My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2414: Horror Buddha

In the dark sky, Su Jin’s pores all over his body relax and the magical glow is colorful, and the whole person is like a real god. In the colorful magical glow, a faintly misty dragon is rolling, gorgeous and dazzling!

Princess Jincheng and God Mother of Heaven saw this scene, and the shock in her heart surpassed anyone——

"He Dao Lu Xia Yuyan, where is the mother of God placed?" Princess Jincheng asked anxiously.

"In Donggan Palace, I haven't woken up yet!" The Godmother shook her head, "Besides, even if you take her out, I'm afraid it won't stop!"

Upon hearing this, Princess Jincheng was silent.

Su Jin is a ruthless person, even the godmother is helpless. No one can do this. It can be seen how much trouble he has brought to Tiangong——

In the sky and the earth, only Su Jin is the most dazzling! His eyebrows bleed constantly, and he was afraid that the three pupils were affected by this, and the wisdom Buddha pupils would hardly be reproduced in the world.

Suddenly, Su Jin opened his eyes lightly. The bone ring in his right hand was showing an unusual temperature, and it began to warm and start to get hot. With a thought, he frowned and watched the half of the copper coin float out of the bone ring.

This half of the copper coin was broken by the Three Treasures Mage before he took the bronze bell and gave him half of it.

Now half of a copper coin, revealing an unusual golden color, floats up in the air gently, like the half-wing of a butterfly——

Suddenly, a thick and peaceful Buddha's intent fluttered from the void--

The incomparable thick Buddha glow exaggerated the black sky, and the entire sky seemed to be turned into a golden Buddha carpet. Su Jin believed that before he solved the Tao, the strongest king of life and death could not do this!

"Buddha, Buddha!" ​​When someone was stunned, he almost bit his tongue with his teeth and shouted directly.

"What's the matter! Isn't this enchanting way of Buddhism solved by soldiers before? Why is there still powerful Buddha intent around you now?"

"No! It's not his Buddhist way. The one who can emit this kind of powerful Buddha light is definitely another unimaginable Buddha power!"

"Ah? Which senior Buddha will appear in the heavenly palace?"


Su Jin frowned and tightened. He shouldn't let this half of the coin fly out of the bone ring, but based on the opponent's cultivation base, this half of the coin was probably not important.

With the emergence of the rich Buddha cloud, the entire world of the gods was shining brilliantly. Many Buddhist believers couldn't help but kneel down. There are Buddhas singing in their ears for tens of billions, and I can see it faintly, the Buddha cloud seems to be supreme The Buddha has cultivated a lot, and the appearance of this Buddha image alone means that this person has reached an unscrupulous realm!

The Buddha's singing, the pure-hearted Buddha's singing resounded through heaven and earth——

"Buddha of immeasurable life, countless incarnations..."

"The voice is subtle, and the speech is bitter, empty, impermanent, and selfless paramites."

"All the treasures of the land, one by one, there are 50 billion treasure buildings. In its pavilions, there are countless heavens."

"Those who are inferior in the world, or have sentient beings, do bad karma, five evils, ten evils, and all bad things..."


Su Jin listened to the Buddha's words, his face expressionless, but the divine glow on his body began to recover, and even the guillotine was turned into black mist and disappeared.

The most important thing is his body! Burning lifespan vitality, under this kind of Buddha's words, he recovered quickly! The speed of recovery is like going back in time!

For the first time, Su Jin really wanted to die and wanted to die with Tiangong, but failed! Moreover, he has already guessed who it is, let alone the Eight Realms of the World Realm, even the Eight Realms of Heaven, the Eight Realms of God, it is estimated that he will not hurt the other half an inch of hair!

Su Jin was shrouded by a cloud of Buddha, and the avenue of life and death in the body of the Buddha, the spine and the bodhi heart, renewed its golden glow!

On the bones of the gods and Buddhas, the six-character Daming Mantra began to be plated with a single word of golden light.

The means to come is simply shocking, weeping! Very imaginable!


The blood of Su Jin's eyebrows volatilized, and when he opened his eyebrows, the golden radiant "big wisdom Buddha pupil" on the eyebrows opened again, and three temples were shot out, reflecting the Buddha cloud!

The old man Tianxing, such a high-status terrifying powerhouse, obviously knew who it was when he felt the powerful Buddha's intent, and he knelt down without thinking about it.

In the heavenly palace, including the three fairies, the Jincheng princess, the **** mother, and even many gods, the second ancestor of the Jinyinshan, all worshipped!

In the entire world of the gods, except for Su Jin who was still sitting cross-legged as before, all, all of them knelt down!

No matter how strong you are, you can't be stronger than this Buddha, and no matter how high your status is, you can't be higher than this Buddha!

"Recite the Sutra of Infinite Life, return the origin, return everything to you, this world is in trouble, so let's go. Buddhist friends are willing?" In the Buddha's cloud, a pure and ultimate golden Buddha was condensed.

Surrounding the Buddha, there is a Buddha lotus swaying around the body, rooted in the void, golden color, and constantly spitting its core. Behind the huge Buddha head, the Buddha wheel has a total of 999 laps, and each lap reaches 100. Million miles in width!

Su Jin squinted his eyes, the other seven paths of the Secret Wheel quickly transformed into the yellow of the Buddha, the eight paths turned into the Buddha, and the whole person quickly turned into a golden body, soaring to the Buddha cloud!

Who, Ken is short!

No one thought that, looking up, Su Jin actually sat on an equal footing with that Buddhist master!

The most annoying thing is this, everyone can only kneel, but the enemy can sit--

So angry, the **** mother secretly gritted her teeth, but she was unable to attack.

Princess Jincheng has been completely stunned. This kind of scene is far more shocking than just now. Who would dare to imagine that Su Jin would not be able to get down and sit down with himself in the face of such a terrifying power! The strange thing is that the opponent Da Neng is still not angry!

The shocking explosion scene once again stupid all the cultivators of the Celestial World.

"I don't want to--" Su Jin's voice was sonorous and powerful.

This, this is the supremacy of Buddhism to mediate, Su Jin is still unwilling? Even the vitality, longevity, and even Buddhism were restored by Da Neng personally chanting the "Infinite Life Sutra". Now Su Jin is not willing?

"Your lover, those little guys haven't hurt the slightest--" Buddhism said, smiling at Su Jin.

"I took your wife abducted, and they returned you back, so the matter is over? You, where are you from, where are you going back——" Su Jin said lightly.

"You are too persistent. You may say that this is not'comfortable' and does not help to build and repair the avenue, so let me help you twice, so I am a thin face. After all, the whole world died for this, which is not good." Dao Da Neng sighed.

Twice, yes twice!

Su Jin knows very well that the ‘Water Buddha’ not long ago taught him the principles of Buddhism and helped him realize that he is not a person who does not care about affection, but this is really one thing! He has his own rules and limits!

"Two cleansing is fine, but the **** mother must die--" Su Jin said coldly.

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