My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 207: Relationship crisis

"What to look at!" Xia Yuyan stared at him and said.

"You are my wife, don't you look at whom?" Su Jin asked frivolously in a rogue tone.

"Go away, watch your little wife go!"

"Really? Then I'm going!"

"You... if you dare to go, don't come back to sleep in the future!"

"I'm still an eldest wife, I just love being jealous." Su Jin didn't want to fight with her, and didn't know what a woman's mind was. This mood was the same as the weather, and I didn't understand it!

Seeing Su Jin walk into the bathroom, Xia Yuyan's dissatisfaction in her eyes grew thicker and stronger, she pulled the thin blanket and lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

After taking a pleasant bath, Su Jin hummed an unknown song and walked out.

Soon, he saw Xia Yuyan, who didn't know whether he was asleep or not, lying on his side. He turned his eyes and came to the side where he was sleeping. After lying down, he hugged Xia Yuyan's body into it. In his arms.

But never thought that this girl actually broke free.

It seems that my wife is angry!

"Wife, you haven't slept yet?" Su Jin tried to control the situation on his side, and asked with a weird smile.

Xia Yuyan did not respond.



"What on earth do you want to do!" Xia Yuyan was speechless, this guy has something wrong, he is so bold!

"I just want to yell twice, so why don't you let me hold it?" Su Jin asked.

"No why!"

"It seems that our relationship is in crisis."

"You..." Xia Yuyan then said angrily: "If there is no emotion, how come the crisis?"

"But why did you hold me every night before?"

"That's because I fell asleep! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"My wife, don't be like this. It's not right for men to use violence. If you are a woman, it is even more wrong to use violence." Su Jin said lightly.

Xia Yuyan has nothing to say about Su Jin’s best quality. Recently, I don’t know why, but he always cares about this guy’s every move, including every time he goes out at night when he comes back, he wonders if this guy has a new love after going out. , How can she fall asleep? It can almost be said that every day after the big slacker Su Jin falls asleep, she sleeps, but this guy doesn't know it!

Seeing that Xia Yuyan did not respond, Su Jin smiled and said, "Wife, it seems that we really have to talk about our relationship. Let's talk about it."

"How to cross heart?" Xia Yuyan couldn't help but weakened when the resistance was fruitless.

"Look, tell the true thoughts in your heart. I am a man, but I am not as complicated as your women. So, say it boldly. It will feel better." Su Jin said.

"What do you want to know?"

"do you like me?"

Xia Yuyan said in an angry voice: "I don't like it!"

"Why? I'm so handsome. Few women don't like me. If that's the case, it can only mean one thing." Su Jin said softly in a serious tone.

"what's up?"

"You are sick."

"You are sick! Your whole family is sick!"

Xia Yuyan is going crazy. Although she usually has a cold face, everyone who knows her knows that her heart is still very soft. For example, when managing a company, many employees have difficulties, and she can help as appropriate. Because he was forced to be with him, he actually said he was sick!

"I'm the only one, so why come to the whole family? If you really want to sum it up, aren't you, Yunxi, and the old husband all your own family members? Wife, you said you are not sick, and even your own family members scolded them. Come on." Su Jin asked.

Xia Yuyan suddenly lost her temper, and then she said softly: "You let me go first, let's talk together."

"I actually feel good like this. Do you want to face each other? Okay, I will fulfill you." Su Jin gave Xia Yuyan a weird smile, and then the two of them faced each other. Of course, there was still some distance. Hug completely.

"I ask you, do you feel shameless?" Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin, her eyes full of helplessness.

Su Jin hesitated, and after looking at each other, he nodded and said, "I always feel that I am toothless..."


Xia Yuyan couldn't help laughing, and said: "You fucking!"

She was in such a state that Su Jin was dumbfounded. His face was full of dementia, and he said dumbly: "My wife, you laughed. You also scolded someone."

In contact with Xia Yuyan, Su Jin has never seen Xia Yuyan behave like this, perhaps, this is also a good thing for her, because she may have been under too much pressure before and often have troubles. In addition, after her mother appeared that incident, she naturally changed her original temperament. Anyway, he felt that Xia Yuyan was like this now!

"Forget what happened before, if you want me to accept you, now I must abide by my terms." Xia Yuyan said.

"What conditions?" Su Jin put his hand on her shoulder, and from time to time he picked up the temple near her ear, asking curiously.

"Sever ties with your little wife." Xia Yuyan snorted.

"My wife, you are so cruel." Su Jin looked at her helplessly, "Actually, you also know that it's impossible."

"How impossible!"

"You think, now you tell me to sever ties with her, so if in the future a woman who is more beautiful than you and even the best asks me to sever ties with you, what would it be like for you? This is not my style." Su Jin said.

This is what he said in his heart. Although Susan may be with him for some purpose, sometimes, this girl is actually quite good. At least, the woman may change, in case she really falls in love with herself in the future. , Isn't he a grudge? Besides, her chastity has been given to herself, and she is totally unhappy in her heart.

"Hmph, you can talk."

Xia Yuyan's tone was also weak. She found that she couldn't talk about him at all. At this time, she naturally knew what kind of embarrassing situation she was in. Anyway, this guy has Susan's wife outside. It's like a thorn, sticking in her heart, and sometimes it feels uncomfortable to think about it, and she herself doesn't know why this happens, do you really like this nasty ghost? Otherwise, why would I have such ridiculous thoughts?

In fact, Xia Yuyan’s impression of Su Jin has changed a lot, and it can even be described as earth-shaking. From the beginning of the prison, that is, a worthless prisoner, to the existence of Qincheng’s major powers, he can be regarded as a big man. , What makes him feel deeply is the previous signatures.

Everyone knows that while Park Yoona was working, it was impossible to sign, maybe only this time for Su Jin, but he did it, and it seemed as if it was not difficult.

"Thank you for the compliment, I have always been strong." Su Jin smiled and said, "If there is nothing wrong, let's rest."

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