My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2340: Ancient Bride (4/5)

What is in the stone sedan?

Can make Umbrella so desperate!

"I want to be a mate, and I have to marry with tears in my tears, so you can do it for yourself--" Su Jin's face was gloomy, his tone was very calm, unexpectedly calm.

"Ahhhh, I want to die, big brother, don't save me, just give me a happy one!" Xiao Umbrella cried bitterly, and under the siege of the Shenjing Throne, he unexpectedly gave birth to extreme thoughts, trying hard to break his head. , But useless.

"Have you seen it clearly?" The Goddess Shaking was not sure, and asked softly behind Su Jin.

"See clearly." Su Jin nodded.

"What are you going to do? You must never stay here for long—" If it weren't for Su Jin, the Goddess of Shaking Light didn't even have any thoughts of staying, and I'm afraid she would just leave.

"From the moment you stand on Stone Phoenix's back, it is already difficult to leave. If you don't believe me, if you look back, can you still find a way out?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"Huh?" The Goddess of Shaking Light suddenly discovered that although there is water outside the space isolated by the Stone Phoenix, it seems to be a scene. It is obvious that there are several powerful restrictions that cannot be broken by her current realm.

"Follow me, don't leave even a single step." Su Jin stretched out his hand.

The Goddess of Shaking Light hurriedly stepped forward and followed up for a few steps before she held her small hand tightly on Su Jin's hand. She expected Su Jin's plan, which she did not want to go!


Su Jin's expression was cold, and he strode towards the nine stone sedan chairs.


The entire Shi Phoenix, which was ten feet long, began to tremble.

"What's the situation?" Shaking the goddess was startled.

Su Jin suddenly turned his head and shouted angrily: "Don't touch things indiscriminately!"

It turned out that the small umbrella was on the crystal throne, thinking about suicide for a while, when it wanted to hit the back of the king's seat, the left hand touched a circle of crystal clear bloodline patterns, causing the whole stone phoenix to vibrate.

Little Umbrella calmed down when he heard the boss's angry voice, and smiled angrily. It seems that the boss went to the stone sedan chair, thinking about how to rescue himself, it should not be anxious.

Su Jin took a deep breath, the atmosphere on the scene was strange to the extreme, and the horror aura could be felt everywhere——

It took half a quarter of an hour to walk along the back of Shi Huang to the end. It took a short time and no accident happened during that time, and he approached the first stone sedan smoothly.

The curtain on the car window, although it was a fetish in the distant years, has been dilapidated with time. Su Jin pulled the goddess of shaking light and looked at the car window of the first stone car——


A crystal clear white bone, like ivory, sitting quietly in it, with a white hijab on its head.

This was originally a bride.

The hijab should be red from time to time, but over time, it has faded into a pale color. The scene was extremely frightening. The Goddess Shaking glanced at it, but felt that his breathing was stagnant and couldn't bear to look straight.

Su Jin jumped from the first feather to the second feather. The car window of the stone sedan is also a white bone, but the posture is lying and leaning, which is different from the white bone in the first car window. .

No wonder, Xiaosan would rather be buried in a pit than marry these boneless brides. It's really scary!

"Nine ancient brides, riding on the stone phoenix, why are they left here?" The Goddess Shaking wanted to know, and couldn't help asking.

Su Jin shook his head.

Although he is smart

Also very handsome.

But it's impossible to know everything. He still has a lot of things he can't figure out. How can he understand that the stone phoenix left from the outside world has so many moths——

"Hurry up, hurry up, boss, the Crystal Throne is undergoing changes!" Xiao Umbrella shouted nervously.

When Su Jin and the Goddess of Shaking Light heard the words, they almost exploded their lungs. Just now, the small umbrella asked for suicide. The **** crystal silk was expanding at the position where the left hand was pressed. It took a long time, and it has expanded to the point of one-third. ——

"The God Crystal Throne, if it were covered by the red vein Luo, I am afraid something unimaginable would happen!" Shaking the head of the goddess felt like it was over, and said pale.

"So what, can you stop it?"

"I don't know how to stop it."

"So, you have to learn to get used to it."

"You teach me great principles?" The Goddess of Shaking gave Su Jin a white look, and then groaned. It was so angry and funny, and the inner tension seemed to be relieved a lot.

Su Jin moved away from her face with difficulty. This true goddess, it's okay not to make other expressions. Once made, even crying, she is a hundred times more beautiful than ordinary girls——

It was really hard to resist, Su Jin suddenly remembered the kiss just now, but then he shook his head and looked at the sixth'Stone Sedan chair'.

Because, among the nine stone palanquins, when the umbrella yelled to let him go, only the sixth stone palanquin, and the curtain of the palanquin opened an arc.

The first and the second are known to have two white-boned brides from ancient times. Su Jin felt that it would be a waste of time to look at them one by one. For the entire nine stone palanquins, I am afraid that only the sixth one is worth seeing——

Umbrella is panicking now.

Panic more than ever before.

Once, Su Jin took him through hardships, almost buried in the abyss of the void, and even almost used as a "burial object" in many ancient coffins, and was often threatened by the boss to be buried in the pit.

But now, what a blessing to be buried in the abyss of the void?

As a funerary object, at any rate the gods' coffin is so big, it's a big deal that you don't see the bones, and the funerary objects are funeral objects, and happiness!

Buried in Maokeng, no one knows! It's stinky, it's better than marrying nine bone ladies!

And the little umbrella just saw it really, the sixth stone sedan, there is a living thing in it——

It was white, ivory, and the corner of the sedan curtain that was opened was not caused by any shit. The umbrella wanted to commit suicide, but at this time he found that it had caused a catastrophe.

On the Throne of Divine Crystal, the Blood Silk Vein Luo has been covered for more than half. The little umbrella saw the chain that locked the neck of the Stone Phoenix, and it began to be filled with red and blue colors. In front of him, the Divine Phoenix of stone color began to fade away. gray--

No! Xiao Umbrella is a little desperate, and has faintly felt something!

Su Jin's pressure is not small, from the second feather eye to the third feather—

The fourth root.

The fifth root.

The beautiful eyes of the goddess of shaking light stared closely, and as they got closer, the pressure in his heart increased. Soon, the sixth stone phoenix feather fell, and Su Jin and her fell.

Sure enough, this sixth capstone sedan is different!

The car window is intact. Although it is not very bright red, it was obviously changed during the period, and it only faded a little bit. It is impossible to see the inside from the car window.

But the car curtain was tightly closed, and the tension suddenly increased to the extreme. No one knew what would be in it——

Maybe if you open the car curtain, there will be great danger, everything is unknown...

Su Jin's face was solemn, and he gently raised his palm--

Slowly stretch towards the car curtain~~

Fuck away.

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