My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2236: How to cover the sky!

No one thought that Su Jin would knock open the stone skin of the scroll, planning to understand it first!

The drumbeater didn't expect it, the mysterious beauty sitting in the coffin didn't expect it, and even the four holy spirits were shocked into a dull look.

"Could this be the rumored'Ancient Scroll to Cover the Sky'?" The young Emperor Yu was trembling, and his uncontrollable greed was growing rapidly.

Like him, Yan Taoxin and others had this feeling!

think about it! Who is not tempted!

"Zhetian Ancient Scroll" is also known as "Zhetianshu". It is this super magical technique, which has achieved the'Yuanshi Tianzun'. If anyone opens this magical technique, he can get a glimpse of the mystery. Become a fairy king!

It's terrible!

"I really want it—" Yan Taoxin's face was full of greed. If it weren't for her own life, she would have rushed directly.

"We have no relationship with this magical technique." Lan Jingxue said while looking at Yan Taoxin.

"But, but I really want it~~~" Yan Taoxin opened her mouth slightly, but her feet slammed on the ground, not even daring to step forward.

The Four Holy Spirits and Lan Jingxue were outside of several ‘Yuanshi Tianzun’s statues’. At this moment, they were about a hundred meters away from Su Jin, but it was this short one hundred meters that made the Four Holy Spirits discouraged!

"Heaven-shielding technique!" The drum-beater in the form of a ‘suffocating’, with his four legs splitting the sky, he was about to rush over, but the beauty sitting in the coffin punched him and forced him to escape.

It seems that this woman must be resolved as soon as possible!

People who beat the drums are very angry, but how is the "Sky Covering Technique" so easy to understand? After practicing this volume for a hundred years, I am afraid that there is no trace of mystery! Thinking about it this way, the drumbeater calmed down.

Because everyone present knows that Su Jin can't escape! This is the field of reincarnation, so big is not big!

The two fought again, one move was more ruthless than the other, the other was sharper than the other. There were countless cracks in the skin of that 犴犴, among which the blue light shone, and the whole beast was in the void, condensing. A totem!


Ahead, the brilliance produced by the fight did not affect Su Jin. His face was calm, sitting crouched on the stone statue of the'Yuanshi Tianzun', his heart felt like still water.

Su Jin gently opened the ‘Ancient Scroll of Covering the Sky’ and looked at it, and his spirits couldn’t be restrained and he was shocked!

He gradually became obsessed with it. Buddhism has the wisdom of ‘eye watching nose’ and nose watching heart, but now Su Jin’s eyes only have the vast blue!

When the mind sank in, there seemed to be no stone statues around Su Jin, no "Reincarnation Field", no "Yuanshi Secret Realm"! He seemed to be in the vast blue sea--

The sea blue, the sky is bluer!

"How should I get started with the Ancient Scrolls, how to get a glimpse of the real mystery--" Su Jin suppressed his anxiety, although he knew that time would not wait for him.

This super magical technique is very strange. It is different from ordinary spells, which either have formulas or catalogs, but there is only an endless blue sea and sky.

If there is a physical body here, using the ‘Tree of Enlightenment’ and the ‘Great Wisdom Buddha Eye’ may speed up the speed, but the physical body is not there! And Su Jin really relied on the "Enlightenment Tree".

Su Jin took a deep breath, let the blessings of the ‘natural’ way of heaven stay in his body, enter a state of enlightenment, and start to comprehend carefully.

"How to cover the big sea? How to cover the big sky!"

Su Jin's eyes lit up, there seemed to be some enlightenment--

At this moment, in the eyes of Lan Jingxue's people, Su Jin's attractiveness is definitely more than that of the two who are fighting. The blue light rushes to Xiaohan, which is too gorgeous.

In addition, Su Jin's emperor's spiritual body, his eyes were glowing with blue light, gradually thickening, and finally the entire eyes became star-like blue!

"He is comprehending "The Ancient Scroll of Covering the Sky"!" Lan Jingxue was startled and said nervously.

Since the old department left one by one, the "Dynasty of Heaven" is equivalent to existence in name only. Lan Jingxue has stood alone in the bitter land and has not been born for a long time. However, today, she has truly seen the outstanding genius!

"We all know it!" Yan Taoxin said that her heart had been stabilized, and she completely suppressed the greedy thoughts, and responded to Lan Jingxue.

"No, he seems to have entered the door--" Lan Jingxue's scalp was a little numb.



The turtle of the Eastern Immortal Territory, Yuhuang, and the arched Orion Niu Ling all looked over.

From a distance, Su Jin's standard sitting posture, sitting cross-legged on the shoulders of the stone statue of the'Yuanshi Tianzun', although separated by a hundred meters, the infinite mystery felt in everyone's eyes.

I don't know what Su Jin saw!

"I just opened it, less than twenty breaths, I have already started, this one is very good!" Dongxianyu Divine Tortoise also said in a shocked tone.

"Does the world really have such a genius?" Emperor Yu smiled bitterly.

The young emperor Yu has been outstanding since he has practiced, and he has reached the height that countless people have dreamed of. Compared with Su Jin, he is helpless. Is he a hairy?

"The key is that he directly enters the state of enlightenment, this, is this the blessing of the destiny?" Yan Taoxin said in surprise.

"No, he is a cultivator against the sky, how could he be recognized by God, let alone any destiny blessing him, in my opinion, he should..." The Eastern Immortal Turtle's tone was shocking.

"After we have finished speaking, we can't make it to death?" Yan Taoxin looked at her with eyesight, her temper a little corrupted.

The Turtle of the Eastern Immortal Territory took a breath of air and slowly said: "He should be suppressed and subdued a ray of heaven. He can enter a state of epiphany at any time!"

"Daofa, nature!" The young emperor Yu paled with fright.

Indeed, the state of enlightenment is based on the ‘Tao law of nature’ to perceive. When they break through the realm, they will more or less appear in a state of ‘epidemic’, so they are more familiar with this.

Lan Jingxue bit her lip lightly with her shell teeth, her eyes were a lot more complicated--

at this time!

The ‘Tao Shroud’ on the beauty sitting in the coffin is radiant, with her arms raised, her spacious sleeves falling on her shoulders, her lotus arms as beautiful as snow——


Over the entire reincarnation field, the red thunder began to split and flash away, and thick blood clouds gathered. Some clouds were like living creatures, which were actually performed by some powerful magical arts.

The ferocious beast condensed from the drum beater roared toward the red blood cloud, but it was anxious in its heart, but in a flash, it was shocked and watched the blood cloud gathering over the stone statues of the'Yuanshi Tianzun' !

In Su Jin's epiphany, he was fully comprehending the'Sky Covering Technique', which was seen by the beauty sitting in the coffin.

She no longer chooses to be entangled with that Su Jin, first cut off Su Jin, who has gained huge benefits, and that is the business!

"This goddess is ambitious. I am waiting for an opportunity in secret, and it may succeed! In any case, this woman must not be allowed to get the ‘Ancient Scroll of the Sky’!"

The drumbeater lifted off the fur of the ‘suffocation’, and the whole person walked to the distance of the formation and disappeared.

Lan Jingxue looked up at the **** clouds, the thunder was deafening, and then she said:

"With this blow, Su Jin's emperor spirit body will be blasted to ashes!"

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