My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2047: Killed three thousand stone ancestors (3/6)

Red Lotus Sword Song!

Su Jin raised his hand and muttered to himself: "The first technique of the Red Lotus Sword Song, the Void Consolidation Sword!"

The Holy Dao Ancestral Realm world opened, and thousands of Dao Xuxiang raised their hands like Su Jin, and a short sword with a green red Dao pattern condensed.

Chi Chi -

In the fire curtain, two thousand five hundred stone ancestors just came in, they can resist the burning fire, in the thick stone skin, the soul of the sky hellfire burns, and the impact is not so great.


Thousands of blue and red daggers were condensed into the void, Su Jin lightly waved it!

Whoosh whoosh——

The entire void is completely mottled, and the two thousand five hundred stone human ancestors have suffered tragic destruction at this moment!

The Taoist sword is illusory, but it is extremely bright and clear. The blue and red dagger that can cut through the void slashes on every stone ancestor, although their defense is strong!

But it can't stand too much!

Bang bang bang--

The voices one after another, and the screams are the same, the stone human ancestors who smashed are everywhere! It's a pity that those who returned the blood were burned by the red lotus purifying fire and the sky **** fire.

"The second technique, the sword of the red lotus!" Su Jin still closed his eyes, and the daggers flew in irregular orbits, densely packed, everywhere.

But these condensed short swords are all flying quickly to the sky, forming a mysterious and unknown sword network array——

"The third technique, sword song!"

On the ground, the Giant Que Sword that had just been left trembles, uncontrollably beginning to soar! The height of the hilt has broken through the clouds!


The huge giant **** saint soldiers shook, and the giant **** phantoms were like lotus buds in full bloom!


Not far away fell a handful of phantoms of the giant sacred soldiers. The phantom was like water, and the sword pattern on it was shining. When it was erected, it cracked the ground!

Qiang Qiang!

One, five, fifty, five hundred! Standing in the sky between heaven and earth!

The shock is unparalleled!

Su Jin in the epiphany, after the re-evolution of the "Red Lotus Sword Song" three skills, the Saint Ancestor's cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds——

Next, I want to say that Su Jin is distracted, wandering too empty, capturing Pangu's will, and now his body, the white bones, and ninety-nine of the bones have turned into **** bones!

At that instant breakthrough, when the saint ancestor reached the case with Buddha, everyone in the audience was a little suffocated!

"Six Dao, four steps are taken -" Bi Hun female veteran murmured.

The Saint Ancestor Avenue has also reached its peak, and again, if it weren't for the limitations of the Six Dao Ancestors, this sage had also become an emperor!

In the void not far above, when Saint Ancestor Su Jin reached the top, an unimaginable change occurred.

Endless heavens, immortals prosperously, in the age of immortal cultivation, 99% of the history is dominated by immortals——

The Holy Path was originally a minority.

The vision rises, as if in the void, there are ancient sobs and tragic songs floating out!

In the vision, there was an old man with a saint, dressed in plain gray clothes, holding a sword with a lonely face, and buried the ancient sword in the dark green deep water pool.

In the age of immortal cultivation, the sword saint buried the sword, which is equivalent to buried the entire holy way!

Six Dao ancestors took another solid step, Zen Xue's heart trembled, watching the tree of enlightenment, shedding infinite fairy glory——

Zen Xue and Bi Hun had the same idea, Su Jin really dare to do it!

What the two women felt in Su Jin was unyielding, true unyielding!

Inexplicably, the Bi Hun female veteran was a little touched, especially when a person wants to be the pillar, it is not only the family and relatives who support it.

Su Jin was covered with blood.

There is the blood of the stone man's ancestors, sister Meng's blood, and his own blood! His face was tired, his hair was disheveled--

But in the eyes of everyone, he is not embarrassed!

Su Jin has no time to think about it, and only a word lingers in his heart: "What is a fairy?"

Immortals are high above, immortals, heavenly courts, and immortals are all glamorous, and there is a vocabulary that can deepen understanding.

That is ‘mortal’.

Su Jin doesn't want to be high, he just fights for faith and perseverance! This immortal, he doesn't cultivate a superior immortal, he will also be a mortal immortal!

"What is a fairy?" Su Jin asked himself in his heart.

The Great Immortal Technique "Bridge to the Sky" is not his "Fairy Method", Yaochi is not his fairy pool, and the "Good Fortune Immortal Pupil" can only be used because of Sakura.

The immortal Dao Su Jin currently owns are all other people's. The more he invents the mirror in his heart, the immortal must have something of his own if he wants to achieve the case with Buddha!

Once, Emperor Huangquan left the ‘Essence of the Great Emperor’, what Su Jin wanted was to condense the ‘Essence of the Origin of the Immortal Dao’ that belonged to him, Emperor Su!

Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes and said calmly: "Exterminate the world and the fairy light!"

The entire sky above turned into an eyeball, and the fairy pupil of good fortune appeared, spewing a beam of fairy light! This celestial light does not shine on others, but shines on Su Jin himself!

"Yao Chi Fairy Dragon."

With Su Jin's indifferent voice again, in the fairy pond next to the tree of enlightenment, half of the white fairy dragon's body emerged from the water, with a small cherry in its mouth!

Boom boom boom -

The white fairy dragon uses the upper half of the dragon's body to coil Su Jin, and the rolling Jade Lake immortal energy blesses Su Jin's body. The sky above its head is empty, and the world-destroying fairy light is purer!

Su Jin wants to condense his origin of immortality!

"He wants to break through!" Mo Zu couldn't believe his eyes.

"Su Jin is the Sixth Dao Ancestor, he has reached the fifth step." Ksitigarbha King slowly said.

"Six, Six Dao Ancestors!"

Mo Yue was behind the clan ancestor, her delicate body shook, her pretty face flushed, "Six Dao ancestors cannot become emperors!"

"The Six Dao Ancestor cannot become an emperor, because no one has ever done it before, but others have not done it, what other people think is impossible, how much Su Tianzi has done?" Xuanyue Nvzun asked.

Mo Zu was silent.

Mo Yue, the baby of the Mo family, her face improved and nodded. The inability of others does not mean that Su Jin cannot do it!

"When it comes to the sixth step, I will help him, but it seems too late." Ksitigarbha King Gujing Wubo's face had a little more expression.

Everyone looked at the one hundred thousand li Buddha ladder of the Daxiong Hall. Huang Tianhou Pang Chong performed secret techniques and finally succeeded in smashing the Buddha ladder and escaped from the control of the Daxiong Hall!

"It's over, it's over!" More than one of the millions of monks thought so.

"You can break free in this way, Emperor Su's life will not be long! Only to be beaten—"

"I heard that there is a time limit for the golden body. Once Su Tianzi fades away from the golden body, he will definitely be bombarded to death by the Emperor!"

"What to do, what to do!" A little girl who has always admired Su Jin panicked.


Su Jin's expression couldn't help but feel dark, time is far from enough, far from enough!

"Little naughty animal, Hou Ye really underestimated you!" Huang Tian Hou Pangchong turned green.

How precious are the seven imperial killers? Moreover, the seven emperors are still able to communicate with each other and practice the same technique of escape! Rare in the world!

Those three thousand stone ancestors--

Huangtian Hou Pang Chong yelled at the beginning of the Qi, that the value of the three thousand stone ancestors is not inferior to a world-level powerhouse! Even two!

Seeing this, the Great Lord Wang Jianxi and Yuanshi Female Realm sneered.

The two knew that Su Jin would have died!

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