My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2217: Set off!

Ji Shiyue held a dagger across her neck, her beautiful eyes staring at the calm and composed Su Jin, as if she could commit suicide on the spot at any time——

Su Jin walked slowly, did not stop, but said: "Die, I will not let me go if I die? Did you do it?"

What should Su Jin do with this woman?

How to feel sympathy for her?

Su Jin doesn't have any feelings with her, on the contrary, the two are enemies. It's good if you don't kill her. Moreover, in Su Jin's opinion, this girl will not kill herself.

The simple truth is, if you really want to die, why wait for Su Jin to wake up? There was a long time during this period, and Su Jin had already seen it through when he showed it to himself.


Ji Shiyue's eyes flickered, and she was a little uncomfortable, but Su Jin was right. She didn't expect to do this for the first time, and now she is a little artificial.

"What am I? I see a lot of beauties, don't sell your pitiful face, this king has no time to beep with you."

"You ruined all of me. I don't even know where my home is now. It's hard to get home."

When Ji Shiyue came, she didn’t know the path. She relied on the Great Master to steer the helm alone. She couldn’t figure out where the Ji family was, not to mention that she was given to him now--


Su Jin looked at Ji Shiyue, suddenly suddenly, approached two more steps——

Ji Shiyue instinctively wanted to retreat, but her body was involved in the wound, and sweat on her face hurt, and she dared not move anymore.

Stretching out his finger, Su Jin rubbed the back of her face indifferently. He didn't think he had ruined her everything, at least this face was perfect.

The clothes with gold thread patterns in the black were torn in several places, and the snow-colored jade muscle was hard to hide. Su Jin followed Ji Shiyue's face and provoked her chin.

Four eyes facing each other-

"You are weak, and there is no threat to this king. If you change to be your elder, I might consider you a lowly maid, but you are not worthy. I don't even have the desire to kill you."

Su Jin dropped his hand, glanced at her neck, and said evilly: "You can get out of here and spare your life."

Ji Shiyue's eyes widened. It was reasonable that she had taken Elder Wuyue before and almost killed Su Jin. The death penalty was inevitable, but now Su Jin wants to let her go——

Is it true that as Su Jin said, he can't look down on himself?

Or maybe it is because of the "dew double repair" once, this person is difficult to start, so she wants to drive her away?

Ji Shiyue was silent, silent, watching the evildoer in white walk to the door——

The nine hundredth floor was still a bit cold, Ji Shiyue pulled at the messy and run-down clothes, trying to cover the white skin, but she had no idea.

Abandoned by the family, even the Great Senior looked upon her Ji family. Now Ji Shiyue saw everything clearly. She endured the pain, turned and took a step, looking directly at the white-clothed youth in front of the door.

"I'm not leaving!" Ji Shiyue said to Su Jin in a puffy voice.

go? Where to go?

Su Jin really wants to kill her, she is not afraid, at this point she is still afraid of being killed by this man? And where should she go now to find Ji's house?

Therefore, Ji Shiyue risked angering Su Jin and made this decision, not to leave, to stay alive, at least not to leave for the time being!

Unexpectedly, Su Jin replied calmly, "It's okay if you don't leave. Then you will suffer several crimes every day in the demon tower."

Ji Shiyue bit her teeth tightly, a piece of hot on her cheek, why would she care if she was like this? She naturally understands what "suffer" means...

But is that a crime?

Immediately as a response from the weak, Ji Shiyue took out a tender green gown and wanted to replace the torn clothes in front of Su Jin——

Su Jin jumped down from the 900th floor of the demon tower, where would he care about Ji Shiyue?

"Big Brother--" A Dou came and saw Su Jin's eyes return to normal, but there was a faint demon in his temperament, which made him feel very kind.

Miss Meng has recovered a lot and can barely stand in the void. After seeing Su Jin Wuhu, she has a faint smile on her face, although she doesn't know how to face him.

Su Jin waved the sky full of visions and looked at Ah Dou and said strangely: "Didn't you say it would take two thousand years to come back? Why is it so fast?"

"It's all gone, it's all gone, the realm of my brother and sister-in-law is deadly silent, and the world has been destroyed. There are stones everywhere, and the realm is desolate." A Dou sighed, shaking his head.

"Well, that's okay, I'm going to crusade the two realms of Tianlong and Yuanshi. You stay outside the realms and guard the five realms. I feel relieved a lot."

Su Jin originally wanted to take Ah Dou with him, but thought it was still a bit wrong, it would be best to stay outside the territory.

"Let me stay outside the domain, but there is a requirement—"

Dou Ye scratched his head and jumped a step back, pointed at the little dragon monkey juggling with his stick, and said to Su Jin: "Get this monkey boy away..."

Su Jin smiled slightly and lifted his hand lightly, the little dragon monkey took off his stick and flew into Adam's hand, and he contained the young dragon monkey in the tree of enlightenment.

Turning around silently, Su Jin disappeared in place, stepped onto Miss Meng's side, embraced her willow waist, and flew to the top of the blood dragon.

"Two friends, would you like to go together?" Su Jin felt embarrassed, Miss Meng did not dare to look at him, he spoke with a rumbling voice, speaking to the edge of the sea of ​​blood.

On the edge of the sea of ​​blood, the mud girl riding the mountain armor fine king, Miao Qiao's immature figure, was dancing and dancing, and responded: "Yiyi yeah~~~"

The mountain armor king leaped up, carrying the mud girl quickly to the top of the blood dragon's head. When it fell, the mud girl was still rolling her eyes, pulling the corners of her mouth with both hands, sticking out his tongue, and making faces at Su Jin.

Su Jin smiled and looked at the muddy girl, inexplicably relieved, this girl is a rare baby, he didn't expect to chase after him.

"Hey! Boss, wait for us—"

When the voice appeared, Emperor Shaoman and Lan Yueya rushed from the'Nine Nether Jedi'. After watching them for a long time in the woods, they also found Su Jin after they noticed a change.

During the few days in China in the region, Emperor Shaoman and Lan Yueya didn't have any hardships, but went away for several times. They called themselves me when they met beautiful women on the street. I don't know how many people shunned them and only cursed sick.

The two stepped into the void, and after falling, Su Jin nodded gently——

The terrifying and majestic blood dragon, with the "Blood Demon Tower" above its head, roared through the void and got into it!

The first stop, Yuanshi Great World!

Su Jin is going!

Yuanshi female world master, Su Jin must do everything possible to torture her to death!

The sea of ​​blood returned to calm, the rain was falling, and it seemed to be a little bigger on the water, and at the gate of the "Unknown World", the old man who claimed to be a Cangjia Mountain troll appeared on it.

"The means and courage are very much like the King of Man back then, but even if the King of Chu is successfully reincarnated, the way of practice and the original power are not up to him."

The non-elderly man manifested at the gate and said to himself: "He is not Chu--"

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