My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2085: One more roasted whole beef!

first timing.

After seeing the sight, Su Jin couldn't help but trembled. This thorny ball bud seemed to take the "one step beyond the world" to the extreme.

The inside of the flower bud is in the state of pink stone flesh, with a trace of cyan lines on the edge, and the vine connection, there are continuous yellow silk brilliance condensed into the air——

In the void not far from Su Jin, an oval goose yellow silkworm cocoon resembled a demon inside.

"Who are you~~~" In the yellow cocoon, a cowardly female voice asked in a low voice.

"Uh, my name is Su Jin, what is your name?"

Su Jin really shook his heart. Judging from the cocoon, this should be a kind of strange fire. He could already feel the gradual burning heat, but he really didn't expect anyone inside to speak.

"I do not know you."

"Of course you don't know me, because we just met for the first time--" Su Jin directly felt that the other party had a problem.

"What's your name~~"

"I..." Su Jin almost bit the tip of his tongue. He thought he was not inferior in every aspect of his speech, but the girl in the cocoon made him suffer.

Soon, Su Jin communicated with Liu Changjia in the bone ring, "What do you think? I felt very pure fairy power in her——"

"It's a kind of flame, and it's also a very peculiar fairy fire... Qinghu Xianyan." Liu Changjia was very surprised when he saw this. The blurred and intoxicating Goose Huangxianyan had a quiet and gentle feeling.

"I think so, this female voice should be Fire Spirit." Su Jin was a little embarrassed.

"Well, it should be the fire spirit that has just been born, and the wisdom is still in the ignorant stage—"

"I will enlighten it."

Su Jin raised his sleeves and felt the heavy responsibility. Facing this fairy flower, he felt no less than facing a tough battle, and immediately he said loudly, "Sister Huoer, follow me, and help me become a master of Fire God. , Your life will not be lonely in the future!"

"My name is Huo'er?"

"Yes, you will be called Huoer from now on!"

"I do not go……"


Su Jin was stunned again, immediately he had an idea, and said loudly: "You make friends with me and help me with the Vulcan Dao, which will do you a lot! And my daughter is the immortal king of good fortune! You can pass on your unparalleled immortality in the future! "

Although it's just a guess, Su Jin can almost determine that Sakura is the reincarnation of the Immortal King Good Fortune, and even if it is not, she will raise her face first and bluff people.

"What is the Immortal King of Good Fortune——"

"Wa, you don't even know the good luck fairy king? She is the same age as you, I am her father! Her father! She can play with you in the future."

Su Jin was almost losing his mind. The female voice in the cocoon of the fire spirit was like a white board in mahjong, clean and scary.

"I~~~ don't go."


Su Jin staggered, his blood pressure soared three hundred and eighty, and there was always a girl who wanted to **** him off when he was seriously injured, and then he said again: "I am the Great Six Dao!"

Don't go!

"I can sing!"

Don't go!

"I still have the tree of enlightenment!"

Don't go!

"I can take you to eat snacks all over the world, drink fine wine and immortal brew!" Su Jin said weakly at random.

"I promise you, your words count--" Huo'er made a sly tone in the cocoon.

Su Jin:...

Routine see Routine again, isn’t it just a food? Su Jin's current wealth, is still afraid that he can't support a hot girl? Now it is the origin of immortal fire, which can promote its own Vulcan Dao, nothing is more important than this!

Su Jinpan sat down, raised his hand and extended his index finger, expecting in his heart——

Strands of goose yellow silk patterns stretched out and wound around Su Jin's index finger.

Su Jinhu's body was shocked.

His whole body was radiant. He already had two types of Red Lotus Purifying Fire and Sky Hell Fire. Now he added ‘Qinghu Immortal Yan’. This kind of fairy fire is just like this fire’s character.

The cowardice is getting more and more pressing. If someone is swept by this kind of immortal fire, they may not be aware of anything at the first time, but the next few seconds will definitely pay an extremely painful price!

"So strong! My Vulcan Way is so strong—"

Su Jin directly felt his own Vulcan Dao's help, which obviously increased a lot. The three kinds of strange fires accumulate the "Fire Eye Golden Eye", and he feels that he can see farther!

Pulling the cocoon, until the essence of the fairy fire has been harvested and refined, a seven or eight-year-old girl in a yellow skirt is revealed. She is bare ankles and looks at Young Master Su with wide eyes.

Su Jin trembled in his heart.

The eyes were a little moist, the little girl plunged him into memories, thinking of Lita, the lord of the white bear, that girl blocked a blow for him, and was descended by the holy world to the divine residence on Lavril, stabbed to death——

Once, Su Jin checked Huang Quan's notes, but Rita was only in fragments. He didn't know when he could bring her back to life, and that girl liked to wear purple skirts.

"Take me to eat delicious food, Princess Huo'er is not picky about eating." Huang Qiu Huo'er said in a negotiating tone with her arms crossed, shaking her head slowly.


Su Jin felt that the Immortal Dao among the six realms had also grown, and he immediately rejoiced in Longyan.

The yellow skirt Huo'er pouted her mouth and inhaled directly at the surrounding area. When even seeing the surrounding area began to be visible to the naked eye, it wilted and the whole vine collapsed as a result, and finally turned into powder and disappeared.

"There will always be a smell." Huang Qiuhuo's mouth clicked, seemingly unbearable.

Su Jin twitched at the corner of his mouth. How did he feel that he underestimated the girl's IQ? Let's say yes, are you not picky eaters?

Although there was some anxiety in his heart, Su Jin was still more happy than worried. He took Huo'er's hand, and then stepped out of the "Xianyao Xian Step"!

Everyone has been waiting for a long time, but in fact it took a lot of time. Let's go back and forth!

"Brother Midnight--" Lan Yueya was taken aback when he saw Su Jin coming back.

Xia Yuyan and the others also stared wide-eyed. How long has it been before Su Jin brought a little girl back!

Only Huan Zhao Dao Zun and Bi Hun Nu Zun saw the real situation for the first time, and there was a burst of envy in their eyes.

"Well, is it a brother?" Su Jin asked Lan Yueya in a low voice.

"Of course, what's the point!" Lan Yueya is very bold now.

"Borrow, borrow some spirit crystals." Su Jin Kuang Khan.

He has a total of less than 20,000 spirit crystals, which is still in stock a long time ago, and it has been spent for such a long time. Now let’s raise this princess Huoer well, let’s talk about it. A penny stumps the heroic man——

Blue Moon Cliff:...

What about eating and living?

After all, it’s Brother Midnight, he hasn't taken care of his food, he's got a handful of wool!

"Yes! All the expenses during this period are mine! I have covered it!" Lan Yueya immediately said boldly.

"Large! What you said--" Su Jin nodded immediately, and began to introduce "Huo'er" to everyone, and pointed out its identity as the fire spirit of "Qinghu Xianyan".

Although Su Jin's injury did not improve, but fortunately he was already awake, Huan Zhao Dao Zun directly used a transfer technique and directly manifested in a long-distance teleportation formation.

Soon, Huaxia Outland.

"One more roasted whole cow!" Su Jin's voice.

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