My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2058: Has he arrived yet? (2/5)


Su Jin slowly shook his head, ignoring the audience, those eyes that looked like a monster.

The old butler, Zhang Rong, made the same mistake by giving himself to Su Jin as a sandbag. Then where can Su Shao find such an expert who trains him?

"Wow, that's amazing, big brother, my name is Tantai Yudie, what's your name?"

The Fox face girl was surprised with incredibleness, looked at Su Jin with joy and took the initiative to tell her name.

But who would have thought that Su Jin's expression was even more weird, turned his head and pulled Xia Yuyan's hand, ignored Tantai Yudie, turned and left.

In the case of everyone watching.

Su Jin and Yuyan's wife said, "Let's find a place to stay."

"Are you not signing up?" Xia Yuyan asked with a surprised expression.

"No report, wait for someone to invite." Su Jin shook his head.


Xia Yuyan blinked, and the corners of her mouth curled up, wanting to remind Su Jin to keep a low profile when going out, and if he hit someone else, still want someone to invite?

In fact, Xia Yuyan misunderstood. Su Jin said that waiting for someone to invite was not from the Dachang Mansion, but someone else.

Pulling his wife, Su Jin began to walk to the other side of the spacious under many admiring eyes.

But when I walked, many people heard the conversation.

"The eldest lady is talking to you, why do you ignore them?" Xia Yuyan felt that Su Jin had a lot of problems.

"The people in Dachang Mansion are all mentally ill--" Su Jin said without evasiveness.

"Huh? Sick?" Xia Yuyan was puzzled.

"Well, I'm very sick, you see, I beat her family and demolished her house, she also praised me for being great, let's stay away from this kind of beauty--" Su Jin's voice.

Those who did not register successfully:...

People passing by:...

All speechless.

Tantai Yudie's beautiful girl's body, like a delicate flower bud with dew drops in the morning, was swayed by the wind, she was shaking!

"—" Tantai Yudie stomped fiercely in the same place, with expressions of helplessness all over his face, co-author Su Jin ignored her, saying that she was sick!

What a **** little brother, no matter how Tantai Yudie thinks, he can't let him go.

Of course, there were still many people on the scene who felt that Su Jin was rampant.

But the so-called rough words are not rough, if you think about it carefully, it is extremely reasonable! How could there be such a thing, the house was demolished, and he still thought of outsiders, and he still looked admiring.

It's not sick, it's spreading!

quickly! The news that the steward of the world realm of Dachang Mansion was hung and beaten by a mysterious ancestor realm was pierced out like wings. The degree of madness is rare in the world.

However, the person involved took his sweet wife on the street in the city, enjoying the scenery and playing in the water, and he didn't dare to call it an issue.

An hour later.

Su Jin brought Xia Yuyan to the best restaurant in this super big city, "Junwanglou"!

Ten thousand Lingjing a day, can be called high-profile luxury! Of course, Su Jin chose the best room and walked to the top floor, only a few steps away, you could have a bird's eye view of the whole city.

On the quaint pavilion, Xia Yuyan was sitting in the pavilion, and the breeze blew her strands of hair. She was admiring the hard-to-reach city view——

"Does it feel like'the deceased's resignation from the Yellow Crane Tower" and the'fireworks going down Yangzhou in March'?" Su Jin asked Xia Yuyan.

Xia Yuyan curled her lips and was about to return to him, but saw that official Su took out the folding fan very ‘unpretentious’.

That folding fan is the ‘Mountain God and Dachuan Picture’ that hasn’t been released for a long time-

"How long are we going to live here?" Xia Yuyan asked.

"I don't know." Su Jin shook his head.

"You are really confident, do people from Dachang Mansion come back and invite us?" Xia Yuyan asked.

Su Jin was stunned, then didn't speak, walked to Yuyan's wife, and reached out to touch Xia Yuyan's forehead, "No fever..."

"Go go!" Xia Yuyan couldn't help holding a smile on her face, pushing Su Jin's hand aside.

"I'm talking about friends. I'm like that in Dachang Palace. It's pretty good if people don't kill them. Do you expect them to invite us?" Su Jin said calmly.

"that's true--"

Xia Yuyan blushed in embarrassment and turned her head. Su Jin's beautiful posture made Su Jin's heart stunned. She only heard her murmur: "No matter how beautiful the scenery is, you will see enough if you see it too much, without the freshness. "

Then, Xia Yuyan's hand was held up by Su Jin.

"I don't think you can read enough, and to are also very'fresh'." Su Jin's face was serious.


Xia Yuyan was helpless in the face of such a nasty husband.

And at this moment, in the not-distant Qingni ‘Wuxian City’.

There are five supreme super cities in the great world of Chennai, and Wuxian City is the top priority.

There was a Taoist priest who captured the seven-color fairy soil.

The foundation is built with ‘seven-color immortal soil’, with Wuxian City erected on it, and a sea of ​​long-lasting clouds laid on it. If this ‘Ching Nie Realm’ is compared to a country, this Wuxian City is definitely an emperor’s existence.

In Wuxian City, a sea of ​​billowing clouds flows slowly around.

The pleasant fairy music did not stop. In the sea of ​​clouds, on a jade ladder, a ‘Xia Carpet’ had been laid early, and there were one hundred and fifty girls in the void, manifesting.

At the front is a woman with thin lips painted with vermilion, a golden phoenix crown on her head, and a bright red tulle skirt, which is so noble and shocking.

The tail of the tulle red dress is so long that it needs to be supported by the female fairy servants fifty left and fifty right.

If Su Jin sees it, she will definitely be shocked, because this woman is an acquaintance, and her style has changed abruptly. It turned out to be the Zen Snow Woman who decided the relationship between master and servant a few days ago!

Rolling the sea of ​​clouds, blocking the earth, on the platform on the jade ladder, a young man is smiling bitterly——

"Forgive me at the time and couldn't recognize you."

Lan Yueya smiled bitterly and hugged her fists, greeted the Zen Snow Female Venerable, and then said: "The seniors such as the "Tantai Dao Venerable" from Junwang City and the "Honghu Dao Venerable" from Haiqingcheng are waiting for you!"

"Have my parents arrived?" The Zen Snow Girl looked at Lan Yueya and asked.

"Here." Lan Yueya nodded.

The Zen Snow Girl no longer looked at the Blue Moon Cliff, and started walking towards the fairy hall above without touching the ground.

Lan Yueya wiped his cold sweat, but saw the Zen Snow Girl walk for about ten meters and stopped--

"Is he here yet?" Zen Xuenu was noble and unparalleled, she did not turn her head, her voice was flat, she did not show any emotion at all.

"Dare to ask...who?" Lan Yueya was shocked, and didn't think of it for a while.

"Su Jin."

The Zen Snow Female Venerable's tone finally fluctuated, as if afraid of Lan Yueya's misunderstanding, she immediately said, "I have nothing to do with him anymore, and he also returned the oath."

"I haven't heard from fellow Daoist Midnight--"

Lan Yueya shook his head and said, he is still used to calling Su Jin as'Mu Ziye', but he feels that something is wrong between Chan Xue and Su Jin.

The Zen Snow Female Venerable was silent, and stood for a while, the edge of her meager vermilion lips, the corners of her lips curled up, and said indifferently:

"He doesn't dare to come..."

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