My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2130: Once raw and second cooked

Xiao Tangtang sat down on the bed, her icy blue hair ends on the bed, listening to her father's words, she couldn't help but look curiously at the bewildered mother.

Start acting?

Li Fengluo's silver teeth squeaked, her delicate and beautiful eyes staring at Shao Su!

This Mu Ziye actually came true? Shameless to the extreme, she is in this situation, this guy should pretend that something is going on and avoid it!

Fuck! This guy wants to make a fool of himself!

Li Fengluo’s face was so exciting in a short time, after a whole day, after the environment of ice and fire, she especially came here, sweating hot--

Want to bathe!

"Together, didn't you say it?" Li Fengluo's aura was a little unstable, but she still stared at Su Jin and refused to lose her momentum.

It's a risk! Don't leave yourself a little back!

Su Jin suddenly turned around and asked Xiao Tangtang to close his eyes and dive into the thin blanket. It was hot during the day, and it was still a little cool in the cave at night——

"Once you are born and then you are familiar, just get used to it, come on! I'll help you!" Su Jin walked behind Li Fengluo, stretched out her hand and flirted with her hair——

The delicate body trembled slightly.

The fragrant smell spread, and Su Jin was still very intoxicated with a ‘um’~~~

smell good!

Finally, Li Fengluo was trembling all over, feeling that domineering and powerful hand placed on her smooth shoulder, slowly...

"Get out!" Li Fengluo suddenly turned around in embarrassment and pushed him out of the door.

"Hey--" Su Jin felt that the atmosphere was completely destroyed, "What's the matter?"

"Go out, you go out!" Li Fengluo pushed him out of the door and closed the door heavily.

She was already weak, Li Fengluo leaned against the door, closed her eyes, and her heart almost jumped out. Although she was separated from the door, she still tilted her head slightly, her heart full of shyness.


Li Fengluo was puzzled, shouldn't she hate this guy? How come there is no hatred at all now? On the contrary, not only did she have no hatred, she was also very nervous.

do not care!

After Li Fengluo confirmed that Su Jin was unlikely to break in, she slowly walked to the tub and pulled the simple and simple curtain across.

The beautiful figure, in the dimmed light, slowly made some pre-bath movements, and finally the lotus feet and feet figured into the cool water, and then the whole person...


Although Su Jin has had his heart, it is not as strong as before. The so-called twisted melon is not sweet. This kind of thing must always be willing.

The deep underground passage stretches for nowhere and extends in all directions. This Jiuchen Continent is still in the heat. Tomorrow he will do his best to help them out.

There are still not small gaps between the door and the door. Su Jin heard Li Fengluo's comfortable sound outside the door, but he felt his body warm up--

Women are trouble!

It took nearly forty minutes before the door opened gently.

Su Jin opened his mouth wide, staring at Li Fengluo who was getting dressed, dumbfounded!

The white satin nightgown is smooth and thin~~

The robe reaches above the knees, and the waist is a waistband with a woven pattern on the waistband. A gem is in front of the belt, which is very dazzling!

Sister Fengluo’s wet hair is a bit free and easy, and she wears two eardrops on her jade ears, which she didn’t have before the bath—

"What do you look at!" Li Fengluo was a little embarrassed, and asked with her hands on her hips.

Su Jin shrugged immediately, ignoring her as she walked in...

In a quiet night, under the blessing of the earth, Xiaotangtang has fallen asleep.

It is very lively outside, and many people choose to travel at night because of the day.

"You are going to stay with me for two months, do you want to stay home for these two months?" Su Jin shook the jar of wine in the evening, there was half a jar, and couldn't help but poured a bowl and tasted it.

The wine of the Qingmu tribe is very strong, very spicy, but very cool!

Li Fengluo sat next to her with her legs tight, took an empty cup, motioned him to pour it on herself, and then said, "No, I hope I can play with him for a hundred years!"

Su Jin curled his lips, helped her pour the wine, and saw her nervousness.

Li Fengluo hugged the lamp and drank fiercely, but soon she covered her small mouth and spit out.

So terrible!

The wine that Li Fengluo drank at home, no matter how bad it is, it has a little sweetness and does not have a spicy voice, but the wine here is not drunk—

Back to the table.

"Drink less, people must have a process of adapting." There is something in Su Jin's words.

Li Fengluo just chuckled softly now, and she felt much better.

"Xiaotangtang is asleep, how should I collect the "Burning World Golden Crow" tomorrow? Are you sure?" Li Fengluo asked.

"Twenty percent sure." Su Jin faintly responded with four words.

"Ah? So low?" Li Fengluo was taken aback.

"It's not low, try for you?"

"Don't look down on people!"

Li Fengluo snorted, adjusted to Jiu Jin, and drank the Chinese wine in one go——

While chatting, the last drop of the two jars of wine delivered was poured into the wine bottle by Su Jin. Looking at sister Feng Luo, his eyes were distraught, and two groups of wine red appeared on the cheek.

"Go to sleep." Su Jin motioned to her.

"I, I can still drink--" Li Fengluo squeezed her drunken posture, and her smile seemed very abnormal.

Su Jin poured two empty wine jars and signaled that it was gone, then drank half of his wine, spreading his hands, "There is no drop, go to bed."

"I'm not that good." Li Fengluo smiled sweetly, and the silly girl's lovely temperament made Su Jin's heart move slightly.

According to Li Fengluo's cultivation base, if she is forced to drink, she will not get drunk at all, but she is not, obviously using this to hide her tension.

Li Fengluo got up, fluttered, and climbed onto the bed. In his dull consciousness, she gently approached Xiao Tangtang, turned her back to Su Jin's direction, and lay down to sleep.

The bed is naturally huge!

There is also room for stretching after sleeping two-

Su Jin looked at that beautiful figure and shook his head, a little clearer.

Late at night~~~

The last bit of resin burned out, the room was completely dimmed, Su Jin's expression was still natural, and he walked slowly to the bed.

sleep? Still not asleep?

Su Jin smiled slightly, remembering that this girl was really fate, he gently stroked Li Fengluo's long hair, her back, even through a layer of nightgown, could feel the beauty of her body.

Go to sleep!

Su Jin lay beside Li Fengluo, facing her back.

Twist it a little closer, get closer!

Finally, Su Jin put his hand on Li Fengluo's waist, covering her lower abdomen with his palm.

The body is trembling~~~


So I didn't fall asleep! A knowing smile appeared on Su Jin's face.

The trembling on Li Fengluo's body was the kind of continuous occurrence.

This guy is terrible!

Ms. Feng Luomei felt fear in her heart, an inexplicable fear in her heart, and said in her heart:

"Are you going to start?"

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