My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2211: Beat into the soil


Su Jin opened his mouth and squirted a **** arrow, his face wilted, but behind the "Da Ming Golden Body", the Six-character Daming Mantra of the Buddha became more and more dazzling, and the Buddha's light was shining!

The sea of ​​blood below was swept away by tyrannical forces, constantly surging with waves, the town demon tower trembling more and more violently, the dazzling red light reflected half of the sky!

Miss Meng shook her head and kept shaking her head. This is not what she hopes to see, but life is often helpless and needs to be faced bravely——


There was a little more expression on Su Jin Buddha's head. It was an angry mood. The Buddha explained his heart, but the ancient Buddha didn't talk about those rules!

With the sound of rumbling, and the heavy rain dimming the scenery, behind Su Jin's ‘Da Ming Golden Body’, an erect roulette wheel surpassed the clouds and reached a height beyond sight!

Liu Se Xia Wei was released on the ‘Wheel of the Secret of Heaven’, and Su Jin’s mighty power burst out!

Su Jin seemed to be crazy, the angry Buddha face lifted up, opened his mouth and roared fiercely——

The resurrection failed before Sword Eleven, but the cultivation base did not grow. He found the heart of the great corpse, so strong, but even so, under the roar of Su Jin, the bone tower was rushed by the power of Guan Xiao!

"What?" Jian Eleven couldn't believe what he saw. He suppressed the bone tower with his big arms, but he couldn't suppress Su Jin. That kind of power couldn't allow him to suppress it anymore.

It can almost be described in one word, destroying the ancients!

"This--" Ji Shiyue was shocked and bloodless. The Su Jin that the Great Venerable was about to deal with looked like the peak of the Emperor Realm, but it was different from other Emperor Realms, and even the Great Venerable couldn't suppress it!

At this moment, Jian Eleven retracted the bone tower, his face was gloomy, looking at the blood-colored demon tower, it was suppressed for four and a half floors, and immediately turned to look at Ji Shiyue.

It seems that only the elder "Science Moon" can kill Su Jin——

Although there were only a few people at the scene, the entire five domains, as well as the mysterious and hidden old guys in the domain, were also paying attention to the land of the red demon tower——

In particular, the cultivators of the Five Regions were shocked and inexplicable at this moment. They did not understand why this change occurred. There were many strong ancestors who revealed the scene of the depths of the Jiuyou Jedi!

"Where did that **** demon tower come from? Is there a record of this demon tower in the history of China Great World?"

In the Mo Family Institution City, Mo Zu's face was solemn, and he waved his hand to manifest that scene on the city. Many monks looked up, their faces moved.

"Mo Zu didn't even speak. It seems that with his qualifications, he can't tell the origin of this demon tower. This is terrifying."

"The rumor has it that it leads to the'unknown world.' Maybe that **** demon tower is not something in my world—"

"Oh my god, Su Tianzi is suppressing the demon tower, and who is that?"

"Gouyue's traitor! Great King Sword Eleven!"

"damn thing!"

Five domains and such remarks are everywhere. Everyone knows that Sword Eleven is doing bad things again. Maybe this time they have come up with some trick to deal with Su Tianzi!

The appearance of this kind of situation alone has caused a sensation in the entire five domains, but it is not the five domains that have caused a huge impact, and even the boundary gate behind the blood tower has made an incredible sound.

That was the Cangjia Mountain non-elder, the guardian of the border. This old man reappeared on the gate, with a stunned face, and said blankly: "This young man, how can he look like the man in the portrait——"

But Su Jin, the person involved, shook back Sword Eleven, but the crisis intensified. The cyan corpse qi rushed out of the corpse, and the ‘Elder Sprite Moon’ in the corpse, like a needle on the back!

But now, most of the power of the six realms is used to suppress the "Blood Demon Tower", even though the "Elder Sprite Moon" is a half-depleted immortal realm, he can't resist it!

Unbreakable death

"Old Ancestor." Ji Shiyue was anxious and couldn't help but reminded.

In the corpse qi, the fingers that looked like withered branches gently protruded, and two faintly bright green eyes appeared in the corpse qi.

"Buddha, it's rare to be able to cultivate to this level, it's rare--" Elder Yunyue's voice is like a demon, and the spy has a female voice, and it sounds like it pierced the heart, which is unbearable.

The fingers were like skin and bones, without any moisture, the fingertips touched the back of Su Jin's "Da Ming Jin Body".

"Ancestor, if the Ji family wants to prosper, the only way to get rid of this person is to take away the worms in his bag. You can quickly kill him!" Ji Shiyue said eagerly.

"No hurry, no hurry, this kid is kind of interesting, huh?"

Elder Yunyue said in surprise, "The ancient aura, he also has the inheritance of the ancient Buddha, amazing!"

When Jian Eleven heard the sound, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. The five flavors were mixed, and it could be said to be sour. In his opinion, Elder Wuyue was aspiring to others and destroying his own power!

"Ancestor, you--" Ji Shiyue was afraid of change, but it was not easy to urge.

The finger shook slightly, and then quickly retracted, as if he had made an extraordinary discovery. After a little silence, Elder Yunyue said in amazement: "The Six Dao Great Emperor! Or the Six Dao Great Emperor who has reached the highest level!"

Ji Shiyue was like a thunderstorm, and her mind went blank. The charming body, softly soft, almost collapsed, without much energy.

You know these are four simple words!

But what does the Six Dao Great Emperor represent to ordinary monks? It goes without saying!

It's no wonder that the Great Lord regarded this Su Jin as a great enemy, and even let himself take the elder "Science Moon", this person is too strong, so strong that people will feel fear when they hear the words Six Dao Great Emperor.

"Huh! If the deity is resurrected, he won't be enough to look at it!" Jian eleven felt sour and his face was very ugly, and said to Ji Shiyue and the elder Wuyue.

"The great natural supernatural power is overwhelming. This son is handed over to me--" Elder Yunyue's shrill voice.

"You are about to cut him!" Jian Shixi said coldly.


Elder Yunyue laughed in the corpse qi, the yin qi of the whole column began to shrink, and the rhyme of longevity Taoism intertwined in it, and finally the whole corpse qi turned into a human form, and the bright green eyes were extremely terrible above.


The blood dragon coiled around the demon tower and began to roar. At the fourth and a half level, the blood-colored talisman was thrown off by inexplicable power, and the entire tower, which was the size of the five mountains, skyrocketed again!

Jian Eleven got the promise of Elder Wuyue, his face was extremely excited, although Su Jin did not die in his own hands, it was a pity, but he could finally achieve his goal immediately and get rid of this confidant worry!

In the distance, in the thick rolling black clouds, under the torrential rain, a stick with a width of ten meters protruded, reaching the extreme speed, before Jian eleven had not reacted...

That stick smashed on the great body!


Jian eleven was severely beaten into the soil!

"Huh! Dare to ask God, you can tolerate the next Heaven-Defying Demon King!"

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