My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2336: Pale face

Ships of various countries even surround that sea area, and helicopters are rising from the deck——


Although silent, Su Jin saw the fire forming in clusters, constantly erupting on the high seas, the helicopter broke its oars, not in the water, and Su Jin even saw the blue boundless mountains and rivers in the sky, but the chain , But in a deeper and farther sky——

Something was locked in a chain and left in the open sea.

What caused the Nine Nether Blood Sea to erupt and let the unknown appear.

How are Xia Yuyan and the others?

Su Jin raised his arm, squeezed the immortal bridge, disappeared and appeared in front of the Three Treasure Masters.

"Where is there a long-distance teleportation array here?" Su Jin asked with sharp eyes, looking at the Great Nightmare Palace Master and others.

"There is one in the Great Nightmare Palace," said the beautiful woman.

"I also have a few in the Moon Kingdom."

"The Miao Palace is a bit far away, and the Everlasting Moon Kingdom is closer--" The Miao Palace Master said truthfully.

"Here is it!" The Three Treasure Master said again and again.

Su Jin looked at the Three Treasure Master, "Where is it?"

"Although the palace gate of Yuhua Xianting was destroyed and the formation gate was destroyed, the **** crystal still exists, and the formation pattern on the ground is still intact. I have a robe that can be used as a star map." The Three Treasure Master nodded.

"it is good!"

Su Jin bid farewell to the Great Nightmare Palace Master and the others, and even if he fell below first, he swept his sleeves to sweep out the dust on the teleportation array. This long-distance teleportation array was ten miles in size!

The teleportation array suddenly lit up with Buddha's brilliance, and the Three Treasure Master pointed to the unfolded robes, and there were faint starry sky patterns on it. Su Jin even saw some unheard of heavens, whose names were all vaguely marked.

"Where is Big Brother going?" the Three Treasure Master asked.

"China Great World, is there any?" Su Jin asked.

Master Three Treasures was carefully identifying, and after a quarter of an hour, he smiled bitterly: "It's very dim there, and I almost didn't find it. What did the big brother go to that wasteland?"

"Go home!" Su Jin glared at the Three Treasure Mage.

"Oh, Amitabha, there is a gate in the'Nine Nether Jedi' that can be connected, let's go--" Master Three Treasures brushed his hand, and the whole array rose up into the glow, wrapping up a few people.

Su Jin watched the goddess walking down, looked at himself with a guilty conscience, and suddenly felt helpless.

"Come back and marry me soon!" Jiu Miao Saintess shouted with arms akimbo.

"Punma, during this time I will fetch Longjimu and build a dragon bed. My sister no longer wants to be the lord of the country, so I will pass on the throne to you and come back soon—" Princess Pink Love is more sturdy, in front of my sister The face directly yelled out.

Su Jin almost staggered. It turns out that the real best is this princess beloved. If she becomes the lord of the Everlasting Moon Kingdom, what should her sister be?

Princess Ai'er didn't even see it, the face under the white gauze of the heroine of Hengyue was flushed for a while——

Like stars, several people were taken away by the powerful long-distance teleportation array and disappeared over the Yuhuaxian Garden. The entire sky was transformed into the shape of a ‘nebula’. This scene was quite spectacular.

"All Miao Dao friends, thanks!" In the concealed void in the southeast, the three heads said thanks, and then left with the master of the beast **** palace.


Time slowly passed through the teleportation. It was a long-distance teleportation array. It would also take a lot of time to teleport to the outside of the Huaxia Territory in the far away Taishentian.

When the sun shines, looking at the position of the sun, it should be shortly after noon—

Su Jin and others descended directly from the void from the edge of the Jiuyou Jedi.

Su Jin didn't know when this ancient formation existed. It was just the Jiuyou Jedi, dense forests, and the dangers, outside of the local little monsters, who would come to this place.

The gray stone formation with green algae, looking west, you can see the scenery outside Jiuyou, but at this moment Su Jin has no intention of looking at the others. Blossoms of blood lotus similar to ‘succulent plants’ appeared in his eyes.

A long time away from home.

Su Jin was a little sad. If he hadn't attacked the Yuanshi Realm at that time, he would definitely come back and would not go anywhere. There were many doubts still waiting for him to investigate.

Let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about the nearby ‘unknown world’. In fact, Su Jin really wanted to find the Ksitigarbha, and wanted to see what the bone he took away—

The beauty sitting in the coffin was seriously injured and still in the bone ring. What she found was a bone, which was his previous life.

The Ksitigarbha king misunderstood himself because of the "blue bones", and the sea of ​​blood is the boundary of the "unknown world". If you open the door there and tear the void there, you can go into it and find the truth.

"Amitabha, why are there so many'disaster's flesh lotus' here." The Three Treasure Master clasped his palms together and said the Buddha's name, full of doubts.

"Go to hell, scare people--" Su Jin sneered, watching Si Ming Daozi bend down and break off a piece of the slap-sized 'Fleshy Blood Lotus', and suddenly a **** water rushed out, and suddenly there was a rancid smell. appear.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Si Ming Daozi asked.

"Come with me—" Su Jin burst into a scene of fairy light, surrounded all of them, and several of them disappeared in front of the ancient formation.

Very dumb.

When they appeared, several people saw a huge old tortoise in their eyes. The old tortoise’s piggyback palace was actually the ‘Nine Heavens Immortal Palace’, and the Three Treasure Masters and others could see the three sacred mountains with mountains as incense when they looked up.

"the host--"

In front of the palace, Saint Ji of the Nine Heavens bowed to the ground with excitement on her face, but exhaustion was implicit in her excited expression.

Su Jin came with a few people, motioned Jiu Tian Sheng Ji to get up, and asked, "What happened recently? Where are the others here?"

"In the depths of the Jiuyou Jedi, unknown, many people have already been killed. If the master does not come, I will take the old tortoise and rush to resist the **** disaster——" Jiutian Shengji stood up and said.

Bloody disaster?

Su Jin's face changed suddenly, and then he sullenly said, "Brother Sambo, Yao Guang, and you two will go with me. Brother Si Ming, you will stay, and go to suppress the **** disaster. I may hope tomorrow. To come—"

"No problem!" Lan Jingxue and Jiang Xiaji both agreed, and Si Ming Daozi naturally nodded like this.

Jiutian Shengji's face was strange, Su Jin was obviously very anxious, but she didn't dare to ask more, the current master was very powerful to her, even his friend, she could not see the depth.

Why Su Jin is not anxious, Jian Eleven said that something has happened in Qin City, he is worried about the safety of the Xia sisters in Qin Cheng's home——

No matter how urgent it is outside the territory, it is far less important than inside the territory. Even Su Jin did not plan to go to the western desert in the territory. He directly opened a void passage and stepped directly into it.

The Goddess of Shaking Light and the Master of Three Treasures followed closely-

With Su Jin's current strength, he can directly cross the barrier inside and outside the domain. He needs to hurry up now, hurry up!

Prison Eye of Maha Town!

Appearing in the domain, at that moment, Su Jin looked in the direction of Jidong with his divine eyes, but the next scene caused him a pain in his heart and his face paled.

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