My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2410: Where are the three hundred gods?

Bingjie is an extremely terrifying word for monks. This means that the Taoist body has fallen, and the spirit will go with the breeze and enter the cycle of reincarnation. It is like a collapsed city being rebuilt, preserving memories, magical methods, and unveiling a brand new next life.

The ordinary and powerful "Solidarity" can be reincarnated and repaired. But Su Jin couldn't. This is his last life, an extremely regrettable one!

Almost at that moment, Princess Jincheng was conquered by Su Jin's courage. The **** mother who had just flaunted her might and ridiculed Su Jin, panicked and begged for a solution.

The God of War of the North Sea, Yue Long flew and retreated!

Three hundred gods, retreat!

The two ancestors of Jinshan and Yinshan, who were comparable to the three hundred gods, also had terrifying expressions on their faces.

No matter how big your foundation is, even if the entire Tiangong foundation is worth trillions, don't underestimate a small person! Su Jin is Liwei, but he desperately came down to retain his dignity! But it is like turning into a match, which can burn your trillions of foundations to nothing!

Although Princess Jincheng has known Su Jin not long ago, she cannot be as ruthless as Su Jin, not only to her enemies, but also to herself! This picture is unstoppable!

This picture is like a knife! Distressed to the bones, what Princess Jincheng looked up to see was the firm face, her left and right eyes were grayish blue and azure blue, as terrifying as death!

Su Jin's face was red, and he felt that his flesh was like a furnace, refining his vitality, and his strong and prosperous life after he recovered soon, as if turned into a flaming bird, screaming loudly.

"Stop! You and what you want can be given to you!" The **** mother was completely in a hurry. At this moment, Su Jin was the center of her power, and she would be inaccessible if she came forward.

"I can take what I want. But you can never make up for what is lost—"

The posture of Su Jin sitting cross-legged is getting stronger and stronger. His life is about to turn into an end, and his power will burn the gods of the world and make them tremble!

This sentence is actually easy to understand.

Princess Jincheng can take away the Xia Yuyan he wants. As for how to take it? After Su Jin's soldiers are relieved, the magic medicine of the candle dragon will not be restricted by him at all, and will become a real candle dragon, and it is no longer his avenue.

At that time, no matter how strong you are, when you are afraid that you will be turned into reality by the candle dragon, you will be poisoned to the ground, and he and the spirit of the candle dragon have an agreement, Jincheng and Yuyan will be excluded from the disaster— —

And what was lost, Su Jin's achievements, his life, how can the **** mother pay for it!


The wheel of heavenly secrets erected behind Su Jin is dazzling. The road of life and death that intersects the Buddha is quickly being stripped out. This Buddhist path, which is stepped on the threshold of the'Heavenly Realm', is showing its vitality. Out of the most turbulent side of this life!

The entire avenue of life and death kings and Buddhas, completely condensed into a treasure bottle, dazzling and dazzling——

The monks who watched the change of the Heavenly Palace from a distance are more than tens of thousands! At this moment, after seeing the aquarium condensed, someone shouted in horror: "Tian Buddhism! This is Tian Buddhism!"

"Not only! He not only possesses Heavenly Buddhism, look at his eyes!" Someone said to his companion in horror.

"One gray-blue, one azure blue, what kind of eye is this? This..."

"The ancestor asked us to retreat quickly, hurry up! Something big happened, one of his eyes represents a heaven secret technique! In other words, he has two heaven secret techniques to add to the body!" The monk's face seemed to be beaten. Like chicken blood, his face was full of fear.

"Why did the Tiangong provoke this person? The **** mother overdos it, I am afraid that she did not expect this person's determination, just now the **** mother begged for mercy! You dare to believe it!"

"No one can escape in this situation. He will not hesitate to destroy the entire heavenly palace. The ancestor is even afraid that it will affect us, so quickly retreat!"

"Sky Buddhism, the sky is really going to collapse now—"

That's right!

It is the big mudra of Tianfo Aquarius! A real way of heaven is nothing but the way of heaven in the Buddha!

The rarity of this Buddhism is nothing short of Tian Mi! And in that aquarium, ups and downs, unexpectedly flew out twelve female bodhisattvas holding a piano and a pipa. These female bodhisattvas were snatched from the melting pot of the day and the furnace messenger, and they were sealed in the treasure bottle. Bodhisattva body!

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

The whole world seems to be transformed into a temple of Buddhist music. The twelve female bodhisattvas hug a pipa, play flute music, or play the eight-string lyre, tilted from the aquarium condensed by the entire Buddhist path to the south!

Three hundred gods, where to run!

Whoosh whoosh...

People are like beans, beginning to follow the influence of the sound of Buddhist music, all holding their heads and yelling, with headaches like sickness. In the indifference of the twelve female bodhisattvas, people and gods began to run forward with their heads, but they could not run anymore. Being sucked by a treasure bottle-

A god!

Ten human gods!


One hundred!

In a short while, the three hundred heavenly gods and gods who had just arrived with ferocious and majestic awe, none of them were left, all of them were collected in that treasure bottle!

The treasure bottle trembled slightly, only slightly trembling, but the void wrapped the entire treasure bottle, the void was shattered, and the storm engulfed the gray void abyss, covering the entire treasure bottle—


Su Jin couldn't forget those contemptuous eyes, the so-called: He forced him to be strong, and the breeze was blowing on the hills? You can't do this by yourself! You bully me weak, I kill you in the palm of your hand!


In the Void Abyss, a Tianfo treasure bottle with a slanted mouth, representing Su Jin's entire road of the King of Life and Death, burst into pieces——

The three hundred gods didn't even utter the painful cry, like a deep and dead silence, as if it didn't exist, and the souls were blown into ashes by the exploded aquarium.


Su Jin squirted blood directly, his state was languishing for three points, a blood mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and a trace was cracked on the pupil of the Great Wisdom Buddha, and a drop of blood was bleeding.

Annihilated, three hundred people and gods fly to annihilation! The price is disintegration. Princess Jincheng feels painful in her heart, and her friendship is not very deep, but in the world, how many people can do like Su Jin!

Bingjie, the real dead end, it was the **** mother who made Su Jin on the dead end! And she has to pay for it, three hundred people are not enough! Far from enough!

On the West Palace, the biological daughters of the three **** mothers Guanghan, Shuqing, and Xiaoxiang are now sluggish. Three hundred people and gods are coming, and they are not as good as a fart after death?

The fart can make a sound!

The whole emptiness, along with the life and death king and Buddha, disintegrated, and the sad Buddhist music, along with the golden Buddha glow that was rendered from the entire deep space, rendered the world of the gods into the land of Buddha.

But that kind of sadness, who can understand--

"Big fairy! You, follow me!" Yue Long flew towards the West Palace, his face extremely ugly.

If the treasure bottle just took him, he would be taken away in no time, and the end would be the same as the three hundred gods, but now there is no room to think about it!

Fairy Shuqing raised her brows, and when Tiangong was alive and dead, did Yue Longfei want to be a deserter?

"Yue Longfei! I want you to go back and fight him dignifiedly!" The big fairy Shuqing stared, with unquestionable eyes.

Suddenly, Yue Longfei complained endlessly in his heart!

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