My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2108: Hundred Ancients

To die--

Is it really that serious?

Outside the ice mountain cave, the hazy snow color began to gradually turn into a green and blue color, and the weird and cautious ‘woo woo’ sound became clearer and clearer!

Su Jin's face is ugly, why would the Forbidden Land shed light? He once experienced once in Zhongmiaoshan outside China, and that time was extremely dangerous. This was the second time!


Under the blanket of snow, the ice layer began to crack, and the shaking of the mountain could be felt by all three people!

"Could it be that..." Liu Xueyi's face was pale, and the nervous atmosphere spread rapidly between the three.


A fairy tomb was shattered by an inexplicable force, the fairy coffin floated, and then stood on the ground, becoming a vertical coffin!

Then two, ten, one hundred, and one thousand vertical coffins were shaken out of the old and new tombs, standing on top of the ice and snow! Under the green and blue light, the falling snow was stained with color, and the treacherous scene made people feel unclear.

"It seems that when the ghost king's essence was just revealed, he got into trouble." Su Jin's expression returned to normal.

Guessing often confirms the facts, especially Su Jin's own speculation, there is even more possibility, otherwise it would definitely not be such a coincidence.

"This is the legend of the Eternal Death Tribulation Light. No creatures are allowed to exist before dawn. We need to quickly escape from the Forbidden Land!" Liu Xueyi said nervously.

"Scourge--" Helianbeibei's expression in an instant was extremely cute, far beyond the feeling she had given Su Jin before.

But now is not the time to appreciate the beauty, Su Jin shrugged, "It's man-made, how to escape? The entire forbidden area is sealed, and it is difficult to walk the long road."

"What shall we do?"

On the contrary, Liu Xueyi was the second person to calm down. She should have died, but she was buried. She was rescued by Su Jin. She was fearless!

"If you come, you can go out and have a look." Su Jin made up his mind.

"I'll be with you." Liu Xueyi inexplicably believed in this first-time man with the body of a ghost king.

"Hey, hey, it's kind of fun, but it's so cold outside, I want to change clothes, don't look back, big bad guy!" Helian Beibei felt that going outside should be very exciting, so she shouted.

Su Jin:...

Liu Xueyi:...

After Helian Beibei said ‘okay’ in the corner, Su Jin turned his head.

Helian Beibei changed into a "cloud silkworm treasure", a snow-like dress. It took 800 years to make this treasure, and it was a birthday gift from her mother.

Yunsibaoyi can greatly isolate the heat and cold, except that the neckline is slightly lower, and the waist of the skirt is almost at the position of the belly button, there is a kind of detached temperament when wearing it——

Because it was a gift from his mother, and it was very precious, Helian Beibei rarely wears it!

"Nutrition is a little too much." Su Jin looked at her upper body, and said in a daze with a layer of snowy brilliance on her jade arm.

"Whatever you think, as long as you don't hold me and my baby, you can look at it anyway!" Helian Beibei flushed, but put her hands behind her back, straightened her waist, and twisted her waist slightly.

Liu Xueyi's expression suddenly became puzzled.

These two have a story!

Su Jin wasn't embarrassed. He originally bound Helian Beibei to come here. He really had that plan, but as the contact got longer and longer, he found that this sister Zhiye was a little bit wild, but her character was not bad.

So that thought was born directly in the bud, and extinction is also in the bud.

"Let's go--" Su Jin scanned the two women and found that each had its own temperament.

Then the three of them stepped out of Bingshan Cave House.

The cold wind was rustling, the wind was a bit bigger than it was just now, and the snow was like fine dust. The three of them were walking on the snow, and the cracks of different length and width on the ground clearly appeared in the field of vision.

The three of them approached a coffin. When the green and blue light descended from the Forbidden Land, the lid of the coffin on the ground was opened by mysterious power.

"It's terrible, so terrible!"

Helian Beibei hides behind Su Jin and hugs his waist nervously. It is inevitable that there will be skin-to-skin contact, but compared with the horrible situation, Witch Beibei obviously doesn't care.

The coffin in front of me has a yellow sauce-colored texture and a normal size. In the standing state, the body of the coffin is a middle-sized woman with a green temple.

Suddenly, the eyes of the woman's body opened directly!


Su Jin couldn't help but scolded.


Liu Xueyi chuckled in her heart, stepped back a few steps, without a trace of blood on her face.

"Brother Midnight, your shadow..." Liu Xueyi discovered the situation when she stepped back a few steps.

Helian Beibei instinctively lowered her head and looked up to the ground, again screaming again and again!

The shadow of the bad guy Midnight is lost!

"Making a fuss." Su Jin didn't mind, he didn't even look at the ground. This situation was normal. He didn't have a shadow under the catastrophe.

"It is said that under the calamity light, people without shadows will die in the calamity. Don't think that Brother Midnight is okay, be careful about everything." Liu Xueyi said.

"This is not my first experience of Jieguang. I am a cultivator against the sky. God wants to accept me. Naturally, he will use these scare methods to scare you--" Su Jin said disapprovingly.

"Eh? Not the first experience!"

Liu Xueyi felt that this was beyond his cognition, maybe it was because of the monk who was against the sky, as Su Jin said.

"I don't believe it. People with shadows may die, but those without shadows will die, Sister Xueyi, let's abandon him and find a way out!" Helian Beibei said.

"In short, be careful. The Hundred Ancients Forbidden Land is very mysterious. It is the closest place to 33 days. At the end, there is a climbing platform. There used to be thousands of powerful people who climbed there for 33 days." Liu Xueyi said.

"Because of climbing the rooftops, are burials here so popular?" Su Jin was very clever, asking directly out of guesses.


Liu Xueyi nodded, "It is rumored that the method of burial in the ancient forbidden area is very particular. We can only be regarded as the periphery at present, and no one can avoid the death bridge if we go inside."

"Dead Bridge?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"I heard that strangers walk on the bridge of death and can see the scene of the first and last lives, which symbolizes the complete end of themselves." Liu Xueyi said.

"Well, then I should go take a look!" Su Jin developed a keen interest.

What Su Jin wants to know most is who he is, and he only knows that this is his last life. If he does not succeed, he will cease to exist and cannot be reincarnated.

"Princess Beibei will accompany you on the adventure!" Helianbeibei took the courage and said with courage.

Su Jin turned his head, looked at the excitement gleaming in her eyes, nodded and said:

"Go! Go inside, go up the death bridge—"

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