My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2291: Weird and weird

To the east, there is a large oil-blue rift valley, obliquely turning from the twenty-fourth bridge, twists and turns, faintly bright yellow light, faintly gleaming in the depths of the large rift valley——

Of course, this is not the main thing!

In front of the Great Rift Valley, there is a bronze long-necked crane on the left and right sides. The rusty green envelops the vicissitudes of life. The two bronze cranes are vivid in posture, and in the rift valley, a purple shadow flashes!

God King!

That purple shadow is definitely a **** king comparable to the "Eternal Life Realm"! The saint of Jiu Miao knew it was difficult to enter, so she simply chose the tomb of the gods guarded by thousands of bronze figurines!

"Brother Zicheng, I saw you!" The clear purple shadow in the Great Rift Valley condensed his footsteps and threw a violent hug against the air, which suddenly changed Jiu Miao Saintess's color.

Immediately even Su Jin saw the appearance of Zi Nui——

Half of the flowery face, half of the face was peeled off, and there was not much stiff black dead flesh left, and even that eye became a cloudy white jade color!

And at this moment Su Jin noticed a detail, the rotted half of Zi Nu's face, and the faint bronze rust appeared on her cheekbones——

Her long hair is even more dragging on the ground!

Why does the Purple Girl exist in the Great Rift Valley? Who is she? Who is the "self-contained eldest brother" she called?

Immediately Su Jin stopped thinking about it. In the Bronze Rift Valley, there are absolutely no less existences like the Purple Girl, at least at the level of the King of Gods. He is going to be a dead body, and definitely cannot enter——

"Let's go." Su Jin looked at the tens of thousands of layers of gods tomb in the center of the tens of thousands of bronze figurines, with a slight pressure in his heart.

Inside the bronze hall, the most primitive times are preserved. The eight ancient towers in the south that have been burning from ancient times to the present are clearly visible, and each floor is still emitting a powerful fire.

The eight ancient towers are surrounded by chains that are as thick as a millstone, mysteriously——

Who lit the ancient tower.

Who built tens of millions of bronze figurines and buried them in the tombs of the gods with thousands of layers. The distance is not far away, but Su and Jin can't get around them just around them.

There was still ‘ash’ in the sky, like falling snow. When it fell on the body, it disappeared strangely. Su Jin was very cautious, and the two gradually approached the first row of bronze figurines with spears!

"You're here, it's best to find an ancient coffin for longevity--" Saint Jiu Miao quietly said to Su Jin while she was vigilant.

"Then I personally bury myself?" Su Jin laughed at himself, full of irony.

"If I can get out of the bronze hall and you are buried in the longevity coffin, I can rush back to the Miao Palace and ask my father to find a way to save you. Although you have refined the Shouyuan Divine Light, there is little hope, but it is better than nothing. Hope is good--" Saint Jiu Miao persuades.

Su Jin slowly shook his head. Before Guan Tianyue, he chose to enter the Bronze Hall. Naturally, he wanted to find a way to survive. What he wanted to live was not ‘seeking alive’!

It's not a waste of money to get into the coffin, and let others dominate your fate! He will run out of the last drop of blood, and his life will come against the sky in the last second! It's a big deal!

"Walking into the tomb of the Ten Thousand Layers of Gods, I need your guarantee." Su Jin said lightly.

"What guarantee? Could it be that I can't persuade you to find the longevity coffin again?" Jiu Miao saint asked guessing.

"No, in this bronze hall, no matter how tempted you see bronzes, you must not get involved—"

Su Jin tilted his head, facing the face of Jiu Miao saint in the purple yarn cloak, and continued: "Can it be done?"

"Is it true that I can't get the real bronze artifact?" Jiu Miao Saintess complained a bit, even with a lot of anger in her tone.

"No." Su Jin nodded.

"Okay! Do you want to monopolize?" Jiu Miao saint raised her waist with her hands folded.

Su Jin frowned, he always had a bad feeling, but he couldn't explain clearly, and he didn't know how to explain to Jiu Miao Saintess. What he didn't know was still just a guess.

"If you want to live, just shut up--" Su Jin lowered his body and looked at a few footprints not far away. Obviously, some monks had chosen the Tomb of Ten Thousand Floors earlier.

Saint Jiu Miao thought for a while, straightened her beautiful body, and her temperament burst out: "If you don't take it, I won't take it!"

Seeing that Saint Jiu Miao had made a promise, Su Jin ignored her who was complaining, and directly followed the footprints and started to march towards the tomb of the gods.

Following the footsteps of the monks who walked in before, Saint Jiu Miao looked at the bronze figurines up close, her face very disappointed.

On these bronze figurines, there are no **** patterns, mottled, and a lot of impurities. There is no aura necessary for the gods at all. The real bronze gods are like the'five-color monk' owned by Su Jin and the black sheep. The'Bronze Lamp' held by the Venerable.


The strange wind blew the ashes and rolled up a layer of loess ash on the ground. It struck among the tens of thousands of bronze figurines. Su Jin's heart shook, and the footprints disappeared ten steps away!

There is a pool of blood fused with loess on the ground! That pool of blood is still exuding divine haze, fainting the aura of the divine realm——

"Where did you go!" Saint Jiu Miao raised her volume and asked in surprise.

She asked nothing wrong! It is normal for the footprints to disappear. The problem is that people are left dead, where did the Taoist body of the powerhouse of the gods go?

The surrounding atmosphere became tense and weird in an instant. The powerhouse of the Divine Dao realm was beheaded to death and the body was dragged away without knowing it.

"Follow me closely." In Su Jin's hazy tiger eyes, two groups of firelight faintly flashed, they were golden eyes!

Fifty steps away, in another road of human figurines that no one had walked by, Su Jin saw something enough to make him value. He passed through the bronze figurines and walked with Jiu Miao Saintess.

"Two bronze candlesticks! Two divine objects appeared at a time!" Jiu Miao saint was short of breath with excitement, she couldn't control the lotus feet at all, and wanted to step forward and take them away!

The bronze candlestick is a god, and it is a real god. The candle on the candlestick is made of mysterious resin, white in suet, and is jumping into flames——

To tell the truth, if it weren't for Su and Jin's high level, ordinary mortals would definitely yell ‘bad luck’ when seeing this scene. The white candlestick is obviously for the dead.

"Stop!" Su Jin snorted softly and pressed the shoulders of the Jiu Miao Saintess. She had already moved from behind to Su Jin's side. If she didn't stop, I'm afraid she would go forward and get it.

"One piece per person! Divided!" Jiu Miao saint lifted her cloak fiercely, revealing an incomprehensible face of the world, looking angry and angry!

"How did you promise me just now?" Su Jin was equally angry.

"Who cares about you!" Jiu Miao saint's body was full of nine-color glow, she was about to shake Su Jin's palm away, the mysterious Taoism on the candlestick was swimming, obviously containing the supreme secret method, before coming to hear rumors, Bronze artifacts with words are the best!

Su Jin was extremely annoyed. Seeing that Saint Jiu Miao was disobedient and even lost his reason, he directly lowered his head, hugged her with purple hair on both sides, and kissed her mouth to mouth——

The eyes of the Jiu Miao saint blinked and blinked at a rate of three times a second--

After five full breaths of suffocation, the long kiss separated.

Seeing that Saint Jiu Miao became calm, Su Jin slowly said: "If you touch that candlestick, I can guarantee that you will die in the bronze hall..."

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