My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2110: Sudden crisis

What can i see?

In the last life, Su Jin already knows who he is in the first life is what he wants to know most. Everything starts as a cause and everything ends as an effect.

Three thousand generations cycle, what is the question, is it just asking that simple?

The snow is unimpeded, the footprints on the ice and snow, the new snow is added after walking, and the death bridge is not far away, but the lonely back in the air, the steps are very solid and firm.

"Fate Gourd" was taken out by Su Jin, poured down, and released Liu Xueyi and Helian Beibei——

"What about the birds?" Helian Beibei asked with a pale face.

"Right—" Liu Xueyi looked around, her expression very nervous, for fear that the strange bird that symbolized the unknown would appear again.

Su Jin looked left and right on the two women, and said: "Take it, play as a toy."


Su Jin's voice was calm, Liu Xueyi stared at him blankly, her face was full of shock, this kind of fancy operation, the two women did not expect at all, when they were released, the two women thought they were driven away.

Who knows, Su Jin actually took the "No Bird" as a toy as a bird pet——

"Sister Xueyi, let's not believe him. You can't believe the big bad guy." Helian Beibei woke up from a daze and shook his head repeatedly.

"Ha ha."

Su Jin smiled and stretched out his hand, rubbed her head vigorously, and messed up her hair, before she said softly under her staring, unrestrained expression: "It's important to go to the Death Bridge now, let's go."

The release of the two women naturally made them look at it, anyway, it can't come in vain. As for whether what you see is good or bad, he doesn't care about it. Don't let Helian Beibei criticize him again.

Hear the point.

Helian Beibei and Liu Xueyi suddenly raised their heads and looked at the magnificent paper bridge more than ten miles away. The corpse pulp river with many tributaries was still there, which made the two women feel a little conflicted.

There were two more people to accompany on Fengxue Road.

The feet of the three of them are fast, just over a dozen miles away, stopping in front of the'Death Bridge', there are many strange whirlwinds, mixed with wind and snow appearing——

There is weirdness in the mystery.

It is said that I can see the first and last lives on the bridge, but that only exists in the legend. I didn't board it personally. I saw it with my own eyes, and no one knew what would happen when I went up.

Suddenly, Su Jin opened his eyebrows "Mohe Town Prison Eye".

Suddenly the tiger's body was shaken--


In the corpse pulp river below the death bridge, red shadows formed lines, one by one weird existence, turning into a whirlpool, constantly making strange and weird sounds, which were light or heavy, or shrill.

That is the kind of terrible cry that makes ordinary people feel flustered and fearful!

At the bottom of the corpse pulp river, at the bottom of the center of the whirlpool, three earthen jars were placed, half a knee high, with sauce-colored red glaze, revealing the breath of endless vicissitudes.

It seems ordinary, but it is hard to figure out!

On the north side of the three earthen jars, a mysterious spine with bone scales stretches into the distance. Every bone scale on it is in the shape of a horseshoe print. I don't know what it is.

"To the north, the northernmost direction of the Death Bridge, it should be the 33-day Tiantiantai, and that spine should be the monstrous beast bone that propped the Tiantai." Su Jin said in surprise.

"What did Brother Midnight see?" Liu Xueyi asked curiously.

"There are tens of thousands of monsters at the bottom of the river, and some unpredictable things have been released." Su Jin said lightly.

"Ah~~~ such a dirty river, who will let it go down!" Helian Beibei was so nauseous that she couldn't stand it. Although she couldn't smell anything, she looked disgusting.

"Before the death bridge, you can't talk nonsense." Liu Xueyi looked at Helian Beibei with some fear in her heart.

As the saying goes, the more you know and the more you are afraid, the more you will be afraid. Liu Xueyi's book on Antiquities and Bizarre and I don't know how many, obviously, he understands the bridge of the dead.

"No speech, no speech—"

Helian Beibei hurriedly placed the tip of the five fingers of her palm on Ying's mouth, shut up.

Su Jinning frowned and said softly: "If I can't find the answer to the death bridge, maybe in 33 days, I can find what I want to know, and I can't say I have to go to the rooftop."

"Huh?" Liu Xueyi was taken aback.

"God deceives me, the common people regard me as a great enemy. If you want to get rid of it quickly, you will not tolerate me. If there is a God, if I have a chance, I want to question it, why treat me like this!" Su Jin was cold in front of the death bridge. Said the voice.

Question God?

Liu Xueyi was stunned again and said everything. She can't talk nonsense in front of the death bridge. Why did she think that Su Jin was a thousand times bolder than Helian Beibei and said this kind of thing.

But thinking about it can make sense, Su Jin himself is a cultivator against the sky, what can he avoid?

"Brother Midnight is obviously a person with a story--" Liu Xueyi had to say so.

"Do you know what that silly bird said at the end?" Su Jin smiled.

"How did you say it?"

"It said that if I walked on this bridge of death, I would be turned into ashes. If it weren't for it to be a little capable and help me, I would like to burn it with a fire." Su Jin hummed.


Liu Xueyi was as horrified as turning over the river, and it seemed that Su Jin had really taken the ‘Fuck Bird’.

"Let's go, let's stand up and take a look. Now that the Great Tribulation of the Eternal Annihilation is still there, we can't wait until dawn!" Helian Beibei said a little disturbed.

"Yes, there is not much time." Liu Xueyi became curious about Su Jin, but now is not the time to chat, time is not waiting.

"Go." Su Jin took a deep breath, took the lead in moving his left foot, and walked up.

Liu Xueyi and Helian Beibei naturally wouldn't let this opportunity pass. They didn't care in the first life, but what they should do in the last life is extremely important.

Maybe there was a way to change one's fate against the sky, and it's all possible things.

A man and two beautiful, step by step, according to Liu Xueyi's words, close your eyes and walk to the middle of the bridge, which is the middle of the corpse river, to see—

Fortunately, it's not far.

Su Jin watched the two women close their eyes piously. Although he was puzzled, he still closed his eyes according to Liu Xueyi's words, and opened them when he reached the middle of the bridge. You should be able to see them.

There are about five hundred steps to the center of the Death Bridge. Su Jin calculated it and moved forward.

Ten steps.

Fifty steps.

One hundred steps.

As he walked away, Su Jin felt something wrong. The wind was blowing south, but when he closed his eyes, the wind turned upside down and he clearly felt it.

Under the dim green and blue light, a man and two beauties were walking on the death bridge with their eyes closed, but what the three of them didn't know was that they followed every step they took.

There were many mysterious faces in the void around them. Like facial makeup, the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy were not fully manifested. Except for the sound of the wind, the facial makeup did not make any sound.

Su Jin even had a sense of crisis in his heart--

Finally, something bad happened!

A rusty long sword was condensed out of thin air, and it struck Su Jin's throat in an instant!

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