My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2440: Ice blue sky secret

The pure silver brilliance divine light, along the hairy cracks on the stone stalks, began to bloom bunches of brilliance——

Puff through, puff through.

Su Jin lowered his head slightly, looking at the position of his heart, his bodhichitta was beating frantically, a trembling that could not be restrained, covering his mind.

So strong! Su Jin's eyes were sharp, staring at the constantly trembling stone pagoda. The embossed engraving on it, under the shaking, seemed to be tens of thousands of monsters and gods collapsing, there are boundless oceans rolling out the sky, and countless gods are kneeling and crying——

The void trembled, the stone stalk stopped trembling unexpectedly, the silver brilliance converged, and the candle dragon made of blood, slowly closed the cover of the stone stalk while coiling.


Su Jin's face changed slightly, why is this?

Just now, the horror inside the stone pallet wanted to split the stone pallet, but suddenly closed his hand, and silently gathered everything. Su Jin was not sure about it, what is the situation now?

The girl Moyin opened her big confused eyes and looked up high. She was also extremely puzzled. What on earth made the existence in the stone pit to give up. Did she see anything that she had a plan for Su Jin's future?

"Take it or not—"

With the same gaze as Su Jinxing, he looked at the stone pallet, and it was not the result he wanted to take away. Even this thing was very evil, and it was absolutely not safe for him to put it on him.

But if you don't take it away, the true body of He's God Bi will not appear in the world, and will be buried in the coffin forever, and Moyin and him will make a profit.

Su Jin patted the Longyuan sword box lightly, and the giant fault dropped the box. The sword box was received by him in the bone ring. He immediately made a decision, shaking his arms directly, and a **** demon tower flew in the distance!

"Go--" Su Jin pushed the stone stalk with a single palm, and pushed the stone stalk into the first floor of the Scarlet Demon Tower, and suddenly millions of vain talisman seals were condensed. He was still worried. During the period, he was on the first floor. Sixty-three chains shook out from the walls of the demon tower, binding the entire stone pallet.

Difficult, Su Jin felt that doing these repressions was just wishful thinking to comfort him. If the existence in the stone ridge becomes mad again, he can come out at any time.

After all, the strength is not enough!

Su Jin clenched his fists, he was too weak! Even if he possesses the Three Techniques of Heavenly Secrets, the stronger the cultivation of the realm, the greater the power he exerts!

There is a very sharp contrast, the current wordless Tian Mi, I am afraid that he does not even have his own'Tian Buddha Aquarius Handprint'. The Tian Buddhism is compatible with his Tian Dao Wang Buddha and can exert 100% power!

After thinking about it for a while, Su Jin originally planned to take away the candle dragon transformed by his own blood, but after considering it, he still didn't do it. He could make up for the loss of Yang blood in a short time, and Shi Hao was there in one day. By the side, he felt like a man on his back.

There was an uproar in the Five Elements Heaven——

The treacherous situation, with the confusion, everyone can see that if the existence in the stone stalk bursts out, desperately, it can definitely kill Su Jin easily, but at that moment, the stone stalk is still.

"The Scarlet Demon Tower took away the stone pallets and suppressed it on the first floor! No matter what, the Yedi finally came to the end! He was not killed." Someone was amazed.

"He has shown four great avenues at least for now, and one of the most difficult Buddhist paths has reached the three-step realm of the heavenly path. Although achieving the heavenly path is very easy for those of us who are born from the immortal womb, but Buddha It's not easy."

"In World War I, the forbidden area of ​​death was almost completely destroyed, and even the head of Siyuan Dragon Turtle was beheaded. His strength was far underestimated by everyone."

"It deserves to be the great evildoer who lights up the twenty-seventh ring!"

"Quick, look!"

Suddenly, there was a rapid suffocation sound, which made almost everyone's eyes hot. No one could believe that that scene would appear at this moment——

The blood of the Dragon Turtle of Siyuan became weaker and weaker in the neck. When it was hanging down, including the blood of the dragon tortoise sprinkled before, all the forbidden areas were submerged. The earth was gone, the rift valley was filled, and the waves of blood, Only a few tortoise shells around have not been covered--

And just in the sea of ​​tortoise blood to the north, a trace of glaze-like ice blue, like a ribbon, rose up.

The hot dragon tortoise blood was covered with a layer of hoarfrost in an instant, and the temperature was wiped out!

Oh my god! There is a secret in the ruins! There was once a Shutian Mifei fell into it, no one found it, and now it is finally born!

"Hands!" On the bronze array, King Gengjin's eyes were completely red, and his eyes were red greedily. The four of them suddenly didn't even think about it, they worked together to open a star path leading to the ruins under the nebula!

not good!

The lord of Nanli ‘Oz’ was outside the shrine, with an extremely solemn expression on his seductive face!

"Sister Ozy, don't panic--" Little fairy Xiaoxiang said again and again.

"Can't beat it!"

The Lord of Nan Li shook his head, "Just now he has been seriously injured against the existence in the stone pit, and the loss of power has not been supplemented. He is not an opponent at all!"

Shu Qing, Guang Han, and even Xia Yuyan were worried. The worry in their eyes did not hide, but Jincheng Princess was more relaxed than anyone else.

"Sister Oz now goes again, I'm afraid it will be too late. We believe that the son, since he can even contend with the stone pallet, only four **** kings are going to fight for the secret of the sky!" Princess Jincheng calmed the emotions of several people .

"But—" The Lord of Nanli opened his mouth slightly, but didn't say any more.

Indeed, facing the four gods, just relying on her to help, it is estimated that they will not be opponents, and now it is all dependent on Su Jin.

"Those traces of ice-blue condensed sky secrets are really deep, but will they fly away again?" Fairy Guanghan said slowly.

"It's hard to tell." The Lord of Nanli stared blankly.

"Hmph, the four of them are so shameless--" Fairy Xiaoxiang was full of anger.


Gengjin, Guishui, Wutu, and Yimu are four gods at the level of the gods. They went to fight for the secret of the sky. Everyone can see that Su Jin is already in decline. At this time, the secret of the sky can be removed. !

Star Road is coming soon, and the God King Guishui is now nervous and can no longer be nervous. Among the four, she could have retreated, but this secret technique is very important to her! It fits very well with her Guishui attributes-

Su Jin faced the north, watching the secret of that day condensed into a series of ice ridges, and the ice blue was so transparent that it was difficult to look away. He was bound to win this secret technique!


Su Jin's face was slightly sideways, and when he saw the four powerhouses of the God King level open the star road and rushed forward, his face suddenly showed crazy killing intent!

Although this technique is not suitable for you! But it is very suitable for Yuyan's wife, Su Jin has long been unhappy with seeing these people, and now he dare to grab it?

Who robbed who!

"What a **** Yedi! What lightened the twenty-seventh ring of the enchanting evildoer! In our eyes, your realm cultivation is not worth seeing!" The face of King Geng Jin was fierce and crazy.

"Yes, there is a big gap between your root potential and your realm cultivation level. Today, the secret of the sky will be collected, and you will also be cut off--" God King Guishui grinned and revealed his little tiger teeth, as he spoke. , And cast a wink at Su Jin.

"What the hell! Kill him first!" Heavenly King Yimu shouted wildly.

God King Wutu didn't talk nonsense at all, and pointed his hand at Su Jin: "Kill!"

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