My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2394: Two poison pills, stronger lovesickness (3/6)

Hate, can a few words of "curse" be able to relieve hatred?

Su Jin is very clear.

All of this is the ghost of Wu Huapo, the palace lord of Shenzong. Why can Xia Yuyan be deceived to cut love, and the empress can get back his memories? That's bullshit!

Outside Panlong City, the cultivators made noisy discussions. Of course, they were all neutrals, but they clearly saw that Su Jin was not optimistic.

But one thing cannot be denied.

Even if this palace lord of the Shenzong and other three people and gods win Su Jin and successfully kill him, they will also be discredited, and it is even more ugly than losing——

At least for now, the three gods have nothing but to furious, and they have nothing to do with Su Jin.

"The shameful thing, I will break his secret method. If you can't do it anymore, even if he can't kill you, the deity will kill you in the palm of his hand!"

In the distant Panlong Mountain Range, where the mountain dragon head is used as the palace, there was a cold voice. The voice was heard by the three gods of Wuhua Po, and they directly frightened them and knelt down in the direction of the dragon head palace.

After speaking, a ripple appeared in the void, and a bone arm that did not look like a human stretched out from the void ripples. The bone fingers were sharp, and the bone arm was like a knife. It actually cast a spell from the Dragon Head Palace and slashed towards Su Jin——

Su Jin is very confident in his "No" Tian Mi.

Really confident.

But now his face was full of dignity, after seeing the bone fingers that came in the middle of the void ripples, his dignified expression changed suddenly!

The ‘this is constant and the other is constant’ cut off by a piece of gray and blue, saw a phalanx arm approaching from a distance. If he does not hide, he might be cut off by the opponent on the spot!

What kind of cultivation is this! Su Jin was shocked in his heart, he hesitated a little while looking at the bone arm that seemed to land from a distant starry sky.

If you don't hide, 50% to 60% may be killed! If you hide, the state of ‘Perseverance’ will be broken automatically, and the three people will be given a chance!

No, there are four gods besides Jincheng Princess!

In just half a breath, Su Jin evaded the critical point, and took the initiative to leave the state of ‘this is constant and the other is constant’. Since he realized the state of ‘this is constant and the other is constant’, this state has been tried and tested!

Humans and gods can't do anything with him, the realm of the man who shoots is absolutely above the human god! Only when the gap is too large can the state be broken, just as someone can't break the state of ‘not in the five elements’, but someone can break the state of ‘not in the five elements’.

There is no absolute invincibility, only the difference in strength!

Rao was dodged in the last dangerous moment, Su Jin was still shocked by the majestic fingers, this was the first time he felt unmatched!


Su Jin's blood was spilled into the sky, and he was knocked into the air. His body even smashed six halls and knocked out of the Shenzong Mansion before he could stop.

Who! who is it!

"It's fortunate for the Skywalker Dragon Lord to attack you once, and you will be able to stare at you if you die!" Wu Huapo turned around and coldly said to the place where Su Jin fell.

Wu Huapo hates Su Jin now? Just biting him to death with her mouth, she was willing!

"Yes, if you hadn't had the secret of the sky, you would have died a thousand times and ten thousand times, and you dare to speak rudely!" Bai Shan had a killing intent on Su Jin.

Just now Su Jin's scolding, Bai Shan's fierce name, will be ridiculed by the world, and there is no place for him to stay in the world. He will kill Su Jin, the desperate determination!

Tiger God's eyes were not good, and the three of them met coldly, and were about to walk towards Su Jin who fell down the long street——

But soon, the three dared not venture further.

Su Jin shook his wounded body, spit out a small pool of blood on the ground, trying to struggle to stand up, but with the strangeness of the three of them, his tiger body trembled slightly, and his face was stunned.

Behind, the familiar fragrant breeze blew, and the fragrant breeze accompanied Su Jin stunned, but he did not look back, saying that it is impossible for him to have no complaints in his heart.

If you love him, why bother.

If you love him, why bother to serve Dan!

When Su Jin came, he came with Destroyed City in his arms. If Xia Yuyan didn't see him, his heart would not die, but he had to make those cunning and insidious people pay the price of their lives!

As soon as it was warm, Su Jin's half-lying wounded back was occupied by a piece of tenderness, and strands of blue silk followed the wind, blowing on his face——

", didn't you subdue Zhanqing Dan?" Su Jin pressed the blood in his voice, feeling Xia Yuyan hugging him tightly behind his back, and even Yuyan's wife's face was close to his face— —

Two lines of tears drip down the chin! It dripped on the back of Su Jin's hand!

"Under the tree of love, you can't be cut off, two poison pills, acacia is stronger..."

Just sixteen characters.

There is unparalleled love.

A word is painful and shocking!

The Jincheng princess far away, the three gods and the cultivators everywhere in Panlong City were all startled by these words!

Two Love Slashing Pills can't cut the root of love! Who is this woman and how can she behave like Su Jin? You must know that ordinary monks can cut the roots of love under the tree of love.

It doesn't matter if the roots of love are deep, there is a medicine pill that can be cut off, ordinary people are enough, this girl has taken two, and lovesickness is stronger?

Why don't you go to heaven!

Su Jin heard her smirk. Although this was not satisfactory to him, it gave him some mysterious power to support him and sit up, and said in a questioning tone: "Why do you want to cut love? This kind of unfeeling thing!"

"If the feeling for you is only ninety points, then cut it off--" Xia Yuyan was panicked, and the yellow sleeves helped Su Jin wipe his **** mouth, his face full of distress.

The two Zhanqing Pills cannot be cut off, which shows that there is no flaw at all. Naturally, it is the feeling of one hundred perfect points that causes this situation.

"In the beginning, why didn't you see me." Su Jin asked after being silent.

"Who knew you would be angry, there were several older sisters guarding the place where I lived at the time, and I wanted to see how much you care about me, so..."

Xia Yuyan lowered her head, blaming herself like a child when she was wrong.

"Zhan Qingdan, can there be more?" Su Jin asked with a light smile.

"There are four more." Xia Yuyan took out a porcelain bottle from her finger chain, "Throw it away?"

I didn't know that Su Jin took it directly, pulled out the cork, and poured his head straight into his mouth! Want to see how much you care, then prove it!


This! Xia Yuyan was a little confused.

Su Jin calmed down for a while, stood up from the spot, and slowly walked towards the void, "I have explained everything, the one thing I regret most is that you have learned the technique of the'Miaoxin Frost Dance', well Reflect, how good it is to be a strong woman in the workplace—"

"I want to go home!" Xia Yuyan was blamed, worried about Su Jin's situation, but looking at his ‘slightly tugging’ back, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, raising his voice and shouting.

For this answer, I was afraid that I would never get a response again. Palace Master Fu Yao and his sister Huan Zhao Dao Zun walked out of the Shenzong Mansion and silently appeared and stood not far from Xia Yuyan.

Seeing the yellow rain and smoke that was blown by the cold wind, Palace Master Fu Yao was a little sad. Just now, my sister had already informed her of Su Jin's confession.

Su Jin said it himself.

Can not go back.

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