My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2101: Afterwards!


Bai Ying's face was flushed red as if she had just been by the stove.

The Biyu female veteran looked at Bai Ying as she walked, her eyes rolled slightly, and then she went to her ears, said something in her ear, and then smiled and left them time.

Bai Ying's face turned redder, and she walked in the door.

"Teacher Bai, please sit down." Su Jin walked to the table, grabbed the cup with one hand, and poured two cups of hot tea.

"Listen to Sister Bihu, saying that you have not healed from a serious injury--" Bai Ying asked cautiously, holding the cup of tea in both hands.

"There are rivers and lakes everywhere, injuries are commonplace." Su Jin smiled and shook his head slowly.

"I am the remnant of the Lingyue Empire, why did Teacher Midnight help me?" Bai Ying explained her intention.

"It's such a coincidence. Just when I came, your former orphan was picked out. Why not yesterday, the day before yesterday? It's just today?" Su Jin looked at Bai Ying and asked.

"This—" Bai Ying said hesitated.

"So you don't use it to thank me, because I can't help you at all, maybe I should say sorry to you." Su Jin took a sip of tea and said lightly.

Su Jin didn't look at Bai Ying closely when he was fighting Lingyue National Master beforehand. Now she is settled down in the room. This look at her, it is incredible!

The thin snow-white nightdress, without any restraints on the upper body, was completely in the most natural state. The whole figure faced Su Jin in such a way that deeply made him feel a very subtle aesthetic taste.

It was beautiful and beautiful, and a wooden table was so big. The distance between the two was very close. Su Jin smelled the scent as he breathed, and he even forgot the taste of the tea.

Bai Ying noticed Su Jin's gaze and turned her head, "When you came this afternoon, did you doubt me--"

"Naturally." Su Jin stretched out his hand.

Bai Ying instinctively wanted to dodge, but she still froze, and when he lifted the temples of her ears with her hands, a crescent mark appeared there.

"When the national teacher came to ask for me, you would know that I was the orphan from the previous dynasty, so I made the move?" Bai Ying asked smartly.

"The more you are, the more you are, the crescent under your ears can naturally prove it. At first, I was just skeptical, not sure." Su Jin said truthfully.

One after another, I chatted with a half-zhuxiang, and the scene fell into an awkward silence for a while——

Before Bai Ying finally left, she wanted to say nothing but her ears were hot and red, and she still couldn't speak, so she bid farewell and went downstairs to the house.

Su Jin frowned, and when the Bi Xun woman entered the room, he asked, "What did you say to Teacher Bai in the first place?"

"Yeah, I didn't say anything--" Bi Hun female respect pretended not to understand.

"Speak." Su Jin's face was unhappy.

"The slave family just said that the master had not healed from a serious injury, and Shuang Xiu could help him heal his injuries." Bi Xun female veteran told the truth.

Su Jin:...

I have never seen such a scheming woman, and can even talk to Bai Ying such things. God knows what people should think? No wonder, Bai Ying's expression was flustered when she left, very abnormal.

The dilapidated old building, the two red candlesticks twinkling in the window, were wiped out by the Bichen-

Soon, there were some strange movements in the room, as well as the laughter of Lady Biyu.


late at night.

In Yingtian Academy, thousands of miles away, snow fell quietly in time, in a wooden building in the westernmost part of the Academy.

North room on the first floor.

The mist evaporated the entire room, and a pool of square brocade screens surrounded a pool. Two Miao Qiao maidservants stepped forward and opened a red brocade dress that was ‘painting spring’——

Soon, a snow-white lotus foot lifted from the gap at the bottom of the screen and boarded it. No one could be seen on the screen, until the last two lotus arms were stretched flat, and the girl's true face was revealed after putting on a red brocade skirt.

With willow eyebrows, pigeon nose, thin lips and small mouth, the girl walked to the dressing table and sat down. Two ingenious maids rushed to wipe off the water stains in her hair.

"The young lady is so beautiful, the first beauty in the four major colleges takes a good bath and looks better--" one of the maids laughed.

"Not only is she beautiful, our young lady is also very talented, especially the piano music, no one can match."


The two women were talking. If Su Jin saw this scene, she would definitely feel that this woman was very familiar. It was the girl who was playing the flute and music that she saw yesterday——

At that time, although this woman was blowing and playing flute with her back to Su Jin, her temperament could not be changed. This woman was also the best!

"What are you talking about? I just asked you what you prepared, are you ready?" the girl asked.

"Well, Miss is going to travel far?"

"It's never been so grand--"

The two maids said.

"The dean's grandfather asked me to go to Xifeng City Shenlu Academy tomorrow morning, and invite an emperor realm teacher to come back." The girl didn't understand, watching the situation was quite serious.

"Emperor Realm? Is it the eldest lady?" A maid asked curiously.

Another girl was also puzzled: "We Yingtian Academy, the World Realm teacher and the teacher of the Three Steps of Heaven are not rare, why should we go to Shenlu Academy to invite an Emperor Realm teacher back?"

"I heard that he is a Six Dao Great Emperor, who can match the Three Steps of the Heavenly Dao. I have never seen it, and I deeply doubt it--" the eldest lady said calmly.

"Impossible, the six realms cannot become emperors."


A weird night was spent in constant heavy snow. Early the next morning, the young lady of Yingtian College dressed too much more than usual, and her noble and graceful temperament attracted many men to be stupid.

On this trip, Grandpa took the lead and took her and nine other senior brothers and sisters to Xifeng City together to visit Shenlu Academy, and strive to bring the Six Dao Great Emperor back.

At the gate of the teleportation formation on the high cliff, a group of 11 people stood up, the formations were shining, and then the eleven people disappeared on it, and they went to Xifeng City thousands of miles away!


It was very late last night, and there was a little more tiredness on the sleeping face of Bi Hun.

However, Su Jin left the wooden building early and was stopped by the old dean before he left Shenlu Academy.

"Something is going on with the dean?" Su Jin couldn't help asking curiously when he saw that the old dean was a little nervous.

"Midnight, I received the news from Yingtian Academy last night that they were visiting my Shenlu Academy. I think they came for you. Old man, I still have some savings, you--" the old dean sighed. .

"Yingtian Academy?"

Su Jin's face was calm, and he smiled suddenly: "It's just here!"

"Ms. Midnight, what does this mean?" the old dean asked nervously.

"Set up an account with them." Su Jin looked at the old dean and said, "Don't worry, the dean, I won't go anywhere."

"Hey!" The old dean wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Time is in tension, slowly passing by——

The eldest lady of Yingtian Academy and her party, including the blind dean, soon rushed to the gate of Shenlu Academy.

Knocked on the door knocker--

The gate of Shenlu Academy slowly opened, and the scene that appeared directly across from it was unexpected to everyone! !

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