My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2305: Komajo Castle (3/6)


When Jiu Miao Saintess heard the sound of gasping air-conditioning, she stiffened her neck and turned her head to look at the cute Qianye Rabbit, but what she got was a dumbfounded and beautiful expression!

Ding Ding Ding-

The sound like a wind chime appeared in the city of a million miles, three people, a bear, and a sheep, all in a shocking state. In the field of vision, an old pear tree appeared.

The old pear trees are as tall as a one-hundred-meter mansion, with luxuriant branches. On each branch are dozens of ‘human head **** urns’, which are the sound of **** urns colliding against each other!

The frightening scene was then purified by Western Buddha's light. In the very west of that million-mile **** city, there are hundreds of millions of ‘Tianlong’ and ‘Eight Buddhas’ Buddha sounds gathered together.

"In all the worlds of the ten directions, all people in the third world are masters."

"I purify my body, speech, and mind, and I'm all polite."

"Pu Xian Xing's wish is mighty and supernatural, and all kings and Buddhas are present in front of them."

"One body reappears in the dust..."

The Sanskrit singing is neat and uniform, sacred and beautiful. This is an unprecedented scene of chanting the ‘Buddha’s Sanskrit’, and hundreds of millions of ‘Tianlong’ and ‘Eight Buddhas’ are all worshipping the three Supreme Buddha Halls!

One hall is the Great Leiyin Temple!

One hall is the Daxiong Hall!

One hall is the Sumi Bodhi Hall!


The huge sound made the chanting voices of the Buddhas a little quieter. The Nine Wonders Saintess and the ‘Big Mengmeng’ Thousand Night Rabbit were suffocated. Even the elder Yang, who was immortal, fell silent and did not dare to breathe.

There are a total of three sacred mountains, arranged side by side in incense. When the rumbling sound appeared, the sacred mountain was ignited, and the flaming Vulcan Road evolved to the extreme on it!

The three sacred mountains are incense, towering into the clouds, and Suiren Jing is transformed into a three-foot-wide ‘jinglun’ that travels through the flames and encourages immeasurable power!

"The undead tree, the highest Buddha hall, and the sacred mountain make incense! Even though it is just a vision, how can people believe it--" Qianye Rabbit muttered with a numb face.

"Is that old pear tree really an immortal tree?" Jiu Miao saint took a deep breath and asked.

"It is undoubtedly confirmed, it is a pity that it is just a vision, but this is already very terrifying -" Qianye Rabbit said inconceivably, with his head in a mess.

"Vision means, I can also use it, but I can't achieve his level." Jiu Miao Saintess is measuring the gap with Su Jin.

"No, this is a vision from his origin, not evolved with divine power--" Qianye Rabbit corrected.

Saint Jiu Miao was astonished, her small mouth slowly opened, speechless for a long time.

Su Jin raised his head slightly, the ink was flying!

A voice full of icy killing intent resounded slowly over the'Wujiang Corpse Sea' again: "Second City, Gu Tianting!"


One more city? ?

The two women stayed where they were, their delicate bodies began to tremble slightly.

Two snow-colored crystal pillars with a diameter of one hundred meters were directly manifested on the far left and right sides, and on the archway between the highest places, the three characters'South Heaven Gate' were clearly manifested!


Among the ancient heavenly courts, a powerful fairy dragon was playing in the water, causing a wave of water that reached a height of ten feet, and there was an endless ‘Xianchi’ there!


At the edge of Yaochi, a sacred tree, the crown of which is submerged above the clouds! Among the sturdy branches above, there is a faint bird's nest, in which there is a sweet cry, and it seems that there is a black monkey with a dragon's horn, climbing up and down...

"Enlightenment tree!"

"Dragon Monkey!"

Jiu Miao Saintess and Da Meng Meng Qianye Rabbit lost their voices in horror, their faces were already pale.

After being pale in shock, she fainted her face, and the Saint Jiu Miao cursed inwardly, "What a princess beloved! No wonder I followed him and asked him to be a concierge! No, I will get him anyway!"

"The tree of enlightenment, the tree of enlightenment." Da Mengmeng Qianye Rabbit, eyes full of obsession, with the appearance of the ‘sacred tree of enlightenment’, the Taoism in her body has already begun to become active.

"Damn! I'm not so sure before! I didn't expect this guy to have a fairy road, and it is also at the top of the emperor realm!" Jiu Miao Saintess was shocked to the extreme, but she was normal.

This is how people are, and they are accustomed to seeing more. After Su Jin shows any miracles and shocks, the Nine Miao Saints will become more calm.

When the city of Gutianting appeared, Su Jin rolled up a trickle of immortal power!

The Great King Sword Eleven had already initially merged with the bronze Dao Bone. Now that Su Jin was so strong, he didn't hesitate to raise his palm and send out the mysterious ‘bone pagoda’ to the void!

Same as just now, Great Lord Wang Jianxi is going to smash Su Jin’s vision and all his methods!

"Go--" Su Jin bowed slightly, and the void exploded behind his back. A demon tower coiled by a blood dragon flew directly toward the mysterious bone tower!

Which of the two towers wins?

One side is crystal clear, and the other side is devilish! Obviously no one is willing to weaken the next half inch!

The blood dragon town demon tower and the mysterious bone tower collided in the blink of an eye!

The void on both sides was directly severely shattered, revealing a deep void abyss in the clear sky, and a terrifying storm emerged from it, breaking everything!

Bang bang bang--

With the blessing of the ‘Ancient Demon’s Book of Heaven’, the mysterious and crystal-clear bone tower is extremely tough. After a series of three collisions, no weakness is seen!

"The third city, modern and ancient crazy city!" Su Jin's icy voice with ‘killing intent’ made people shiver.

In the distance, blood lingers around the corpse of the demon god, and all kinds of big demons seem to merge in the demon realm there, rolling thunder, and booming. The third city was originally called the ancient demon realm...

But Su Jin has already made it clear that ‘devil’ is the ‘modern and ancient madden path’, so it is changed to ‘modern and ancient madden city’!

And the facts are exactly the same. In the magic city that is rolling in the thunder far away, including the suppression of the "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain", it is enshrined by the demon **** and enjoys endless demon worship!

"He is not a human--" Saint Jiu Miao smiled bitterly.

For Saint Jiu Miao, Su Jin is becoming more and more mysterious, the key is how many ways he has! When she met Su Jin, every way this guy showed was extraordinary!

"Brother Xiaosu, how many ways is it?" Da Mengmeng Qianye Rabbit also asked this wonder.

Yang Zun thief's sly face, with a clever expression, he said directly: "I know."

Jiu Miao Saintess and Qianye Rabbit turned her head and looked at Yang Zun——

"Little brother Su Jin, we have built seven avenues together, and the weakest dao is now at the top of the emperor realm!" Yang Zun said seriously.

Seven kinds!

Seven kinds of fellow practitioners!

Didn’t it say that the Six Daozu could not become an emperor? His seven ways have broken the ‘impossible’!

Is this still a human?

Not only Jiu Miao saint thought so, but even Da Meng Meng Qianye Rabbit had this idea! And the three of them all agreed that Su Jin is a great evildoer who has never come across the ages!

The rumbling sound was very ear-splitting, and the ‘Modern and Ancient Mad Devil City’ began to gather, and the three cities were closely linked together, faintly exuding an aura of destruction——

Although the two are initially merged, the two thoughts have not merged.

The bronze Dao Bone exudes all the divine light of "Heaven Dao Fa" and solemnly said:

"Life and death are here!"

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