My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2265: Magic arm hug the mountain

Practice asks about longevity, lamenting the heroic way.

Can't give up, can only reluctantly give up. Can't hide, can only face it hard!

In the void, the white-headed young man was stiff as wood, and his long hair like snow was flying in the violent wind. Su Jin's eyes gradually became devoid of God. With the escape of Shouyuan's divine light, he couldn't even turn his head.

"Don't cry, don't be sad for me, look at the hateful faces, those jealous and ugly faces, if you cry, they will laugh—"

Su Jin is like a wood carving, not moving the slightest, but his indifferent voice resounds from all directions!

The voice was naturally speaking to Lan Jingxue and the beauty sitting in the coffin.

Su Jin's eyes are getting darker and darker, and the scenery in the distance is so beautiful, but in his mind, he thinks of all kinds of things.

After being released from prison, encountering, and leading the horse fleas, if he did not choose the path of spiritual practice, he might have held a wedding with Xia Yuyan and had a happy family, but now it has become a luxury.

But Su Jin does not regret it!

The world deceives my homeland, even if there is only a tiger body, a lot of strength! Also promote my reputation in China! Along the way, although it is not smooth, but who has the excitement of Su Jinhuo!

Not far away, Si Ming Daozi was full of admiration, and at the same time asked her sister Sydney in doubt: "Although Su Daoyou was injured, he can never hurt his life. Although he was at a loss, he should have a trace of successful escape with the strength he showed before. Maybe, but why is he??"

"He doesn't want to run." The life girl Sydney thought for a while before nodding firmly.

"It seems that this is really the case--" Si Mingdaozi felt a little wrong. In front of his life, everything was life-oriented. It would be a pity for Su Jin to fall like this.

"It's difficult. It's hard to escape in the hands of the strong in the longevity realm. How strong should it be to do it? Hope is too slim." Ms. Xueli said.

"But since he didn't hurt his life, why did he spread the divine light of Shouyuan and forcibly accelerate the speed of his fall?"

"It's not that he wants to be so, I feel that he should be trying to refine the lifespan and use the future lifespan to make up for the lost power, otherwise it will be more difficult to fight the longevity!"


The scene was rumbling, and Su Jin's huge strength was not respected by the extremely Yaotian monk. He was like a ray of dawn. When he appeared, he was covered by a dark cloud and was to be erased by the great power of longevity.

Someone calculated that Su Jin would use his lifespan to replenish his strength. This was the beginning, but no one calculated what he was going to do next!

The dim halo of seven rays of Xia Wei suddenly became stronger around Su Jin. It was the power that Su Jin used to refining his lifespan by using the Dragon Swallowing technique!


The prestige is getting stronger and stronger!


It was as if the ancient and distant demon had awakened and condensed a **** violent ape in Su Jin!

The fur of the violent ape is like a steel needle bark, and its scarlet blood is constantly overflowing. It holds two magic mountains, ancient and ancient, with its roaring roar, which makes those who hear it feel bile!


The huge violent ape raised his head and looked at Guan Tianyue. The demonic blood on it was still burning, and Tianyue's divine light was covered by demonic blood. If it weren't for those demonic blood, the bronze hall would have been illuminated by Tianyue God!

The terrifying violent ape jumped directly and chose to attack not the long-lived strong one, but thunderously rushed to the Tianyue!

The two magic arms hugged Guan Tianyue directly!

In this scene, tens of millions of extremely Yaotian monks were very surprised! There was even some shock and fear in the discussion!

"What is he going to do?" someone exclaimed.

"Guantianyue will reflect the bronze hall. Is this evildoer really going to fight against all of us extremely Yaotian monks, overthrow the sacred mountain and let the bronze hall be wiped out in the years?" Someone looked angry.

"This enchanting evildoer is so bold! He is so reckless and brave!"

"Changshengda can quickly take action and suppress the arrogant arrogance of this evildoer!"

"Simply dreaming! The mountain is not so easy to tear down!"


Some are anxious, some are indignant, and more are grumpy!

After all, many of the hundreds of people who are hiding in the world have come from plotting the bronze hall. They want to regain prosperity. If Su Jin's condensed violent ape overthrows the sacred mountain and Guan Tianyue, their dreams will be completely wiped out!

"The two magic mountains--" Chang Sheng Da Neng's eyes were bright, and he didn't rush to do it.

Why not hurry? Because Su Jin is a treasure house in the eyes of this great longevity, and the two demon mountains, both modern and ancient, are also a rare treasure!


Tens of millions of extremely Yaotian monks, their voices and expressions changed, and even many hidden powers were a little uncomfortable, the earth was trembling, the void was trembling, and the huge violent ape hugged the sacred mountain "Guantianyue"! Stubbornly!

It pulled out half a meter!

However, things were not as easy to handle as they thought. The seven kinds of Xia Hui were dazzling, and the power that transformed the past made the Violent Ape strong to the extreme, but the mountain was difficult to pull out!

Immediately, the violent ape changed from holding to pushing, and Shenshan Guan Tianyue was slowly leaning out of an angle! No one is not afraid of this kind of sight! If this development continues, the mountain will be overthrown!

Why don't the long-lived ones make a move! The vast majority of monks are in a state of anxiety!

Ten breaths passed in a blink of an eye, and the sacred mountain "Guan Tianyue" changed from an angle of 90 degrees to an angle of 45 degrees!

"Looking for death--" It is impossible for Su Jin to push down'Guan Tianyue', which means that he does not intend to wait any longer, and gently flicks his hands in front of him.

The path is like a fish, swimming in front of the great power of longevity, and he can see Su Jin's flaws when he cultivates to this level!

The most fragile position of Su Jin's divine body is not in the back or in the heart, but in his sea of ​​anger, where the weakest position, and the great power of longevity is immediately grasped from the Taoist map--

A red hammer was held in his hand by him, and it flashed in front of Su Jin's dead wood body!

No ability to react! The hammer that was as red as coals hit Su Jin's sea of ​​anger!

Many people are laughing--

With the full strength of the longevity and great power, this Heaven-defying Emperor Realm cannot be prevented no matter how strong it is, and the real situation is just like that, the hammer is strong and solid, leaving no room for survival!


The dazzling blood light pierced people's eyes, as if the ball was suddenly smashed, the light was so strong that people instinctively covered the double destination!

At the same time when the sea of ​​qi was smashed, the light of blood emanated from the sky, permeating thousands of miles, as if directly facing the **** sea of ​​blood, making people tremble!

red! The red blood in the sky makes people with a low level of cultivation lose their true vision——

"Hahaha! This evildoer is finally dead! The bronze hall will be reflected immediately!" Someone laughed wildly.

"Is it really dead? I can't see it!" Someone was nervous, and the tone of the question was joyful.

"Dead dead! Look carefully, that demon ape has collapsed and disappeared, and the raging devil blood on the sacred mountain has flowed down. This evildoer is already dead and can't die again!"

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