My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2063: Humiliate me (2/5)

The voice is very rough and full of momentum! Huan Zhao Dao Zun frowned slightly, looked at Su Jin and said, "Let's go and have a look, it's only ten years, I promised."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun is calm on the surface, but in fact he is ecstatic. She can’t wait for a moment to accept disciples. There are so many masters here in recent days. She doesn’t believe that other Dao Zuns are blind--

"Okay, go take a look." Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Yuyan must be returning to China Qincheng.

There is her job there, and the home is there. The reason why Su Jin is like this is because if he dies, this Huan Zhao Dao Zun will definitely follow, and can protect Yuyan's wife for a lifetime.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun did not hesitate, and followed Su Jin out together.

What greeted you was a big man standing on the sea of ​​clouds. This big man was two meters tall, holding a dark battle axe, and his muscles like a snake, and he seemed to be about forty.

"Dududu, my daddy." Tantai Yudie stood on the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, her pretty face full of pride, and the blue moon cliff with wry smiles on her side.

Su Jin looked weird and looked at the two of them--

"Your father?" Su Jin's expression was exaggerated, shocked.

"I called it." Tantai Yudie said the truth with a smile.

"Birth? You have to check it~~"


Tantai Yudie was very proud of it, but she didn't expect Su Jin to say so. One of the things she said was even scolding her mother, so annoying!

Su Jin was still very dignified, the visitor turned out to be Palace Master Dachang, which was completely different from what he had imagined, very sturdy!

"Huan Zhao Dao Venerable." Palace Master Dachang held the battle axe and didn't move much. It was just an accident that this female Dao Venerable made a piece with Su Jin and others.

"I won't interfere with your grudges with him--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun nodded.

After all, Huan Zhao Dao Zun received his disciples from Xia Yuyan, not Su Jin. People in their realm are like that, besides, Dao Zun Tantai is familiar with her in the same realm.

"Okay! Destroy my mansion, beat my servant, I must kill you today!"

Palace Master Dachang obviously exploded his lungs, because now the jokes of ‘Dachang Palace’ are spreading everywhere outside, it is the servant in front of him who caused the instigator!

"Lao Tzu Lao Tzu, are you annoying? I already have a Taoist companion. Don't take advantage of me in Dachang Mansion. It is easy to misunderstand—"

Su Jin calmly glanced at Palace Master Dachang, then winked at Tantai Yudie.

I poke~~~

It is estimated that only Su Jin would dare to say this in the world!

Look now, Palace Master Dachang's face turned black, and even the young lady Tantai Yudie flushed. How could I not understand the meaning of Su Jin's words?

In the end, who has the advantage! I've beaten it back

Lan Yueya was in a cold sweat, and he was in the same world as the truth. In terms of strength and status, Palace Master Dachang's strength was much higher than him, and the most terrifying thing was this Tantai Yudie~~~

What a little witch! Who dares to provoke like this!

Lan Yueya was wiping his sweat, looking sideways at Tantai Yudie, thinking don't go crazy, don't...

Tantai Yudie, whose body is wrapped in an exquisite and luxurious corset, is dressed very purely, her legs stretch out from the skirt, but who cares about this now?

The anger of the little witch finally couldn't be restrained, and it began to erupt!

"Father! Kill this big villain!" Tantai Yudie exclaimed angrily.

Seeing her daughter so angry--

Palace Master Dachang felt distressed, so he danced the battle axe in his hand fiercely, and shouted, "Boy, let's take your life!"

Su Jin immediately took a stiff body, stepped out, crossed his arm, and the Giant Que Sage was holding it in his hand!

"Will there be anything?" Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin in front of him with some worry.

no way! Palace Master Dachang's aura was too strong, and it was fundamentally different from the ordinary world realm. Even Xia Yuyan could see the gap.

Bixun shook her head and said: "Don't look at the rough appearance of Palace Master Dachang, but his thoughts are delicate. His strength is at the peak of the world realm, and he can break through with only one step."

"Then what to do--" Xia Yuyan was startled.

At this moment, attracted by the voice of Palace Master Dachang, there are several halls around, and people are constantly popping up. On the top of Fanghua Hall not far from here, the eyes of the Zen Snow Girl are dim.

It seemed that Su Jin's death was going to be advanced, the Zen Snow Female Venerable thought.


Su Jin's voice disappeared, and he picked up the giant sage soldier and cut it off first, Palace Master Dachang sighed, perfectly blocking it——


Palace Master Dachang, with a crushing momentum, waved his weapon from the unknown source of the secluded giant axe. His shot was extremely fast. Su Jin raised the sword with both hands and directly stopped the axe blade!


Like a kite with a broken line, Su Jin was sent flying by the majestic force!

During the practice of suffering, Su Jin vomited blood twice. It was the result of the decrease in lifespan, let alone fighting with others now, and he could not win all world realms!

"You are hurt, and Shouyuan has dried up too--" Palace Master Dachang stood in the void, frowning suddenly. In his realm, hitting the ancestral realm is called bullying, and it will make people laugh.

And Su Jin is still in this miserable situation.

"So what!" Su Jin wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, not weaker than the other's momentum.

"I will not deceive your little ancestor. You are now kneeling down in front of my daughter, begging her for forgiveness, and I will let you go!" Palace Master Dachang shouted.

Killing the ancestral realm is still a serious wound to the ancestral realm, and Palace Master Dachang can't afford to lose that face!

Kneeling his daughter?

Begging for forgiveness?

Su Jin's eyes immediately turned red, and his whole body was full of murderous intent. Why did he go against the sky? It was not that his cultivation was against the sky, but that he did not succumb to oppression and did not conform to the way of heaven!

Why is there so much oppression in the world, only because I am too weak and others are strong--

There are no less than three hundred emperors around! Su Jin red eyes, his brain is blank, he sees a pair of mocking faces, even the Zen Snow Female Venerable is shaking his head triumphantly!

There is a famous saying: He makes him strong!

But Su Jin didn't recognize this sentence, he made me stronger! Kneel her daughter? He could not kneel for such humiliation and deception!

Su Jin has never been so angry, the words hurt the most and hate him the most—

After sweeping the sarcastic faces, Su Jin looked at the face of Palace Master Dachang again.

On the surface, Su Jin did not speak and did not agree, but in his heart he was muttering to himself: "My way is the strongest way! The same is true of my six ways—"

A touch of bright wisdom appeared in Su Jin's eyes.

The Buddha of the King of Life and Death: I was born crying, crying and being born, I appealed to the difficulty of being born, but from the moment of birth, he is moving towards death! So cherish it!

Good fortune and longevity is personal good fortune, longevity is a dream, but the individual is good fortune, you need to work hard to change!

Ghost King! The heavens are enemies, but whoever is a king will conquer the heavens and will not change his belief until death!

Vulcan Road, the extreme wildfire, I hope I can burn everything and burn any corner of the world!

Sword Body Holy Way! The sword is a murder weapon, and swordsmanship is a murderous trick! And to enter the emperor with the Eucharist is to strengthen the physique, in order to be more perfect to kill——


I want to become a demon, to kill and stop killing!

This is my way, the way to go by the six great emperors!

Su Jin’s instant epiphany, the realm that has not been broken for a long time, unexpectedly appeared a little loose-

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