My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2025: Flesh into a furnace

Finished coffining——

The Red Shadow Girl succeeded, facing Su Jin, with a faintly mocking expression on her face, as if she was saying that you should go into the coffin obediently later!

"Zen Xue, Bi Hun! You two cut off the enemy at a speed!" Su Jin said angrily.

As he spoke, Su Jin's palm, two drops of bright blood floating in his palm!

Really angry!

In fact, when Su Jin saw the four dragon and phoenix coffins, he guessed that the two world-level females, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, would not really work for him, because they would not fail to see what she saw.

The four dragon and phoenix coffins are filled with Tang Yingjiao, Lu Yanyun, and Swan Fairy, and there is only one place, that is, Su Jin!

How can Zen Xue and Bi Hun really help him? What they do only takes time!

"Master, please be merciful--" Bi Hun was directly frightened, and she felt that if she continued to perfuse her, she would definitely have to be refined by Su Jin, and would bear the curse of this life.

The face will no longer exist, and even the whole body will grow thick, torturing one life, or the next life, forever and forever will suffer the consequences.

"Master, don't!"

At the same time, the Zen Snow Female Venerable also screamed, she knew she couldn't help Shao Su, after all, the China Great World she went to as an envoy was not an ordinary world.

The blood of the two females in Su Jin's palm disappeared in a flash, because the Tyrant had broken the Mirror Soul Mirror Mansion, and everything the other party had given away was just to kill him!

Tyrant was wailing not far away, and every piece of the mirror mansion shattered, he suffered unimaginable pain for ordinary people, breaking the mirror soul once, it is no different from the feeling of being heart and lungs ——


Tyrant's whole body was soaked in black energy, and he soon submerged his whole person. The layer of black energy was thick and clouded, and there was faint brilliance on the edge. The 3.7 million mirror house would take time to shatter.

Like a curtain of light, Ba Tiandu's life is rapidly dispersing with the fragmentation of the mirror house...

On the Thousand Dao Mirror Mansion, there was a waste young master from the royal mansion. He squatted by the stone bridge in the mansion with his cheeks. The clear water was gurgling. I don't know who pushed him into the lotus pond from behind.

In the two thousandth mirror mansion, he was struggling constantly under the water anxiously, grabbing a wheel blade at the bottom of the sediment, cutting his palm, and stepping on the road of legend.

The third thousand--

The ten thousandth, one hundred thousand, one million, three million mirror houses, the image is constantly disappearing with the shattering of the mirror house, the tyrants have grown from small to large, from waste materials to becoming stronger, from kindness to becoming incomparable, Yin and evil temper——

It's all revealed.

"The flesh melts into the furnace! The sword intent is forever!" Tyrant roared violently when the 3.7 million Taoist Mirror Mansion shattered in the dark.

咚, 咚, 咚~~

The entire Tiandi City seemed to be silent for an instant, as if only this heartbeat existed!

Su Jin was surrounded by red light, and the flames constantly rose regularly, inch by inch of red hair, wrapped around the red lotus net fire, and began to appear from an ancient beast.

The already extinct violent ape left a magical technique for Su Jin, ape-strike technique!

When the violent ape manifested, Su Jin was at the violent ape's heart, and his heartbeat replaced the violent ape's heartbeat!

How terrible that violent ape is! The cloud is like a scarf, the head is supporting the sky, and the arms are like mountains. If you don't look closely, you will find that the extinct violent ape is alive!

Su Jin didn't have the confidence to withstand the attack of Ba Tiandu before his death, even if the ape strike technique was sublimated to the extreme by him, he was not half sure!

The black air dissipated--

The Overlord ceased to exist, and there was a bone furnace in the same place, black and purple flames, bursting into the sky in the bone furnace, and a machete stuck in the bone furnace!

Black meniscus ring knife!

Su Jin's eyes were extremely solemn.

This tyrant is so ruthless, melting into a furnace with flesh and blood, tempering that scimitar!

In the next second, the black meniscus ring knife trembled slightly, and the sight of sentient beings was terrifying—

That inch of ubiquitous knife intent has condensed into dense, dusty scimitars, which can't be counted with the naked eye and mind!

The scimitar is like a fish, swimming in the void, rushing at the violent ape that can sustain the sky!

Bang Bang Bang Bang~~~

Su Jin's face turned white, and every inch of scimitar stood on the Violent Ape, as if being hit by a big mountain, that sharp and sharp will cut the Violent Ape out of a gap in almost two breaths.

"This tyrant is really strong!" A little monk in Youtian Emperor City stared blankly.

"Compared to an ancient and shocking battle, although Mu Ziye is powerful, the gap is too big!" Someone said.

"Unfortunately, Ba Tian is a strong man in our world, forced to become a furnace. Such a strong man will not dream of the three steps of the heavens in the future, and he has been harmed by this catastrophe to this point!"

Many people are distressed.

At this time, no matter how strong Su Jin was, he would not be respected. They were distressed because the overlord were all powerful, and the fall would not do him any good!

"This kid can't hold it anymore--" Someone tickled their teeth with hatred, looking at the huge violent ape, unavoidably a little happy.

Although the violent ape transformed by the ape strike technique was surrounded by the red lotus purifying fire, those sword intents continued to melt, but the number far exceeded the speed of purifying fire.

Therefore, Su Jin can only defend passively.


Su Jin shattered hundreds of close sword intents with his fingers, his face expressionless.

"Kill!" Chanxue and Bichen looked at each other, knowing that Su Jin's deadline has arrived, and they will be killed by Tyrant All in the same way.

The empty dragon head ancient coffin was naturally used for Su Jin's body.

After all, the other three phoenix head coffins have been filled out, and the positions of Zen Xue and Bi Hun are gone. The two women only need to pretend to fight hard to kill the enemy.

Bi Hun female respected her face with an invisible hesitation, afraid that Su Jin would not let them go even if she died, after all, this person has wisdom Buddha pupil——

There is an unlimited amount of great wisdom.

It can only be so! I hope that Su Jin can't take care of the two of them, and forgot to refine the essence and blood. When the Biyu female veteran thought so, her heart bounced, and she made a desperate posture, rushing to the enemy's Tai Brahman world!

Tea time passed.

A quarter of an hour passed.

There was a touch of exhaustion on Su Jin's face, and the manifested violent ape could only last so long. It was already quite broken, and being equal to nothing, he sighed in his heart.

Putting away the ape-strike technique, this kind of mastery of the world, it consumes too much for him——

Putting his hands together, Su Jin looked calm and natural!

The Buddha sings for a long time, appealing to the world to die, what is life and what is death.

To die is to give up, give up family, love, give up oneself, give up everything.

Life is not giving up, even if fate is cruel to oneself, and everything in the world is unkind to oneself, life is a beautiful thing!

Buddha Huang plated his golden body, Su Jin raised his head at a 45-degree angle and looked up to the front, as if there was hope, there was ‘life’, and there was satisfaction——

Bang bang bang~~~

An inch machete hit Jin's body!

mottled! The golden body is so mottled in an instant--

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