My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2052: If I don’t become an emperor (2/6)

Even the ancestral realms of Yuanshi and Tianlong were gone!

A big win!

The sound that broke out around the Mohist Institution City pushed the atmosphere to the highest point!

"Tianzi Su has accomplished an almost impossible achievement! He alone repelled all the strong!"

Someone fainted with excitement, and almost fainted after speaking.

"That's right! We don't have a great emperor, what's wrong, we have heaven-defying powerhouse Su Tianzi! This bull, I can't say too much for a lifetime!"

"The surrounding external world has always looked down upon us. Now that Tianzi Su is rising and becoming stronger, who would dare to point us to the Five Domains?"

"Unbelievable, it's a pity that we haven't been able to leave those world realm strong, but our Su Tianzi has clearly been able to compete with the world realm!"


Su Jin's robe was full of blood, and he didn't seem to hear the thunderous voice of support. He turned silently and walked towards the Jiuxiang Flying Boat.

But soon, Su Jin's heart suddenly burst, and his eyes looked at sister Meng who was placed on the deck by himself.

what happened?

The dream girl now has a flushed face, completely different from the state when Su Jin placed her!

Not only that, Su Jin also saw the wound on her body, completely disappeared, and even the heartbeat was normal.

Is it my own illusion? Su Jin was surprised.

Soon Su Jin clearly saw that there was no illusion! Something must have happened while he was fighting foreign enemies!

"Mohe Town Prison Eye!" Su Jin opened his eyebrows and turned directly to Meng Meng's body.

He wanted to see what happened during this period——

Excited! disturbed! Su Jin saw Xiao Yan'er transform into an undead bird, flying out of the bird's nest on the tree of enlightenment, and then landed on the deck.

Moreover, Xiao Yan'er cut a wound and dripped blood on Miss Meng's lips!

"But, why doesn't she wake up? Is it because she is physically alive, but is actually dead?" Su Jin was excited in his heart, but there was also such a worry.

A few tens of meters away, Bi Xun Female Venerable turned her head strangely, and saw Zen Xue walking back, and she actually walked towards Su Jin——

"I'm still looking forward to miracles that will happen to you." Zen Snow Female Venerable's face was clear, but her tone was not emotional, she said calmly.

Su Jin was sitting up with Miss Meng with her arms, letting her head rest in her arms, and hearing the words of the Zen Xuenuo, she couldn't help but respond: "Oh."

"Your six ancestors are at the top. Although it is good and very different from ordinary people, as Pang Chong said, you have stopped here, and you can't make progress."

Zen Xuenu said indifferently: "I can't be loyal to you, and the vast land of Shenzhou can't go with your current cultivation base, and dare not go. Because you have offended the royal family in China."

"What else?" Su Jin clenched his fist silently.

"Because of the Star Life Taoist, you have been given your life, resulting in three months of life, so enjoy the rest of your life--"

After the Zen Snow Woman finished speaking, she turned around and planned to leave here completely and return to the vast land of China.

"Wait~~" Su Jin suddenly stopped the Zen Snow Woman.

The Zen Snow Woman froze immediately, without turning her head, and said, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Shenzhou Haotu, a place with Shentian Haotu?" Su Jin asked.

"Outside it is called Shentian Haotu, Qingni and other surrounding big worlds and Shenzhou monks are called Shenzhou——" Chanxue gave an explanation.

Su Jin was not surprised, and said calmly: "You know why I was taken for my birthday, but didn't you take action against that Star Life Taoist?"

"Any world realm, as long as you don't want to fight with you, you can't keep it." said the Zen Snow Woman.

"I'm not talking about this."

Su Jin suddenly said with an indifferent face: "The Star Life Taoist takes my lifespan, he deserves to die! When I soon become the Six Dao Great Emperor, I must go to other people's place, let him watch me take the life of other people's life. I will give it back a thousand times, ten thousand times—"

The domineering inadvertently revealed.

Anyone who heard it was shocked and suffocated slightly.

"Six Dao Great Emperors? It doesn't exist." The Zen Snow Female Venerable shook her head in an ironic tone, took a step, and disappeared.

Su Jin couldn't help being annoyed.

Now Su Jin suddenly understood that she wanted to use her as a threat before returning the Venerable Zen Snow Woman's oath. This seemed unintentional, but in fact it was very scheming.

In the heart of Zen Xue Nv, he may feel his hope of becoming an emperor with six ways.

However, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. After the ancestor of the Six Dao ancestors, the miracle did not happen, and he did not become the Great Emperor of the Six Dao.

Stop here!

Su Jin was silent, put away the Nine Elephants Flying Boat, held up the Meng Girl in the waist, and walked towards the King of Earth Store——

"The blood of that phoenix can't save her." The Ksitigarbha king knew what Su Jin meant, and he said without waiting for him to ask.

"Brother Jizo, you still have a chance to chant for her," Su Jin said.

"Well, I can only go back and save it with all my strength." Ksitigarbha nodded.

"Tang Yingjiao."


The music mm responded, and then he was photographed inside the bone ring. Su Jin turned around, held Miss Dream, opened a void passage, and headed east.

At first, Bixun was still a little hesitant, but she also stepped into the void passage, and finally appeared behind Su Jin on the edge of the bitter sea in the Eastern Region.

"I have returned your freedom, why are you still chasing after you." Su Jin faintly tilted his head and stopped to ask.

The eyes of the Bi Hun lady flickered, she suddenly held out the drop of oath blood, knelt down and said: "Please take my master back, and the slave servants are willing to serve the master forever--"

"The female veteran of Zen Xue has already mocked me like that, you and her are the female venerable, why do you still follow?" Su Jin asked in doubt.

"The master will definitely have the opportunity to become the Six Dao Great Emperor, and the slave and maid will not be mistaken." said Bichen.

"It's not a chance, but a must! If I don't become an emperor, I will never see my mother. If I don't become an emperor, the heart of the great world won't die if I become an emperor--"

Su Jin's tone was firm, "If I don't become an emperor, I can only be the Buddha of Life and Death in the Ancestral Realm, and I may never wake up from a dream."

You can't trust the Ksitigarbha king to wake up the dream girl, you have to plan with two hands.

If Su Jin, the King of Life and Death, becomes the emperor of Buddha, it would be easy to rescue Meng Mai!

"When does the master feel confident to make a breakthrough?" Bi Hun asked with a trembling heart feeling Su Jin's infinite belief.

"Within half a month!"

Su Jin is not sure, but he will try everything. He is most dependent on the "Enlightenment Tree". The next day of the Enlightenment Tree is equivalent to ten years of work. He does not believe that there is no breakthrough!

The Bi-Hun lady smiled very well, silently stopped talking, and crossed the Nai River with Su Jin.

Soon, the Ksitigarbha king drove the colored boat and fell by the Nai River, and then transmitted a voice message, ordering the Sanshang Ghost King and others to set up ten thousand life-saving lamps, and he would chant sutras for the dream girl——

Su Jin was very worried, he didn't know, whether Ms. Meng could survive!

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