My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2302: Are you obedient

The Bronze Rift Valley.

The tender yellow moss all over the cliff merges the yellow clouds into the void. A few eyes are not far away from the colorful spring. On the rift valley cliff, an old cliff cypress roots in the cracks, facing the rising red morning glow to the east——

As the sun rises, tender grasses stretch their buds and leaves, swaying slightly with the wind.

The big cat bears awkward posture, walking with Tongyan girl, except for the black and white freckles, the two pink eye circles are also very charming.

Su Jin looked stunned--

This big panda bear is not too similar to the China National Treasure Panda. Fortunately, it has a charming pink eye circle, otherwise he really mistakenly thought that he had seen a creature from far away China!

Saint Jiu Miao raised her heart with a weird expression, but the black Dao sheep on the boulder didn't care, called the yellow moss, and said, "Hey, go down--"

Whether it was kicked by Su Jin or by any means, it was better than rushing around a few eyes of Caiquan, the black Daoyang was very comfortable.

"Be careful." Jiu Miao Saintess's voice transmission.

"Why did you say this?" Su Jin asked back.

"Do you think the person who can walk into the Bronze Grand Canyon safe and sound has a simple origin? And, where did I faintly meet this person—"

When Jiu Miao saint reminded, the girl Tong Yan riding the bear looked over, but she did not stop, and drove the big panda to continue northward, obviously just passing by.

Silently, Su Jin and the two watched her walking by. Just when he thought the bear riding girl was going to stay away from here, the other party made the panda turn around, stopped and said, smiling and saying hello: "Hi..."

Fuck, scare me!

Su Jin looked at the girl who was smiling like a flower, who was obviously very ‘sunshine’, gently clasped her fists, and asked, "Any suggestions?"

"My nickname is Da Mengmeng, what is your name?" The tall girl with Tong Yan directly pulled up almost, with a strong self-familiar trait.

Big cute--

The name matches her appearance, Su Jin immediately informed her of her name. He felt a trace of danger in this woman. By instinct, he didn't want to have too much intersection with the other party.

On the contrary, it was the Jiu Miao saint, acting like being bitten by a snake, taking a step back, and transmitting to Su Jin said: "I remember! She is the patriarch of the Qianye Clan, and her real name is Qianye Rabbit. Don't let her Confused by appearance!"

Thousand Night Rabbit! Very personal name! There are even some weird things, but Su Jin hasn't seen any kind of people along the way, and there is no lack of top quality among them, and he is not so surprised.

At this moment, Su Jin was surprised by the reaction of the Nine Wonders Saintess. She was able to walk into the Bronze Rift Valley and came here unharmed. At least she was a strong ‘Eternal Life Realm’, and he knew this without guessing.

"Su Jin...very weird name, brother, how about Da Mengmeng making a deal with you?" Qianye Rabbit didn't get down, just riding a bear like that, looking at Su Jin and asked.

"No need to talk more, this king is a very serious man!" Su Jin straightened his body, raised his palm to stop talking, full of righteousness, facing the evil requirements, he did not compromise!


After all, Saint Nine Miao couldn't hold it back, and she laughed out loud.

It's not an exaggeration to dare to face a long-lived strong person, and someone who says such things can be called a superb fairy, as if someone wants to make a deal with him in that way.

"Little brother is so funny~~~"

Qianye Rabbit blinked and blinked with very cute big eyes, and said straightforwardly: "A complete Heavenly Dao Fa, for you half a secret, can't you change it?"

Su Jin's pupils flashed sharply in the depths. When she was in the Twenty-Four Bridge, when she used Tian Mi to kill the descendants of the Eight Sects, this woman might have seen it, so she knew that she was pregnant with Tian Mi.

The other party's words were even more shocking, and the amount of information revealed was huge! One is that the other party must have the law of heaven, maybe even more than one! Because if a ‘Secret of Heaven’ is incomplete, it’s useless at all--

The Jiu Miao saint was also shocked by this kind of big hand-

Su Jin shook his head, and simply refused: "No change!"

The law of heaven is a kind of divine law that is valuable to measure, but the value of the "Secret of Heaven" is already incalculable, and no matter how precious it is, it will not be changed!

Perhaps it had been expected that Qianye Rabbit’s face was not a pity, and he shook his hand and said, "Then goodbye, I don’t have much time. I'm going to the "Unbounded Corpse Sea" to find the bones of his father——"

Many beautiful seniors have pretended to be tender, but Qianye Rabbit has been seen by Su Jin, the only one who didn't make him feel any disobedience when selling cute!

The big panda bear was very naive, turned around awkwardly, and continued to walk north. Su Jin looked away after seeing this scene for a long time.

"She's very smart." Saint Jiu Miao said with a wry smile.

"Yes." Su Jin agreed very much.

"Awareness in exchange for hopelessness, first tell you that she has the'Tiandao Fa', so that you can pay attention to her, but unfortunately under that charming appearance, there may be a heart that kills you at any time." Jiu Miao saint sighed.

"Thinking too much, she doesn't want to take a risk." Su Jin shook his head.

Riding the bear has already gone far, the face of Jiu Miao Saintess suddenly blushed, her temper seems a little bit up, and she couldn't help saying: "My all wonderful palaces also have a heavenly law. When will you, you go to my house?"

"What does it have to do with me?" Su Jin asked in a weird tone.

"You take me back, go to the Miao Palace and tell my dad, he will tell the world--"

"and then?"

"Then you gave me the title, and Tian Dao Fa is your dowry!"

Saint Jiu Miao said with a scorched tone, staring at Su Jin's eyes.

Su Jin suddenly showed a strong smile on his face, but this kind of smile was so fake, he suddenly put away the smile, and solemnly said: "Don't think too much of me, I didn't plan to ask you—"

"You, you, you! Why can your lover recruit you as a messenger, I can't do it?" Jiu Miao saint asked with her arms akimbo fiercely!

She was almost speechless.

"Look at your performance--" Su Jin looked at the churning fountain.

"For example? How to behave?" Jiu Miao saint asked quickly when she saw there was still a scene.

"Are you obedient?"


"Obey? Then let's not be named!"

"go away!"

Saint Jiu Miao was about to be blown up with anger. If it weren't for Su Jin's supernatural power, she would have to stretch out her hand and tear him alive if it weren't for Su Jin's supernatural power!

At this moment, the water flow in several springs was rapidly tumbling!

Su Jin's attention was all in Quan's eyes, Yang Zun was kicked in by himself before. After so long, if there is any unparalleled **** against the sky, should he have found it?


The head of Yang Zun’s hair was completely wet, his hands were firmly pressed against the side wall of the spring’s eyes. Once he appeared, his eyes were round and watery, and his eyes were dull...


In the sluggishness, Yang Zun spouted a bunch of spring water from his mouth, and then as if something terrible had happened, he was short of breath, and shouted in horror: "Help me! Help me!"

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