My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2421: Shocking handwriting

Is there no shortage of Xianfa?

Is there no shortage of magic medicine?

Even the Law of Heaven cannot attract this "Emperor of the Night"! While discussing at the scene, I saw a blush on the middle-aged man's face. Today, I am destined to not let this Ye Di leave!

The other four heavens have all tested the big evildoer, Nanli now only has the girl ‘Etherevil’ reaching level twelve, absolutely can’t let this person leave!

Seeing that the middle-aged man was speechless and his face changed, Su Jin was not such a embarrassed person. He immediately turned and said: "Forget it, you can see that you Nanli Lord is still very sincere. I will take the immortal first. Fa, then take the magic medicine—"

Su Jin knew that the real miraculous medicine was difficult to give, and it was probably something of ordinary quality, and Xianfa was even more insignificant. He just wanted to keep a low profile, nothing more.

Hearing that, the middle-aged man in Qingpao was overjoyed, bowed and thanked again and again, his attitude was totally different from before——

Su Jin turned around and took the first two steps, following the same procedure, his right index finger clicked the Celestial Crystal Ball~~~

Five rings again!

Click again!

Nima is the fifth ring again!

There are more than tens of millions of people here, and they are all frightened by this scene. The wind on the scene is louder than the sound of breathing, and every face is full of unbelievable expressions.

Su Jin made a total of three shots, lighting up the 15th ring! This, this people's blood began to surge.

Little Fairy Xiaoxiang and her two sisters, with their stiff jade necks on their sides, glanced at each other, and the horror in their eyes was undisguised! Their lowest expectation is five rings, and their highest guess is twelve to fourteen rings——

But Su Jin lights up the fifteen rings, and it feels as easy and relaxing as drinking water!

"Xianfa, magic medicine, when will it be delivered?" Su Jin asked.


The middle-aged man in Qingpao showed respect even more on his face, and then said: "There is still the law of heaven! Doesn't the son want the law of heaven?"

"No shortage." Su Jin shook his head, saying that he didn't want it.


The middle-aged man in Qingpao is not too young, so he swept the skirt of his clothes directly, and fell down onto the blue iron ramp. He almost burst into tears, almost wanting to hug Su Jin’s thigh, so he risked hiding. Open, I saw the middle-aged man said miserably: "Even if there is a law of heaven, we don't think too much!"


You really scared me! Do you want to fight like this, uncle!

Su Jin threw the cigarette **** on the ground, crushed it with his feet, put away his stubborn temperament, obviously serious, and said: "I don't want your fairy law, magic medicine, heavenly law! I will do my best, as long as one condition is required."

"What's the matter?" The middle-aged Qingpao asked in a daze.

"There are five beauties, you Nan Litian must do everything to protect you, and you can't make mistakes until you leave this trip! Is it possible?" Su Jin asked lightly.

Five beauties?

So simple!

The middle-aged man in Qingpao looked ecstatic, and said directly: "Don't say five people, that's five hundred people. Our Lord of Nanli gave an order that no one would dare to hurt his hair! You can rest assured! Three hundred thousand heavenly soldiers map!"


The sensational effect has been rendered to the point where I don't know how far away!

The ears of the five daughters of Xia Yuyan were red, who would have thought that Su Jin would not even want the Law of Heaven, and would exchange them with a condition?

This Bige, this treatment, Jincheng princess glanced at the three fairies, secretly sighed, or how to say Su Jin's high EQ, this shows that!

"Young Master, this is so surprising--" Little Fairy Xiaoxiang shook Xia Yuyan's hand tightly, trembling all over.

"He is this kind of person. He wants to face and suffer." Xia Yuyan snorted. Xiaoxiang and the others said earlier that as long as they are in Nanli, they are not allowed to fight. There will be no mistakes in safety.

"But I really want to see when the son lights up the twenty rings..." Fairy Guanghan has a two-sided character, and now relaxes, speaking in an expectant tone.

"Twenty rings is not so easy, but it is already very unexpected." Fairy Shu Qing shook his head in a daze.

They don't know.

Su Jin’s worries are not “no target”. Although the Celestial World is not weak in strength, it is not much worse than the “Five Elements Heaven”. With the assurance of the Lord of Nanli, he can boldly let go--

Some monks showed emotions, and they didn't dare to say that Su Jin was not, on the contrary, everyone was very surprised.

"Three hundred thousand heavenly soldiers! Looking at the Five Elements Heaven, apart from being used by the Great Tribulation, who can let the Lord of Nanli give such a big order!"

"And it's just protecting five girls. It's unimaginable. Compared to using 300,000 heavenly soldiers, I want to know how many rings he can light up! This is the key!" someone continued.

"Look at the night emperor who lighted up the fifteenth ring just so easily. I guess the 20th ring doesn't have to run. It will be difficult no matter how high it is—"

"I look forward to, look forward to it! My firm Taoism is actually tense..."


At this time, Nanli Shrine.

In the underground palace, there are nine red fire springs gushing out. In those red fire springs, there are faint blood vines flowing and gleaming and protruding branches, and in the fire spring full of blood vines, there is a **** altar. A pair of eyes manifested on the blood-colored altar, as if there were expressions changing on it, without happiness or anger.

Behind the ring-shaped roulette that the Heavenly King God Crystal has turned into, there is a bamboo leaf-colored veil and wrapped the beautiful girl's body of the Ether Demon. Her face was originally expressionless, but now she finally brought a lot of surprises, looking at Su Jin Already stood in front of the heavenly king **** crystal ball.

Among the seven, the dark-faced young man was known to many people present, and he was naturally the disbanded youngest son of the Great Black Eyed Devil, who had reached the standard of ten enchanting evildoers.

Now this young man was very uncomfortable, unusually unhappy, but he did not express it.

be quiet--

very quiet!

Unlike before, Su Jin now stretches out his right palm and directly presses it on the King Shen Jing ball that day!

Su Jin frowned slightly, this Heavenly King Shen Jing Ball was really different.

The fifteenth ring was illuminated three times before, but the potential was not endless. Now Su Jin puts five fingers on it, and the stopped fifteenth ring continues to swim outside, much slower than before.

very nervous.

The middle-aged man in Qingpao had made a heavy promise. If Su Jin couldn't reach the 20th ring, Nan Litian would use another 300,000 heavenly soldiers, which would definitely make the other four heavens laugh.

Eyes, do not blink!

Light up the sixteenth ring!

Light up the seventeenth ring!

Eighteenth Ring——

The scene was very popular, and every ring was lit up with an exclamation, but the speed of these rings, judging from the ease that Su Jin showed before, was a far cry, although the eighteenth ring had been reached, but—

Can it just light up? The eighteenth ring is a bit dim!

From this angle, the girl wearing a bamboo t-shirt sees the "Ethereum Demon" very clearly. Su Jin's right palm is the yellow Buddha, and there are faint Buddhist scriptures around her body...

That's it! The middle-aged man in Qingpao looked sad.

Although the eighteenth ring is already considered the best evildoer, each ring is more difficult than one. This dim 18th ring is already the ultimate. Su Jin is really not worthy of the 300,000 heavenly soldiers dispatched, and he asked to protect the five women. Point.

And in the scene that followed, no one in the audience could believe it! I don’t believe what I saw with my own eyes--

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