My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2438: Tough decisions

Shen Xia secretly vomits on the weird stone pagoda above the half-open, the cyan corpse hand protruding from above, firmly grasping the jade neck of the magic sound, she does not even have a chance of breaking away from it.

Su Jin stared.

I am afraid that my own efforts will be shattered!

The devil voice of the girl is transformed from the jade soul of He's Bi, the real incarnation of God Bi, the body is still in the mouth of the corpse of the stone, according to the word, if the corpse is really not wise, this is no longer a simple choke of the throat. simple--

The thin bamboo-colored skirt, the delicate long legs are fluttering, Moyin's face is full of pain, she can't look back, but the desire to survive in her eyes is very strong...

"Blood, I want your blood~~~" The voice in the stone seemed unreal, but it clearly appeared in Su Jin's ear. This feeling was very strange, like a woman but not a woman.

"My blood? How much do you need to let her go?" Su Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, but the gods and Buddha bones and Bodhicitta in his body were running wildly, constantly recovering from the injuries caused by the blow.

Even with the blessing of the word ‘dou’ from the Heavenly Secret, Su Jin still fell behind with that blow just now, and the horror of the existence in the stone pallet is already evident.

Blood is naturally passionate.

Yang blood!

The existence in the stone cemetery has long become a corpse puppet. It needs the hot yang, blood, Yin and Yang Kaitai to reconcile, and then using her supreme mysterious method, it may really be possible to resurrect——

"All!" Shijiao shivered.

"A bit too much."

Su Jin frowned as he spoke. The girl Moyin's fearful eyes for survival made him feel compassionate. He thought that there would be a tomb of his own in the burial ground, and he thought that this trip was really necessary. Fallen, but never expected to die in this way!

"No, you run away~~" The girl Moyin transmitted over. She had told Su Jin a long time ago that she didn't plan to go out alive when she came. Now she asks Su Jin for all the Yang blood. What is the difference between killing him? ?

Moreover, the other party may not be able to keep the promise——

Su Jin did not fall into a dilemma, because he never thought of fleeing! Although Moyin persuaded him and the mysterious White Bone persuaded him, is such a charming girl caught, is he still a human to leave?

"My blood can be given to you, but I am afraid that you will not be blessed to bear it!" Su Jin sneered.

"10% of the yang blood... can revive my heart, all your blood, I can repay the yang! You give it or not!" The existence in the stone bar seemed a little weak.

Upon hearing this, Su Jin was silent.

The silent atmosphere made the huge movement just now more weird. In the Five Elements Heaven, from the **** king to the ordinary monk, all raised their heads to look at the huge manifestation of the scene, in which the stone trembling constantly, the words spoken, let Horrified

"Repaying Yang with blood, it is enough to see how terrible this Yedi's physique is--" said a monk and his companions with anxiety.

"Why do you think so?"

"In the ruins, at least thousands of people have entered. There are no one thousand or eight hundred in the realm higher than the Ye Emperor. The Yang blood of the gods does not choose. Why choose him? I feel that Ye Emperor should be a reincarnated person. , I guess someone recognizes who it is--" Some monk guessed.

"According to the strength of the night emperor to burst the crystal ball of the heavenly king, is it a terrible power that can walk the heavens?"

"Not necessarily, it may be due to physical fitness!"

"What would he do? If he really surrendered the blood of his whole body, he would have died directly. This kind of courage is difficult for ordinary people to do. It is not as good as someone else's knife."

"This is too cruel. If I change it to me, I will definitely run away. The monk is a fate, and he wants to live longer. Such a potential enchanting evildoer, it is a shame to fall!"


Nervous, nervous, some people are even very jealous of Su Jin's talent, and eagerly hope that he will make a choice. This kind of person, it is better not to exist, otherwise it will not be good for anyone.

In the Nanli Shrine, the women, including "Obbi", watched very nervously, for fear that Su Jin had made a choice. As for that girl, everyone had seen this girl during the test, and the name was "Ethere Demon". 'Even the Lord of Nanli thinks that there is no need to sacrifice his life for a girl who just met——

not worth it.

"Go, let's go." The little fairy Xiaoxiang squeezed her powder fist, her knuckles were pinched and turned white, staring at the scene closely.

"Walking is the wisest thing, but the son is obviously still hesitating, which means he is not willing to give up." Fairy Shu Qing said.

"You don't understand him at all." Xia Yuyan's words directly attracted the attention of several women, and then she slowly said: "He can't go, it's a character problem."

"I thought it was the beauty's problem--" Xiaoxiang wrinkled her nose, then rolled her eyes quickly, and said, "I'm kidding."

On the night before Nan Litian's test, Xiaoxiang stayed alone. Her beauty did not make Su Jin behave irregularly. Although the etheric demon was beautiful, no one looked like that girl, including "Obility". Half a minute

Even Xia Yuyan is more outstanding!

When Xia Yuyan heard the little fairy Xiaoxiang say this, she was speechless. Su Jin was not that kind of person. The monks who walked out of China, no matter how bad they were, also had the aura of'chivalry'. This situation happened to Su Jin. Especially obvious.

"What will happen if you hand over your Yang blood?" Xia Yuyan was in a mess, and had no time to think about other questions.

"Dead." Fairy Guanghan turned cold, and said a terrible word.

"And it's all the yang blood, no matter how powerful it is, it will die without blood -" Xiaoxiang added, the little fairy.

"Look at his choice." Ozy said a word in a panic.

That's right!

Often the choice is the most difficult!

Now, all the cultivators of the Five Elements Heaven are waiting for Su Jin's choice! Choose to live and escape, or to die——

The silent environment, the inexplicable existence in the stone pit, is still waiting for Su Jin’s reply. In fact, she overly thinks that the magic sound is important to Su Jin. Before today, there was no intersection at all between the two. Let’s change to another person. I turned around a long time ago and left without looking back.

Su Jin's stern face lifted slightly, and his eyes began to become more energetic. He hesitated only when it was not important, but now he has made a decision——

"If you think about it, leave the Yang blood to me, I will let her go, and it won't hurt her life!" In Shigai, the fight against Su Jin just now might cost her a lot, otherwise she would not use this method. Let Su Jin compromise.

The girl Moyin stared at Su Jin in a daze, thinking that he followed him all the way to here. Neither of them said a few words. It is estimated that they will make a decision immediately and leave.

Su Jin's eyes were as deep as stars, looked at the magic sound, and then at the stone stalk, took out the Raiders dagger treasured in the bone ring, nodded and said:

"Okay! I will give you Yang blood!"

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