil was still there!

Just now, the red fingertip wanted to remove Su Jin’s divine eyes, but failed!

Su Jin's spirit shook wildly. In the mysterious cemetery, every coffin had a stream of blood gathering. In the dark, the blood stream gathered together, and blood shadows began to walk.

Without resistance

When the first ray of blood fell, Su Jin could not disperse it, the blood shadow attached to the body, Buddha light could not stop it, so did the golden body!

Su Jin seemed to have lost his soul, standing in place, falling into the first life in his mind.

All sorts of first-life impressions came into his mind.

"In this world, I am useless!" Su Jin roared self-blame.

Puff puff--

The second, fifth, hundredth, thousandth life.

The amount of information in the last three thousand lives was flooded in Su Jin's spiritual sea, filled with so many negative energy messages, I am afraid that other people would have already squeezed the spiritual sea.

Now Su Jin is holding his head, red blood and tears shed two lines on his face...

"Dad, wake up soon—"


In the dark, Sakura, who was suspected of reincarnation of the Immortal King of Good Fortune, was crying anxiously, but this cry seemed to be of no avail and could not wake Su Jin at all.

Outside the fairy hall, the millions of monks who saw this scene shouted surprise.

"Mu Ziye was cursed in the mysterious cemetery, he is crazy!" a monk roared.

"It seems that there is a destiny in the Ming Ming, Mu Ziye carried the coffin in, and that cemetery would be his home--"

"What happened to him, why did he suddenly become crazy?"

"Did you notice a little detail just now, why did he pick the 79th coffin and the 80th coffin? The other divine coffins did not move?"

"Only he knows, but his life will probably end by himself."

"It's terrible, as if there is a wonderful controller, manipulating everything about him, non-human can stop it."


Millions of monks were in a mess, and they didn't expect such a result at all. Of course, most of them were excited and uplifted, including the two female venerations of Zen Xue and Bi Hun.

Zen Snow Female Venerable's face was overwhelmed with joy, and said: "He is crazy, will he forget to sacrifice his blood?"

"It should be." The female Zun Bi Hun's face became cold. This is the best result. She still feels a little pity that the six ways cannot become an emperor.

With six bodies, he really angered the bottom line of God's law and was met with retribution today.

In the dim scene, Su Jin held his head in a frenzy.

At first, the eyes shed blood, and finally the nostrils, ears, and corners of the mouth also spilled blood, turning the entire face into a **** state.

The process lasted for a moment, and the death knell began to ring--

This time the death knell sounded, different from just now.

Su Jin's head was covered with blood and his eyes were dull. With the death knell ringing again, he looked at the eighty-first coffin!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

A strange and unknown sound appeared above the ancient dragon head coffin, and the stone cover was moved away inch by inch.

"Dad, go away, I can't see your future fortune, it's all dark, you are so stupid!" Sakura is still working hard.

But no matter how he communicated, Su Jin didn't seem to hear him, and he was unmoved, and his pace began to take--

Toward the position of the eighty-first coffin, listening to the death knell, walked step by step.

Outside the fairy hall, Su Jin stood in front of the dragon head ancient coffin he had carried under the gaze of everyone.

The actions made affect the hearts of countless people.

One foot stepped in.

Two feet stepped in.

Every action is focused on by millions of people outside!

Zen Snow Girl squinted her eyes, half of the death knell sounded, Su Jin's eyes didn't blink, and the **** head was extremely miserable and very dazed.

"Lie in, lie in--" The Zen Snow Girl was extremely nervous.

"Lie in, I am free." Bi Hun female veteran watched tightly.

The two females were so nervous, Lan Yueya slowly shook his head, Junyi's face turned to it, and without a word, he couldn't bear to see Su Jin's miserable end.

The scene was surprisingly consistent.

The scene of millions of people was silent at the moment.

Su Jin finally made a gesture of lying down and completely disappeared from the coffin of God——

And the lid of the coffin began to close automatically when the seventieth death knell sounded, inch by inch~~~

The 79th death knell sounded.

The 80th death knell is melodious~~~

Zen Xue Nu's face completely relaxed, and then the eighty-first death knell appeared in everyone's ears.

Only a very small number of monks asked a very small question in their hearts:

Can he live?

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