My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2381: People and gods have to detour


At the scene of nearly 3,000 people, almost all of them had their eyes widened, and the weird atmosphere was spreading, quiet—

It's quiet! !

After the silence, there was a sensational effect, and the rumbling voices converged into a stream. If it weren't seen with their own eyes, who could imagine that the strongest person in the divine realm closest to longevity was pressed to death by a world realm!

Who dare to talk about me Su?

Who dare to laugh at me Su!

The real powerhouses all rely on fists and wisdom to fight the world.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao had commented on Su Jin before, but thought that he was talented, and as time passed by, she understood a lot, but when did she meet Su Shao like this?

"One finger smashed the divine realm, the other party used his strength, and the pressure was not held by the divine body confrontation, and was swept by thunder..." After someone was sluggish, he found that he couldn't hold back his rapid breathing and said to the person next to him. I found that all were scared and silly.

"How can this be done! Against common sense, doing things against the sky, the world can easily crush the divine realm! Am I really dreaming?" someone said in a daze.

"I don't believe it, it's too strong!"

"Could it be that other unknown methods were used?"


In the galaxy, the people on the deck of the wooden boat talked so much. What was even more shocking was the opposite, the five longevity powerhouses opposite, and the seven heavenly realm girls who were disappointed with Su Jin before.

Both sides were still silent for the time being, staring at Su Jin's stern face, then, without looking at the enemy, using the method of a powerful Death God Dao realm, it was too shocking.

After a long time, the seven heavenly realm girls looked at each other, their eyes were full of wonder and curiosity.

"Sister Lan, how did he do it--" the girl at the very end whispered.

"I can't see, do you see his technique?" Sister Mai Lan looked around, trying to find some answers from the faces of the sisters, but all she got was shaking her head.

"Sister Lan, even though he has the power of the world to fight the gods, he is afraid of pretending to be effortless, and he can't fight the five longevity strong people. We are still dead." Among the seven heavenly girls, another is called Ling. The girl said.

But no one thought that this girl named Ling'er would be ‘faced’ by reality as soon as she finished speaking!

Su Jin calmly looked at the five longevity strong, and finally focused his gaze on the face of the 10,000-year-old leader, and said lightly: "Don't say you are ninety waste materials, even if the gods see me. You have to take a detour, what are you guys?"

When the gods saw him, he wanted to detour--

This cowhide is so big, brother! Dao Zun Huan Zhao was embarrassed. Although Su Jin just proved his own strength, Xiao Xiao shocked others, but when the gods meet him and want to make a detour, it is no longer so scary.

Definitely impossible.

In fact, Huan Zhao Dao Zun didn’t even know that Su Jin had achieved the Seven Realms of World Realm in the Supreme Heaven. At that time, the people and gods of the "Beast God Mansion" were secretly trying to attack Su Shao, but did not dare to show up. , Sum up.

So Su Jin is not bragging! Moreover, it's not that he has never really fought before!

"We have a longevity and can kill you if we turn over. Who can scare you here?"

Among the five longevity strong, the young man on the far left walked out as he spoke. He had practiced a technique similar to Changchun, and his body was full of greenery. No one would dare to think that this man was so young and could still be a longevity. !

"You eighty-nine people, go together, you can't afford to delay this king's time--" Su Jin said quietly.


If you pretend to be fake again, but the ridiculous thing is that if Su Jin pretends, this is simply a fate to send, but after this remark, it seems that there is really a plan to let someone else join him and fight him alone!

In this scene, everyone had to doubt Su Jin's true strength!




Everyone felt the power fluctuations of Su Jin's whole body again and again, including the five longevity strong men, who concluded that Su Jin could not hide his strength, and it must be undoubted in the world.

"Can't delay any longer, Yu Changfeng, kill him quickly!" Chang Sheng Da Neng, the leader, said softly!

"You, die!" The young man covered with greenery was Yu Changfeng shouting from the leader. This person raised his arm with one hand and waved it directly. Circles of bright green brilliance encircled the galaxy poles. A large area.

Bang bang bang bang--

After more than fifty bursts of sound, the gray gas rolled back in the galaxy. Among them, fifty-eight longevity statues were faintly condensed. Each of the longevity statues was extremely real. They all faced Su Jin, and their eyes were green. Light--

Su Jin sighed, it was too time consuming, and then he showed a helpless expression on his face, "Let's solve you all together, anyway, your small forces will be destroyed if they are destroyed."

While speaking, Su Jin took the ‘bronze barren bell’ hung around his waist in his hand, and the strong and powerful King of Life and Death Buddha Guanghua splashed out!

Earlier, King Buddha of Life and Death took a small step forward, when Su Jin was the strongest of the seven realms, and while meditating, he accidentally discovered some little secrets——

Of course, the more than two thousand people on the huge wooden boat, as well as the seven heavenly realm girls on the void, all exclaimed and lost their voices, covering them with their arms!

What a strong Foxia!

Is this still the world? ? ?

The point is not the point. Behind Su Jin revealed a solemn Buddha wheel, from bottom to top, a circle of "Buddha lines" with horn patterns slowly rises.

The galaxy is long, but Foxia will reflect a large area of ​​the galaxy into a gorgeous golden color, so gorgeous!

"What a powerful Buddha!" ​​The face of the 10,000-year-old person at the top of the line changed, and the faces of other people were shocked, and some of their faces were full of fear!

Su Jin's body shook in place, lowered his head slightly, and the endless Foxia immediately began to retract, a little golden light like fireflies in the sky, but some were as small as dust——

Then, among the Buddha's clouds, gradually began to condense the word ‘dead’!

This... This is the Nine Deadly Gods!

Su Jin actually wants to bless the strongest "Living and Death King Buddha" with the superimposed power of the "Nine Dead Heaven Skill"!


In addition to suffocation, people at the scene suffocated!

In fact, this is the little surprise that Su Jin found when he was meditating on the boat with the king of life and death to suppress the magical poison of the candle dragon. ', does not violate peace and exclude.

The remaining eighty-nine powerhouses, whether they are the emperor or the world realm, or even the five longevity realms, in the eyes of Su Jin, there is no difference, because they will all be two words...


Eighty-nine strong men raised their heads after being shocked. Everyone on the wooden boat, and even the seven heavenly realm girls, all saw a dramatic scene!

On the opposite side of the eighty-nine people, the word ‘dead’ appeared in each pair of eyes——

Su Jin's head lowered before, slowly raised, and his right hand seemed to hold up a clear palm of a giant Buddha in that mysterious mood!

The palm of the Buddha is like the sea!

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