My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2318: Let the whole family fight! (5/5)

‘Heaven Covering’ is based on the hand of the World Realm King Buddha and no one knows what will happen——

The Lord of the sword pavilion pushes his sword to the sky, even in the face of the most profound secret of the sky, he is not afraid!

wrong! Is this still the world?

The face of the Lord of the sword pavilion changed slightly, and when he swiftly greeted him, bursts of destruction radiated from the palm of the real Buddha. The fingers of the Buddha were as thick as a mountain, and the palm of the palm was like an overturned ground!

"Go—" The sword pavilion **** master shook away the flower snake-like divine sword, and his whole person flew backwards.

Hard resistance?


Time seemed to flow slowly. Everyone was holding their heads up, looking at the golden palm that turned down. When the sword of longevity to the top was cut off, the palm of the Buddha was slightly pinched, and then the four fingers, the back of the fingers, flicked in turn. ——


The world seems to have only one sound!

The flower-snake-like divine sword hit the back of the finger, and was full of ‘sky-shielding power’, and flicked away. That technique actually allowed the divine sword to penetrate the void——

When the sword pavilion **** master was still leaning back, his speed was already very fast, but the sword that flew faster, he was experienced, and his face was slightly on the side, and the blade directly cut the skin above his cheekbones!

If not, the sword bone will pierce his brain and spirit sea!

The palm of the Buddha high above the sky, when the sword was flicked away, it was visible to the naked eye, starting from the fingertips of each Buddha's finger, cracks like tofu were rapidly showing up.

Bang bang bang--

The Buddha's palm covering the sky shattered and turned into a little Buddha, disappearing!

The blood arrow in Su Jin's mouth sprayed ten feet away, and many visions such as the wheel of the secret of the sky were all eliminated in that impact, and he was unable to hold it back!

The deafening exclamation, like a tsunami soaring into the sky, raised everywhere!

"The behavior of the Lord of the Jian Pavilion is shameful, but what is the situation now! Su Jin is not dead!" Someone had a numb scalp, feeling like a nightmare, and sweating all over.

"Not dead, but the price is high, but this sword directly made this evildoer famous."

"Yeah! The face of the sword pavilion **** master was chopped, and he exerted his full power, and he hadn't killed the enchanting Su Jin. Fortunately, this guy is about to die, it is difficult to get out of the bronze hall." Someone was shocked, and very grateful.

"Tsk tsk, the glory of the sword pavilion for more than a decade has been defeated by one sword. I don't know how the sword pavilion **** now feels——"

So how does the Lord of Jian Pavilion feel now?

Sour, spicy and complicated!

The taste is difficult to understand!

As strong as the **** master of the sword pavilion, he was standing at the pinnacle. After seeing the result of this sword, he gently touched his injured face, and it seemed that his whole body had added a touch of oldness in a flash——

"Jiange, little brother is welcome to drive at any time!" After the sword's **** master said bitterly, his figure walked into the distance.

When he left, his back was desolate.

Will Su Jin go? If he could live, he would not bother to go! If it weren't for the sword pavilion's divine master to break his promise and use this sword with all his strength, he would not refine his vitality, and the opponent would have the heart to kill him, sinister and vicious.

With the passing of the Lord of the sword pavilion, nearly tens of millions of people on the scene moved again.

"His longevity has dried up, and he is hanging from the magical medicine. He hasn't passed away! You see that his soul fire has been ignited, and it won't last long!" Someone was excited and willing to fight for the bell.

"I don't know how much of the vitality of the candle dragon magical medicine is left, but now it is certain that if you give out a longevity power, you can kill him!"

"Now the bronze barren bell has become a hot potato. Whoever goes up to kill Su Jin will suffer a devastating blow. I am afraid that in the dark, there will be a powerful united action—"

The sound stopped abruptly.

Su Jin's body was full of fragile cyan warm fire, although it was still burning, but he waved his hand gently, and the ‘bronze barren bell’ that was not far away flew gently.

"Just now, there is the last step, I haven't completely refined you." Su Jin's voice was heard by many people, but the voice was looking at the bronze bell.

Then Su Jin felt like no one, and continued to speak: "There are several layers in the clock, the highest inner layer, even I can only vaguely see through the use of the **** pupil, there seems to be a bone tied inside——"

The reason is not thoroughly refined.

Naturally there is Su Jin's complexity.

Refining the ‘barren bronze bell’, the bronze hall may be overwhelmed. This will not be the kind of simple place. Once the barren bell is refined, there may be an unknown disaster.

Forget it.

Su Jin spit out a mouthful of demon blood, the blood filled with demon qi, showing a gorgeous red glow, sprayed directly on the'bronze waste clock'——

The splendid Demon Xia rose gradually, forming a concealed Xia Banded Blood Dragon, which began to drill on the waste bell continuously, and the'bronze waste bell' also kept trembling.

Until Su Jin branded the last trace, the "Bronze Barren Bell" suddenly shook out tens of thousands of unrecognizable ancient characters, and each ancient character carried the breath of the ancient bronze age——


There was a loud noise, and the whole bronze hall was trembling, and there was no intention to stop!

When I saw it with my own eyes, under the trembling of the bronze bell, a mysterious power swayed in the entire bronze hall. Not far away, the ‘Unbounded Corpse Sea’ was crumbly!

The eternally frozen corpse instantly gasified into bone.

The Bronze Rift Valley was shaking, more than 20 **** kings soared into the sky, and the Rift Valley collapsed in a wave of fluctuations!

Looking south at the eight extinguished ancient towers, the towers turned into embers! The tomb of the Ten Thousand Layers of God seemed to have lost its pillars. When it collapsed, the tens of millions of bronze figurines were submerged in the rumbling noise——

Yang Zun's expression was inexplicable surprise, his fingernails lightly scratched his withered arms, and the bronze bones were quickly decoloring. The eternal curse of unknownness was eliminated after Su Jin thoroughly refined the "Bronze Wild Bell"!

The process is not long, and when visible to the naked eye, thirty-three ancient teleportation platforms have risen in all directions, each of which is as high as a hill, in a rectangular shape, with shining patterns!

"That is the ancient formation leading to the Asura Heaven!"

"Ji Yaotian is the ancient platform on the south side!"

"On the ancient formation platform in the west, the gods are faintly hooked to the stars. There is the place where the gods go!"

"No! The Bronze Hall is about to fall! If we don't leave quickly, we will all be buried in it! Go go!"


The entire bronze hall is full of destruction, with a faint red light shining, and the entire area may sink into the boundless abyss of deep space!

"There, who is that—" someone yelled, and when they were looking for their own heaven, they saw a terrifying scene.

In an extremely remote area, there is a golden haze staining the sky, a faint beauty wearing a hairpin, and from time to time blossoming'Auspicious Cloud Golden Butterfly' emerges all over her body.

The northwestern'Boundless Desert', the sand is like the sea, before the bronze hall is overthrown, in the'Boundless Desert', there are more mysterious and powerful people who have escaped from trouble. That is a young man wearing a black gold-patterned robe with a cap covering his head and disappearing away. far.

Scene by scene, the horror of being redeemed leaves from time to time, maybe it is not called redemption, but disaster! I am afraid that there are no fewer than a thousand strong men buried here alive, out of the bronze hall!

Not important anymore.

Su Jin burned soul light all over, smiled lightly and tragically, condensed the bronze barren bell in his hand, just grabbed it, and then directly landed on the ancient formation platform that was teleported to the ‘Tai Shen Tian’!

Before his death, Su Jin will be vigorous!

Disappearing on the eve of the ancient formation of the ‘Tai Shen Tian’, Su Jin’s eyes swept the audience, Rumble God’s mighty voice, spread throughout all areas of the bronze hall, and announced to the world:

"Eight unused dogs, all the clans will fight!"

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