My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2232: Who is she

Three billion evil spirits will be collected and become the king of ghosts forever!

Su Jin now has 3.5 billion evil ghosts and evil beasts, which is 500 million more evil ghosts than 3 billion. Obviously it is enough. In the Secret Realm of Reincarnation in Yuanshi Realm, he obviously has a unique advantage!

Lan Jingxue counts everything, but she didn't count this point--

"Above the ghost king of the ages, is there a higher realm?" Yan Taoxin hugged the antlers tightly, and asked anxiously about the Eastern Immortal Turtle.


The Eastern Fairy Turtle is very sure, and continued: "1.5 billion to 3 billion evil spirits are a level, and upward is the'eternal ghost king.' It will take 3 billion evil spirits to grow to 10 billion evil spirits. The power possessed by the ghost king can simply destroy the world!"

Destroy the world?

Lan Jingxue and Yan Taoxin suddenly felt terrified--

When the others focused on Su Jin, Lan Jingxuexiang was cold, turned her head violently, and saw a more terrifying scene!

The drummer with the ugly mask was originally an extremely powerful elder from the "Dynasty Dynasty", stronger than Lan Jingxue. At this moment, he plunged an ancient patterned divine sword into the ground, holding the handle in both hands— —

"You, what do you want to do!" Lan Jingxue exclaimed.

"Look, this person is the king of ghosts, and he has already seen achievements for the first time. He is already invincible in this reincarnation field. You, me, and the four holy spirits are not opponents when combined. Instead of...

The ugly mask was slightly lifted. When the phrase ‘Well,’ he lowered his body abruptly, and his right hand was cut on the ancient sword. The blood flowed down the sword, red like fire!


Behind the mysterious drummer, a catalog prison lit with blood suddenly appeared, in which the vision turned out to be a ‘succumbing’! Roaring to the sky!

After the pause, the mysterious drummer said in a negative test: "It's better to send those ghosts to reincarnation, so that without the help of those ghosts, we can kill him easily!"

"No!" Lan Jingxue stopped with a commanding tone. She thought this was a method, but it would also destroy the Yuanshi secret realm, and even directly exposed the location of the'Six Paths of Reincarnation' here!

"You... have a plan!" The Eastern Immortal Turtle stared at the drummer, directly breaking his mind.

"Yes, back then, I tried my best and sneaked into the Heavenly Mystery Dynasty to be the Supreme Elder. After waiting for countless years, I did not wait for a chance. This time I will never let it go..." Under the mysterious mask, there was a feeling of success in the voice.

"Old turtle, does he think--" the young emperor Yu couldn't help asking.

"That's just a legend, but it's also very likely to be true." The Eastern Immortal Territory Turtle nodded.

Lan Jingxue's face was dumbfounded, but it was already difficult to stop it, and the crystal-like ground began to shake.

Behind the mysterious drummer, the vision ‘Juan’ smashed the prison into pieces, rushed into the magic sword, and the entire snow-white crystal face of the emperor began to shatter!

"Be careful! It's time to enter the abyss of reincarnation!" The turtle of the Eastern Immortal Territory felt the change, the mysterious drummer was only plotting for himself, and now it has become a tripartite camp!


A piece of ground was shattered, and the pale abyss was like a moat, including the black dragon that Su Jin transformed into, all began to fall--

There seems to be an unparalleled suction below, and it is difficult for people to move up!

On the black dragon that Su Jin turned into, countless ghosts and ghosts began to be sucked down, and his plan was cut in half in a flash, and it fell into the water! Everything becomes uncertain.

Those evil spirits were sucked into the abyss of reincarnation, which meant that Su Jin could not use the secret method of the "Eternal Ghost King". From the beginning to the great disadvantage, it made his heart heavy.

Turning into an emperor spirit again, Su Jin watched Lan Jingxue pull Bai Ling with both hands, and pulled out fiercely—

Su Jin did not dodge, looking at Lan Jingxue with a cold look in her eyes.

Don't hide?

Lan Jingxue seemed to see Su Jin's emperor spirit being pulled away by herself, but in the next second, Su Jin turned into a light and was sucked down by the abyss of reincarnation!

This! !

Lan Jingxue was dumbfounded. Although it was difficult for them to get up, it might not be without a chance. Su Jin did not hide just now. He just gave up the suction.

"Samsara Field!" Lan Jingxue had horror in her eyes.

At the bottom of the abyss, there is definitely the ‘six ways of reincarnation’ of the Primordial Realm, commonly known as the reincarnation field, where those ghosts and ghosts will be reincarnated and reborn.

What was the purpose of Su Jin coming in? Naturally find the reincarnation field! No wonder you gave up the suction! Lan Jingxue and the Four Holy Spirits didn't even think about it, they were about to fall.

There is already a mysterious drummer below, and Su Jin can only be regarded as the second strong one being sucked in, and it will be too late if he doesn't stop it!

The abyss of reincarnation.

The pulling force gradually became smaller. When Su Jin fell, the black iron ground was an array, and there were gray and white lights everywhere in the array. In the distance in front, there was a icy sky, countless ghosts and ghosts. Swarmed in--

Only one person is walking back, that is the beauty master!

"Wait!" Lan Jingxue saw that Su Jinji wanted to rush towards the core of Samsara, because the core of Samsara was very eye-catching.

Su Jin stopped his pace and turned his head slightly. If there is a reason to fight here, it is obviously against Lan Jingxue. Although there are a lot of ghosts going to reincarnation, he urges the ghost king to accept more than two billion evils. Ghosts are not a problem.

And a little carelessness may ruin some things~~~

"You... are destined to be the king's person, so you don't have to say anything." Su Jin looked up again and looked straight ahead.

"I know you are amazing, and we don't dare to fight a lot here, but I can tell you with certainty that you can't destroy this place..." Lan Jing said in a definite way.

"Oh?" Su Jin was a little puzzled.

"Remember that drummer, he is looking for Yuanshijie's greatest secret. Once he finds that precious treasure, you will be the first to suffer--" Lan Jingxue said.

"What kind of treasure? I don't believe it—" Su Jin turned around and watched Lan Jing Xuehu's ears blow, her hair fluttering, and she was standing with the Four Holy Spirits.

The turtle of the East Fairy Territory, walking staggeringly, even when it is on its own, it still does not walk fast, and said to Su Jin: "No treasure can't tell you, but if a mortal is lucky enough to take a look at it, it will directly rise in the day. , Emerging into a fairy king!"

Su Jin's heart shook violently-

I thought this was a stopgap measure by a few people, but judging from the dignified state of the few people, their definite tone, and the conspiracy of the drummer when they were on top, it seemed that the ‘big treasure’ really existed.

After hesitating, not far away the ghost retreated, panic spreading, and wisps of **** glow descended on the array disk!

Su Jin's face was shocked, and his heart beat wildly. He finally saw the beauty sitting in the coffin with his own eyes! The female Tibetan coffin has been suppressed by the **** altar for endless years, and it is still flourishing!

The point is, it really looks like Xia Yuyan! At least 90% similarity, but the mature charm of her body is obviously not possessed by Yuyan's wife!

Who is she.

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