My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2114: Childish face without brain

The next evening.

Su Jin passed a piece of mainland and noticed the presence of human traces. So far, he was nearly half of the distance from the 33 heavens.

Red and pink clouds of smoke hovered over this unknown continent. The clouds slowly rolled back, but they couldn't block the view. Su Jin was dressed in a hidden dragon garment——

Why do you wear the hidden dragon garment?

Su Jin felt that the few human traces above might have something to do with the thirty-three days. If so, there must be a teleportation formation leading to the thirty-three days!

The trees are towering high and grow sparsely on the plateau. The surface of the soil is brown. The grass is mostly like bird's nest, with small emerald white flowers.

Su Jin watched from a distance in the void, looking at the green lake, and immediately stepping on the Xiaoyao fairy step, falling like a fairy wind.

If you want to go to Thirty-Three Heavens, you naturally have to find people. There are people beside this lake.

A man and a woman are walking along the lake.

The girl has a slender physique, with a height of about 1.68 meters and a purple-red dress. The climate here is warm, with spring seasons and abundant sunlight. The texture of the clothes is a little lighter.

A small bamboo basket hung on her left waist, and a pink lotus tattoo on the corner of her right eye——

The young men were quite ordinary, but their triangular eyes made Su Jin feel a bit sullen, not very pleasing.

"Sister Fengluo, how did you accomplish the mission this time?" The young man stared at the front as he walked, seemingly inadvertently asking about it.

"It's okay, there are only 36 Daoyu left. The'Dragon Blood Tree' has been chopped for a long time. I can't finish it. I will give it to the other senior sisters. Did Brother Beigong see the other seniors when he came? "Li Fengluo asked curiously.

"They are at least three days away from here." Bei Gong Xun said lightly.

"Oh, Master, it is true. Daoyu is only available in the'Tongtian Lake'. It is difficult to catch. I have been busy for two days before I caught nine." Li Fengluo complained.

"Junior sister, I just want to ask you something." Bei Gong Xun suddenly turned to the topic.

"what is the matter?"

"A junior sister said in private that Bai Jianfei had officially proposed a marriage to her master, what do you mean?" Bei Gong Xun asked.

" there anything?" Li Fengluo's eyes widened.

"Absolutely! It was half a month ago, Junior Sister! Who doesn't know about Bai Jianfei's formation of the 72nd palace concubine, you are in the thirty-fifth house, and you will never be happy if you agree to be his concubine and priest!"

"I didn't say yes, it was all the parents' idea—" Li Fengluo couldn't help saying when seeing Senior Brother Beigong's eyes in a hurry.

The air suddenly seemed to freeze.

Bei Gongxun's face was very ugly, staring at Li Fengluo, she took two steps back in fright, and then she was cold for a long time, and said in a tone of word: "So, you know it, and I have been obsessed with you for so long. what--"

"Brother Beigong!" Li Fengluo knew that he had said something wrong.

Bei Gong Xun seemed to have planned for a while, raised his finger, and even waved the main road, sealing the surroundings, his face was full of gloomy smiles.

Su Jin saw now, and slowly shook his head. This girl is called Li Fengluo, right? The ones who should grow, those who should develop are better than other girls, but this brain--

It can be said that it is a childless face?

This Beigong Xun came here completely prepared, and he dared to say that when he was alone.

"Junior Sister! That year, I met you on the ancient road in the setting sun by the side of Yufeng City. My Beigong Xun ignored the opposition of the family and even broke with the family! Enter your Yunjian Mountain!"

Bei Gong Xun smiled sorrowfully, "Dignified Beigong family, there are clan magical skills waiting for me to inherit. Instead of not having none, I went to Yunjian Mountain to practice swords. Your parents never said that I was good!"

"Brother Beigong, calm down—" Li Fengluo was really frightened. When she saw Beigong Xun approaching step by step, she was slowly backing up.

"I want to learn swordsmanship, and asked my master many times for advice, but he kept vetoing me, saying that I was not as good as Bai Jianfei by three points." Bei Gong Xun laughed frantically.

Tears came out of laughter.

Bei Gong Xun's figure suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Li Fengluo, fingers like steel claws, picking up sister Fengluo's neckline material--

"Brother!!" Li Fengluo cried out in fear, never expected such a bad situation.

Bei Gong Xun's strength is almost reaching the world level, only half a step away, where is Li Fengluo's opponent!

"I have got you, I will behead you, desperate for the world, and fly far away! When my Beigong art is successful, I will slaughter you Yunjian Mountain, and I will smash him into pieces!"

Bei Gong Xun was completely insane, and once again rushed to Li Fengluo to hug her——

In a hurry, Li Fengluo didn't know what to do.


A ray of power suddenly pierced through the air, Bei Gong Xun was now filled with desire and hope, and there was no response at all. The ray of power passed through the center of his eyebrows in less than half a second.

A blood hole the size of a soybean appeared on his forehead, and his emperor spirit was shaken out, but it shattered immediately.

Li Fengluo is dull, who? Who helped her at this moment?

The scene fell into a weird atmosphere, and there was no half-person in the field of vision. Everything happened without thinking before.

Bei Gong Xun was beheaded to death, and the person who killed him in a flash was terrifying!

Su Jin was naturally the one who killed Bei Gong Xun!

Originally, Su Jin listened to Bei Gong Xun's past and dedication, and his impression of this person improved, but using such a despicable method to get the woman he wanted, it was not as good as a brute!

If you like a woman but don't like yourself, it is a question of temperament and ability. For example, Su Jin feels that he is quite temperamental and capable.

"Which senior saved the little girl? Can you show up?" Li Fengluo's small hand, tightly holding the bamboo basket at his waist, looked around nervously.

Wearing a hidden dragon robe, Su Jin smiled silently and looked at the ‘Tongtian Lake’ to the side, where there were swarms of willow-shaped Tao fish in the depths.

Why is it called Daoyu?

Every little fish has a kind of Taoist scars flashing on its body, which does not know its magical effect.

"I am the God of Tongtian Lake, I will give you thirty-six Taoyu, and leave quickly—" Su Jin pinched his nose and made a sound.

In the calm Tongtian Lake, a water-shaped giant palm rose up, and the giant palm directly contained thousands of Tao fishes, but in the end it trapped thirty-six Tao fishes and placed them on the lake.

"Ah? Thank you, Brother Lake God——" Li Fengluo's expression relaxed.

All things have spirits, mountains have mountain gods, and lake gods are not uncommon, but for the first time she met someone who helped her like this!

Soon after picking up the fish into the bamboo basket, Li Fengluo bowed to Tongtian Lake in fear, and then turned away.

Su Jin was dumbfounded, really innocent, he believed whatever he said, and soon he followed——

Before long, the night covered the earth.

Not far from a waterfall, a bonfire was burning fiercely on the bank of round pebble. Li Fengluo stood by the water pool, hands under the neckline, and unbuttoned one by one.

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