My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2374: You will come back (4/5)

Why is it bad?

There were three hundred and sixty wooden stakes, and the stone man who was nailed to death was obviously a coffin protector. Su Jin experienced many burials of gods, and there were few coffin protectors of this scale, not including Heishui Mysterious Snake.

We must know that the black water mysterious snake coiled around the ‘sacred wooden coffin’ and was the most important one. In this way, one can imagine how terrifying the identity of the person buried in it.

Ripple God is forbidden to be touched. The disadvantage is that Su Jin is very confident in the wolf whale dominance technique, otherwise he will definitely struggle to leave. This magic technique is obtained in the abyss of the void, and no dangerous water can rush out.

So Su Jin is not in a hurry.

"Brother Su, the **** wooden coffin is trembling!" Goddess A Zang said anxiously.

"It's not trembling, you look at the coffin carefully--" Su Jin only felt that the hairs were standing up, his eyes were cold.

On the round sacred wood, while the sacred coffin was trembling, the lid of the coffin that was tightly closed on the top was sputtered with brilliance, and the cracks seemed to draw out dozens of golden red hairs.


With a stern scream, and with the brilliance resounding in the dark, Goddess A Zang only felt that her godhead was shaken by three points, and she almost flew out of her body! An expression of fear appeared on the girl's face.

In this wooden coffin of the gods, the real ‘god’ is buried!

Moreover, the sound coming from the coffin cracks did not resemble human voices. Irregular blue lightning began to appear on the dark sacred wooden coffin, ring by ring, and it was not allowed to exist in the coffin inexplicably!

The wolf whale form that emerged from Su Jin's body quickly rushed towards the **** wooden coffin!

To be precise, it should be the magic medicine that rose on the sacred wooden coffin rushed away——

Three hundred and sixty wooden stakes, the tied stone man roared, and the bright red eyes showed brilliance, condensed into a line, and struck towards Su Jin——

Su Jin condensed the arms of the Buddha, and used the palm of the Buddha to receive the horrible gaze. He was only three steps away from the magical medicine, but the stone man who existed in the ages, as a coffin protector, should not be underestimated!


Su Jin had no choice but to pop out a wave of fingers, across the few magical medicine leaves, the yellow and tender leaf surface was ejected with a finger hole, and the blood-white mixture of medicine suddenly condensed——

"Bad things, the magic medicine is not fake, but it contains horror and poison!" Su Jin's head was as uncomfortable as drunk at the moment after the bullet broke.

"The coffin of the gods is a lightning strike wood in ancient times, which can attract the thunder in the Void Abyss, but when cutting the gods to create the coffin, I am afraid that there is a seed of magic medicine left on it." The goddess A Zang looked ugly.

"Triton wilfordii." Su Jin looked at the divine wooden coffin, opened a palm to the height, and directly judged the name of the divine medicine. Tripterygium wilfordii had the same attributes as this lightning wood, but it contained unparalleled poison.

It cannot be contaminated at all!

"What to do?" Ah Zang asked nervously.

"Go!" Su Jin made a decision.

If you don't go, I'm afraid it will be hard to go!

The floating coffin lid, the dazzling light of the world, more golden red hair curled out, each one seemed to be able to block the mountainside, Su Jin's hands shook, and the entire wolf whale phantom began to surge— —

Blackwater, can't stop the wolf whale dominance!

"You will come back and complete the transaction with me..."

A weird voice appeared in the cracks of the coffin lid that glowed secretly. Su Jin felt like a glow on his back. When he looked at A Zang, he knew that she hadn't heard any voice. Obviously the voice was speaking to him!

The black river, the turbulent waves are like a moat, among which there are giant snakes standing like mountains in the black water waves, it is like people returning to the age of war between ancient gods!

Among the five gods, some crushed the jade talisman, and had no choice but to attract a beam of celestial light cast by Juesha Compass, and the celestial light enveloped the five people——

The black water mysterious snake was submerged in the water waves, and when the five people on the shore relaxed their vigilance, the black snake scales and giant tail swept fiercely, directly shaking the three out of the fairy light!

"Ah, the evil snake looks at the sword!" The three of them watched the two fellow human beings and Taoists were taken away, and they were a little desperate. There was a wounded human and **** who raised his arms into a sword, and the whole body was splendid. Cut it down with the transformed arm sword!

The black water mysterious snake with a huge black crown retracted its tail, suddenly protruding its head from the river bank, and directly bit one person before the thunder, and when he shook his head twice--

This one went directly into the belly of the snake!

"Go! Go!"

The remaining two gods and gods were scared and scarred, and the black poisonous fog surrounding them, if it were not for the power of the five gods, they would be poisoned, and it would be difficult to remove them if they went out.

But now the two gods can no longer compete!

From the naked eye, the two human gods who flee, even if they were wrapped in snake venom, would have to rush out of the black mist and walk towards the entrance of Kunlun Ruins.

"These two dogs are really useless, my friend, let me go and cut them off for you--" A piece of fairy feathers had already fallen around Su Jin and A Zang. When the black water mysterious snake reacted, the air on the place was shaken. Burst, disappeared instantly over the river.

On this day, in the Kunlun Ruins, the Black Water Profound Snake was furious, stirring the black river, and screaming, but even so, it is difficult to understand the anger of the little thief leaving!

Of course, Su and Jin are already far above Kunlun——

"The magical medicine has not been obtained, you are poisoned, how long can you last?" A Zang asked softly.

"About three or four days, right?" Su Jin said uncertainly.

"I wake up soon, but still vaguely remember the location of a few magical medicines, but I don't know that they are mature and immature. Most mature magical medicines can change their positions and escape into the void. I want to help you find a nearly mature magical medicine." Goddess A Zang Said.

"Trouble, I'm going to chase and kill those two gods, do you want to go together?" Su Jin made an invitation, and in his mind, a scene of Ah Zang's death appeared.

He is a guardian.

Can guard against the sky, can change life! The goddess of the holy mountain stayed by his side, he vowed to save it!

"God chasing and killing people?" In the big eyes of the goddess A Zang, Shui Lingling, she was shocked. She originally thought that Su Jin world realm would be difficult to deal with longevity strong, but now she wants to deal with human **** realm?

"Yeah! These two gods, I have to kill!" Su Jin looked at the figures in the two groups of black air, and fled to the north of Kunlun.

Obviously, the two gods are going to Jiuyou, go back to the unknown world through there, and go back to cure poison!

"You can do it with all your strength, if you can cut it, I have a way to delay your candle dragon supernatural poison——" Goddess A Zang bit her teeth.

"What way?" Su Jin asked curiously.

The goddess A Zang showed two red clouds on her face, and she stammered and said: "Don't worry, I have a way!"

"The venom of the Black Water Profound Snake is much stronger than I thought." Su Jin took her and walked in the void, watching the two people sink into the Nine Nether.

But when the two followed, they saw two clouds of black fog falling outside a stream. The two gods turned black, and the black poisonous fog kept changing into serpentine shapes. They were actually meditating on the boulder in an attempt. Suppress snake venom!

As soon as Su Jin appeared, he was directly caught by the Five Realms Great Power, and his figure was manifested in the sky above the big cities!

At this moment, under the blue sky and white clouds, Su Jin raised his arm to hold the dragon sword and pointed at the two gods and gods from the unknown world!

"Today, cut the alien gods, you two can take my knife and let you two leave--"

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