My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2364: Not Xia Yuyan!

The sea breeze is strong and the air is humid and cold.

The three figures flashed out of the Divine Phoenix Boat. It was Adou, Siming Daozi, and Sanbao Mage. Among them, Mage Sanbao was carrying a lamp. When Su Jin left on the boat, he fought with the Saint Buddha and communicated with him. Buddhism, I admire Ah Dou.

"I'm right! Boss, the king will definitely return!" Si Ming Daozi was very confident in Su Jin, it was blind worship.

"Brother, your state--" The Three Treasure Master stared at Su Jin, faintly seen in the Buddha's eyes, a candle dragon faintly roaring in the deep, scarlet eyes made people look scared.

"Very poisonous, the poison has gone." Su Jin smiled freely and yawned.

"How many days are there?"

Master Three Treasures asked closely, "The master of the family is at ease, the Buddha's power is through the profound, and with a ‘Immeasurable Freedom’ Nirvana Sutra, 60% hope to get rid of the evil poison——"

"Maybe three days, maybe five days, maybe the next moment." Su Jin said lightly.

Master Sanbao looked ugly, "It takes half a month to take a shortcut to'Keep a View of Freedom in Heaven'..."

The goddess of shaking light, the big and small crane girls, and even the often sloppy Ah Dou, all fell silent.

Si Ming Daozi was even more red, not believing that the candle dragon poison on Su Jin's body had been poisoned.

Su Jin yawned and said with a smile: "I wanted to take you to be a guest at home, but now I have a poisonous attack, which is obviously out of season. By the way, before I leave, didn't I let you go to the Nine Heavens Palace?"

"We are worried about the boss! In the past few days, let's go every day--" said the Mage Sanbao.

"How is the battle?" Su Jin asked.

"Tragic, and there is a big problem with the Nine Nether Blood Sea, and there is an unknown world adjacent to it. In the past few days, there have been horrible monsters and gods. The other party also threatened the Ksitigarbha, letting the creatures outside the Nine Nether Territory be charred!" A Dou said.

really! The Nine Nether Change has something to do with that unknown world. Su Jin has always had doubts about that world. The King of Chu had walked out of it back then, and the connection was very strange.

"You are going to Jiuyou now, I may be one day, maybe two days, after I find a way to relieve the poisonous poison, I will go to join you -" Su Jin said.

"Okay." The Three Treasure Master nodded.

"I'm with you." The Goddess Shaking couldn't help saying.

"Go--" Su Jin glared at her.

"Sister Yaoguang, don't bother him. Anyway, in just one or two days, given his current physical condition, there is no time to accompany you." Dahe female persuaded.

The Goddess Shaking Light lowered her head to be silent, nodded quickly, and watched Su Jin walk off the Huangzhou.

Beckon, goodbye.

Su Jin watched the Three Treasure Masters set foot on the Huangzhou and began to go to Jiuyou. Although the parting was a day or two, it was not clear whether it was a farewell--

The rumbling phoenix boat set sail again, the small umbrella is now at the helm, knowing the location of the Jiuyou Jedi, and using this boat, it can be easily reached.

It's just that when Su Jin was beckoning, the nine brides with bones looked at him together, they were lifelike in human skin! The expression on that face is obviously smiling, and the smile is evil...

Su Jin snorted and watched the Divine Phoenix Boat go to Jiuyou. He turned his head and stepped away from the void, and soon set foot on the land of Qin City!

Shortly after.

Qincheng, Gu Shuzhai.

This is a tea house that is not for business. There will always be a sign by the door with the words "temporarily closed". Familiar sights and familiar greenery. Su Jin never goes far from the street. He comes on foot and is in the tea house. Stopped outside.

It was late at night, the door was closed, and the neon signs everywhere seemed to be quiet in the middle of the night.

The girl who only likes to wear black and white, did you sleep on this matter?

Su Jin used Maha's eyes to look through the prison, and saw a girl sitting in the dim second-story wooden building, inside the Xuan window, quietly flipping through the book in her hand, with beautiful long hair.

An Qianyi who cherishes her words like gold, every time Su Jin holds her hand, she can feel a sense of peace and tranquility. She has not changed at all, she is still so beautiful, especially the temperament when she is reading, so that Su Jin's face is revealed. Can't bear it.

Su Jin wanted to knock on the door and walk in, but he couldn't—

This poisonous outbreak, perhaps the last time I came to see her, I saw that she was all healthy and satisfied.

Dingdong, Dingdong~~~

The scattered rain was not dense, but the raindrops were very heavy. On a curtain of water on the roadside, raindrops continued to fall in and ripples, and the sound was particularly clear in Su Jin's ears.

A new round of torrential rain immediately leaned forward, and the green plants swayed by the storm, vaguely a few people were holding the umbrella, hiding in the alleyway and disappearing.

An Qianyi raised her head and looked at the wall of the wooden house, as if she felt instinctively, she quickly put the book on the table, grabbed the door and walked out, with the sound of kicking footsteps, she was quickly going downstairs——

Su Jin was gone, covered in blood, under the baptism of the storm, a drop of blood fell and merged in the heavy rain.

An Qianyi opened the door and felt that Su Jin had been there, but the figure was not there, only the thin line of blood was fading rapidly.

"Ah~~~" An Qianyi squatted in the heavy rain, holding her head and crying, her snow-white clothes soaked and her hair disturbed by the rain, but she really felt desperate, and she might never see Su Jin again.

Soon, with squally heavy rains and bustling neon lights, Su Jin's figure appeared at the door of his home——

Su Jin tried his best to calm his mood and opened the door to enter. He is extremely tired now, and nothing can stop his decision to hug his wife and sleep beautifully.

There was no one in the living room late at night.

Su Jin opened the bedroom and looked at the figure lying on the bed. He smiled contentedly, and took a shower in the bathroom first. It took five minutes. He was too anxious.

Soon, Su Jin took three steps and two steps, gently turning on the light——

Beautiful wife, wearing a thin pajamas made of silk and satin, the pajamas are slightly silver, and the whole person is curled up on the bed. The pajamas cover the top of the beautiful long legs...

Su Jin tried to open his eyes wide, but there always seemed to be a voice to tell him that he had fallen asleep, his head was dizzy, and he felt drunk.

But Su Jin was not in a hurry. He sat on the edge of the bed, adjusted her curled posture on her side, turning her into a flat face, and then stroked his finger on the face——

With a perfect body, Su Jin saw his feet from the head, and felt that he couldn't see enough. He yawned heavily and lay down.

While listening to her breathing, Su Jin couldn't help but put his mouth close, holding her shoulders with both hands as if afraid to disturb her.

The thin Tankou was exceptionally beautiful. At this moment, Su Jin felt that there was no better time than this time, but soon, her breathing sounded sharply.

But soon, an unbelievable scene appeared.

Su Jinmeng widened his eyes, jumped off the bed, screamed wildly, pointed at the **** the bed and asked, "You are not rain smoke! Who are you!!!"

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