My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2049: Great Divine Art (5/6)

"Huh? Life and death!"

"It's very like a book of life and death, and it was brought by the Ksitigarbha King with immense merit. It should be good." Someone said tremblingly.

"The Book of Life and Death is divided into two chapters, the'Life Chapter' and the'Death Chapter,' which record the list of the dead."

"Does the Ksitigarbha king make a move? Why does it feel that something is wrong—"

The situation is very weird. Both Xuanyue and Mozu looked at the Ksitigarbha, and suddenly remembered that Ksitigarbha had said before that if Su Jin stepped onto the sixth step of the Six Daozu, he would help him!


The void trembled, and all the evil ghosts were madly manifesting! This is the function of life and death!

"Stop the Void and stop him!" Pang Chong shook his heart and roared.

At present, the two great worlds of Tianlong and Yuanshi have eighty-five ancestors, which are still intact and unfought, and there are also four world realms including the great king of sword eleven and the old man of the star!

Pang Chong did not believe that he could not kill an ancestral realm! He doesn't believe it!

"The Great Lord is here to kill you!" The Great Lord Wang Jianxi wanted to save trouble, but things have become more unfavorable, and it is not too late to realize it now—

What's wrong?

When the vast army came, who would have thought that this would happen?

First fold the seven great assassins, and all three thousand stone ancestors will be cut off! Although Su Jin was seriously injured, he was getting stronger and stronger! Constantly making breakthroughs!

Great Sovereign King Sword Eleven, he found the most important corpse head of the Great Sovereign, and his combat power has changed more than ten times. Now he has full confidence in slaying the seriously injured Su Jin!

Su Jinben still turned his back to the foreign enemies, but when he heard what Jianxi said, he slowly turned around, smiled slyly, and looked at Jianxi: "Oh? You...want to kill the king?"


There was a roar from millions of people, loud and loud!

Jian eleven's heart violently violently, not far from his side, Yuanshi female realm master's face was pale, she was scared back several steps! She is not bad, the eighty-five ancestors brought by the two worlds, a little scared to herself!

What kind of double pupil Su Jin is!

It was dark and weird, and all the whites of his eyes disappeared. This is not Su Tianzi, but his ghost king body!

Damn! The ghost king body is here again!

In a place below, the goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xueyan wiped their tears.

"Don't hesitate to turn into a ghost king."

The yin and yang goddess wept with grief, tears could not stop at all.

"For the ghost king, the book of life and death is definitely the most treasure among the most treasures." Ge Xueyan covered her small mouth with her hand, her eyes flushed and said, "I don't know how many evil ghosts are contained in it."

"With so many evil spirits, can he still wake up?" Yin and Yang goddess murmured.

"He spared everything, naturally he didn't consider whether he could wake up." Ge Xueyan said.

At this time, Biyu and Zen Xue were unable to speak.

The body of the ghost king is very unique and can cause catastrophes to living beings. Therefore, the heavens do not allow the ghost king to be born, and will be enemies of the world!

Zen Xue and Bi Hun thought about one of Su Jin's "ghosts", but never thought they would be a ghost king!

The faces of the Great Lord Wang Jianxi and Huangtianhou Pang Chong were extremely solemn!

"Ghost King Su Jin? It doesn't matter, I still kill you! Give me a kill!" Jian Eleven did not retreat, but moved forward, the bone tower in the palm of the palm rose in the wind and came directly.

"My people, return to the control of this king!"

The ghost king Su Jin's body shook, the ghost king body turned out, from bottom to top, you can't see the top!


On the left arm of the ghost king body, clusters of evil spirits are crawling! One hundred million, two hundred million, five hundred million!

Armed with 500 million evil spirits!

The right arm is also the same at the same time, 500 million evil spirits are full!

Some people say that the number of evil spirits at the top of the ghost king is tens of billions of evil spirits! Some people say more than that, but now the ghost king Su Jin has a billion in his arms!

The book of life and death is still breeding evil spirits!

"Jie Jie Jie--" Ghost King Su Jin made a wicked laugh, and he shook his arms slightly.

The five hundred million evil spirits on the right arm are like black fog, rushing towards the magnificent and mysterious bone tower!

Once, this bone pagoda caused Su Jin to suffer a lot, but it is still unknown!

"It's all little ghosts, look at all my bone towers shattering!" Sword Eleven burst out, and the bone tower suddenly throbbed like destruction.

Ten million, fifty million, one hundred million, five hundred million evil spirits raised their heads, and a ghost king's mark appeared on the brows. It was a terrifying symbol. When it was shining, the wave of the bone tower was suppressed and it was useless!

Then from bottom to top, five hundred million evil spirits climbed up the bone tower and filled it up!

"Hehehe~~~" Ghost King Su Jin smiled.

"What!" Jian Eleven was in pain and shouted loudly: "Bring me back!"

For a moment in the bone tower, Jian eleven felt that they had lost contact! As time passed slowly, the feeling of frequency of losing contact became more and more.

For the first time, Jianxi realized that it was not good!

The magnificent bone pagoda has been known for a long time, but at this time, it seems that someone has posted a talisman. The magic is completely lost, and even the sword eleven wants to shrink it, and the storage hand can't do it!

The monks' hearts were throbbing, and no one on the scene could maintain a calm look!

"The ghost king body is stronger! This is related to Su Jin's continuous breakthroughs. Facing the ghost king in this state, it can be called despair --" a monk said excitedly.

"Tianzi Su has paid so much for us. I really hope he can get rid of this crisis and become an emperor as soon as possible."

"Yes, if it weren't for Su Tianzi, we wouldn't be able to raise our heads at all in front of those from the outside world."


Jian Eleven was in a very bad mood and complexion. The bone tower was inexplicably imprisoned, so he had to give up his plan to collect and look directly at Su Jin. He just had to kill the ghost king...

The bone tower can naturally be taken away!


Jian eleven skyrocketed, striding from the void to Su Jin, that big noble arm contained the ultimate strength and fought over.

Su Jin in the state of the ghost king is fearless! The speed is not inferior to that of the sword, and it also rushes over!


In the close combat of Sword Eleven, the Great Sovereign's arm swept away with a single blow, but instead the ghost king found the opportunity and punched out--


The big corpse is really powerful. The ghost king Su Jin's left arm is blessed by the power of 500 million evil ghosts.

"I can't be as good as you Su Jin!" Jian Eleven's corpse had an extremely hideous expression on the face. He suffered a small loss just now, and he couldn't bear it!

Immediately, Sword Eleven no longer chose to attack with the big arms, but raised both arms, palms up——

The crackling brilliance bred out in the palms of his two hands, and his big arms reached Yin with one hand and Yang with the other.

Yin is like holding the moon in your hand, and yang is like a red sun!

the first time!

Sword Eleven This is the first time to use a large corpse that is close to the complete body to perform a great magic! He is so powerful, how many times greater than King Jinpeng!

If there is the ability to kill Su Jin, there are two of them!

The first is Huangtian Hou Pang Chong!

The second is this sword eleven!

Jian eleven found confidence in the powerful, staring at the person in front of him, and roared:

"Su Jin! Die to me—"

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