My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2332: Seven worlds

The flying divine color is quite the one he used to be familiar with the Goddess of Shaking Light——

But soon, the goddess of shaking light suddenly became worried, Su Jin's face changed wildly, and there was a touch of disbelief in his eyes!


Su Jin spit out blood and arrow out. He was a little puzzled even at that moment. Hasn't his vitality recovered? Why does it still happen!

"What's going on!" Palace Master Great Nightmare exclaimed.

"Shou Yuan is restored, vitality is magnificent, and his injuries are fully recovered, and he has achieved seven worlds! Why does he vomit blood?" Jiu Miao Saint's face is not much better than other girls.

No one knew the situation. After Su Jin thought about it for a while, he closed his eyes, rolled up the cuff of his left arm, his expression became a little bitter, and he fully understood the problem.

On his left arm, there is a bright bloodshot, forming a three-inch-long dragon-shaped pattern. Su Jin knows this very well. This is a sin, it should be a disaster!

This is the evil result caused by refining the magic candle dragon medicine, candle dragon poison!

Everyone ignored the power of the magical medicine of the candle dragon. Not long ago, the ordinary poisonous fruit of the "Departing Forest" caused a lot of casualties. This time the bronze hall was opened, and there were still very few people who died under the dead forest.

For the most time ever, millions of corpses fell under the dead forest. From the Bronze Age to the present, the power drawn by the candle dragon magical medicine has completely matured it, and Su Jin took the magical medicine and did not die immediately, but there was luck.

At that time, Su Jin Shouyuan was exhausted, and he had no choice but to fancy the vitality of the magic medicine, which was able to be refined and persisted until now, and now the vitality of Shouyuan was restored, this candle dragon poison broke out in a timely manner!

The vitality of refining, the magical medicine of the Dragon Dragon is regaining the slightest ——

In the mind of Jiu Miao Saintess, a thousand times, a flash of light suddenly flashed, she blurted out: "Candle Dragon Magic Medicine! That is the poison of the magic medicine!"

"Huh?" Princess Ai'er and other women kept exclaiming.

The miraculous palace masters with the national character face nodded silently, and said, “The magical medicine of the candle dragon has matured, and it has long possessed the power to seize the host and condense into the medicine fairy. There are a few immortals in the back mountains of our wonderful palaces. See, prove that Dao has become a fairy king——"

"The magical candle dragon medicine is only recorded once in historical materials. It is rumored that after the magical candle dragon medicine matures, it will take the monks for good luck, and with the power of the host, they will complete their'candle dragon body' and become the real dragon god." Smiled bitterly.

"Then the soul of this magical medicine is too awkward. It wants to win Su Jin's strength and life, only to find that the life is short, and it is eaten by Su Jin on the spot, directly refining almost all the vitality." The child princess is an optimistic pie, said cheerfully.

Everyone was silent.

The poison of candle dragon magical medicine.

It can no longer be called a highly poisonous, any sacred poison in front of it seems to be just a feather, which is not worth mentioning. This is also the reason why the candle dragon magical medicine was in the dead forest, and even the gods and people were reluctant to touch and were not taken away.

Su Jin's thoughts calmed down. He was a person who could regulate his emotions. He didn't know when he was poisoned, but he would have died without this magical medicine.

At least, he is still strong now!

"Dog stuff, you guys get on together!" Su Jin sneered looking at the golden human head demon god.

"Seven realms of the world, I really want to see and see." The golden human head demon **** really doesn't like Su Jin's'this point' strength, and gently blew out a demon spirit.

The entire ‘Ganghe River Sand’ slowly separated, flowed and gathered, and in the end ‘eighteen’ snake-head gold mountains were condensed in all directions.

The magnificent eighteen golden snakehead mountains, each one is extremely powerful, if there are strong longevity realms among them, no matter how powerful they are, they will be killed by life.

Su Jin smelled an aura of destruction, knowing that this demon **** had moved his true ability, but now he was not afraid!

"Six Worlds!"

Su Jin gave a soft drink, and five afterimages flew out of his body. Behind each incarnation, a portal appeared, and soon the portal was exploded, and a magnificent scene appeared. In every bright circle of light, It's like a small world.

The Buddha is bliss, the true Buddha shadow sitting cross-legged, and its traces continue to manifest.

Immortal, demon, sword body Dao, Three Door Dao, full of vitality.

Ghosts and demons, evil demons and corpses, everywhere are full of violence and death. These six-door avenues just use the ‘six doors of reincarnation’ to exhibit the six worlds!

The Great Nightmare Palace Master looked puzzled, and asked the other two great abilities: "Doesn't he have seven avenues?"

"It's very simple, the seven realms can't reincarnate, and they can't form the world of reincarnation, but I suspect that the whole seven realms will be combined, there will be a greater combination of means." The master of the palace, the national character is full of seriousness.

"The poison of the magical medicine has no solution, but it has saved him a lot of life, and can display such amazing methods. I want to see if he has the power to fight humans and gods." The female lord of the Heavenly Kingdom of Constant Moon, Qiong on the veil The nose bulged and the piercing eyes were staring at Su Jin.

"Hope--" The Goddess Shaking sighed.

Su Jin shook out the big killing technique, the "Six Worlds". This was the first time he was consummating in the world, the powerful means he sacrificed. The six-sided world, brilliance and brilliance, directly enveloped the eighteen snake-head gold mountains!

Bang bang bang.

Every snake head on the gold mountain was spitting out bursts of strange poisonous smoke, and thirty-six snake eyes emitted a blue light, turning the entire besieged area into a blue color.

"Unexpectedly! The strongest method of this **** is poison. No matter how strong your body is, no matter how strong your Taoism is, even if you don't breathe, the poison will follow your relaxing pores into your body, turning you into a pool of green water— —" The golden demon **** with human head and snake body proudly said.

Su Jin had a strange face.

On the side of the Great Nightmare Palace Master, the face is also weird——

"What then?" Su Jin asked calmly after regaining his calm.

"In your six realms world, it is only the image of my gods and dharma, which can not hurt me at all!" The golden human head demon **** laughed loudly.

But soon, his laughter stopped abruptly!

The green poison filled Su Jin's surroundings, and even the strong longevity would turn into the poison of the green oar when he smelled it. When he surrounded Su Jin, he suddenly rolled back.

The Great Sovereign King Sword Eleven immediately roared, "He has taken the candle dragon magic medicine!"

The poisonous king!

Su Jin's calm face contained helplessness, wondering if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

"This God's'Hanges River Sand' meets you'this is constant and this is constant'! The original poison, encounters your candle dragon magic medicine! You, you--" The golden head demon god, in the blood pool of the demon light space, Angrily tossed up.

"So what, today is bound to cut your demon and **** body, and you really think that your eighteen divine phenomena can surround and kill me?"

With seriousness in Su Jin's eyes, he said lightly: "Six worlds, break your magic image!"

Suddenly! The Buddha's song is soaring, and the fairy king faintly turns out of a demon tower in the worship and small world, and every square of the six worlds is filled with the power of destruction!

Bang bang bang--

The eighteen gold mountains of snake heads all began to crack and were shaken to ashes!

"Impossible!" The golden human head demon **** roared angrily.

"Nothing is Impossible."

Su Jin's face was indifferent, a smile was lightly outlined at the corner of his mouth, and he calmly said, "Is the demon light space safe? Have you seen the power of the'Seven Buddhas'?"

Seven fusion skills in the world? The Great Nightmare Palace Master and others were dumbfounded for a moment——

Seven Dao, Buddha?

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