My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2442: The Fall of God King

Azure eyes--

Carry a domineering attitude! Those azure blue and cold and enchanting colors seemed to be filled with endless killing intent, even though facing the four gods, Su Jin also dared to fight!

Although the robe is broken, the battle is not over!

More meaning!

The hand that covered the sky fell, Rao Yimu Tianwang was madly spitting blood, and the coldness in his heart, like a real sword, stabbed in his heart, that huge gourd is his origin! Now crushed to pieces by Zhetianmi, he was hit hard immediately!

The weird silence makes it hard to move your eyes. Those excited faces, at this moment, seem to be stopped by time, gradually becoming stiff——

Yimu Tianyu.

The lush green covers 80% of the entire star area, and its ancient trees are dense. The ancient trees of one hundred thousand years or even millions of years are still alive. On some old trees, monks emerge endlessly. Seeing this scene, all All have dull faces.

"What! Our king was hit badly in one blow. He didn't need the secret of that day. He just wanted to plot the "Enlightenment Tree" for our Yimu Tianyu, but was hit hard in the first battle!" There is a monk in Yimu Tianyu. The tone said.

"The Buddha of Heaven, against the King of God, and finally crushed the King of God--" There were also people who were in chaos and did not understand what was going on.

"There is absolutely a problem inside, his state is not right!"

"Not a realm, you pay attention to his eyes!"

"Ah? Eyes? What is the origin of this enchanting monster! Didn't he exhibit the blood blue sky secret before? Is this blue sky another kind of sky secret?"


In the Five Elements Heaven, there are discussions everywhere, such as the remarks of the monks in the "Yimu Tianyu". Those azure blue eyes make it impossible to disbelieve, because there is only one possibility for the Buddha to defeat the **** king. !

Over there Su Jin has the second kind of secret!


In the beautiful garden of Nanli Shrine, the lord of Nanli exclaimed. She wanted to help Su Jin before, but was persuaded by several beautiful girls. In fact, in her heart, Su Jin was seriously injured. Fighting against the four gods is definitely the result of getting cold--

can! But Su Jin actually has the second kind of secret!

"Sister Ozy, don't be surprised for now, it will make you more shocked and still be behind——" Xiao Xiaoxiang put her long snowy legs together, stroked a bunch of blue silk, and smiled with squinting eyes.

"You... have long known that he has a second kind of secret?" The stunned expression hadn't faded, and he looked at the faces of several women.

"No, we haven't seen the blood-blue sky secret exhibited by the son just now. I want to come here to learn it now." Princess Jincheng hesitated for a while, and said her own judgment.

Su Jin had made trouble in the great world of the heavenly gods. Under those circumstances, he didn't show the blue ‘fight’, the secret of heaven. There was only one truth.

"Yeah, I'm studying now." Shu Qing and her second sister Guang Han nodded at the same time.

Not stupid--

Su Jin was fighting to solve the problem, and there was no blood blue sky secret.

"My husband, he does have a lot of reservations." Xia Yuyan thought for a while, and what she said directly caused the Lord of Nanli to be stupid. She didn't believe it, or what these sisters said!


Su Jin’s blow, coupled with the power of the giant palm of the Heavenly Dao King Buddha, obviously hasn’t completely worn out the “Zhetian Secret”. At this moment, the horrible blue eyes are filled with strong “blue light” on both sides of his eyes. Immediately he grabbed the Dragon Sword——

At the Otsuki King, he rushed over!

"Quickly, stop him!" The God King Wutu held the endless earthy yellow curse, condensing the formation in the sky, bunches of heavy pressure, no less than a continent hanging in the sky, suppressing people's hearts.

The **** of Guishui, who looks like a girl, is surrounded by Tianhe, and his slender fingers are as white as mutton fat. Once again, the mark is lightly formed. Some parts of Tianhe become misty ice, and the splashing water seems to turn into a cone of ice!

Su Jin felt the ground under his feet as if it had become an arc, and his feet stroked——

Shrunk! Shrunk!

The speed was suppressed by the Divine Curse of the God King Wutu, and he did not slow down in the slightest. With a turn of his dragon sword, a layer of blue streamer passed through it!

In the entire surrounding sky, the dragon roars and the whole domineering dragon knife, as if a real dragon soul swayed the dragon body in the void——

The origin of King Yimu Heavenly King was caught to pieces, and now his body strength was being lost. His Yimu God body was cracking inch by inch, so he had to retreat a little further, sitting in the void to stabilize the body.

"Shrink the ground to an inch, I underestimated you as an idiot——" Heavenly King Yimu's face rose to let out a breath of lifelessness, and he sat cross-legged in the void. There was no other way. He ran away without condensing the original fragments. It will fall within a short distance!

When Su Jin rushed in the void, he leaned forward, and he swung the entire dragon sword fiercely!


Heavenly King Yimu opened his mouth and roared frantically. His divine body was rapidly forming a bark-like shape. Soon, a mysterious ancient wood inherited the void abyss and the ruins of the deep soil. The green leaves indicated that he was in spring!

Dead wood comes in spring!

It's not easy to kill a strong king of the gods, and it's even harder to die! Even if the origin is broken, he can still gather the fragments and restore the origin, but the process will be a bit slow!

But now that there are three other gods helping, Otsuki Heavenly King is a little relieved——

Su Jin looked at the surrounding ice mist, and immediately turned over in the void, changing the dragon sword as a block, and then he leaned against the dragon sword, the ice cones hit, and the sound of clanging was endless!

The extreme icy cold condensed a layer of cold on the dragon knife, and the Wenluo on it was blurred, but the blue blue light shook slightly, the sword was energized, and the frost was relieved!

"Do you think that you can survive this way?" Su Jin stared at the terrifying humanoid sacred tree, on which the aging bark was being plated with green.

The two branches that look like mountain ranges are exactly the arms of a **** king, and the head under the crown of the tree above, two pairs of huge eyes like wooden carvings, are staring at themselves——

"You bastard, a powerhouse at the God King level, you are always in sight and unattainable existence. If it weren't for my carelessness, how could you be chopped up by you? When I gather the original fragments, recover, and squeeze it. Damn you!" Heavenly King Otsuki was quite aggrieved, but also let out cruel words.

"You can't recover, never think about it..." The blue in Su Jin's eyes gradually receded, and the power and time of covering the sky had been exhausted, but his words gave people an intriguing mood.


Su Jin's eyebrows flickered, and then the vertical eyes were pitch black like ink, and there was a faint ‘death’ in it rotating——

"Ah? This is!" Heavenly King Yimu turned into a human-shaped sacred tree. When he looked directly at Su Jin, he suddenly fell into an ice cellar. On his huge wooden eye pupils, two dead words rose up.

At the scene, the three **** kings couldn't stop it at all, because this was an attack from the **** pupils, and it didn't require a distance to make the schemer suffer!

But where is it so simple now?

If Heavenly King Yimu is normally intact, perhaps Su Jin's attack is useless, but his origin is broken and he is on the verge of dying. What the Nine Deadly Power appeals to is'death'!

In addition, among the heavens, the Nine Deadly Powers have a terrifying and prominent name: "Dead Man Sutra"!

"The Dead Man's Sutra!" Outside Nanli Shrine, where can the hazy in the garden sit still, Huo Ran stood up, watching this scene in disbelief—

The "human-shaped sacred tree" turned into by King Otsuki, the green leaves in spring began to wither quickly, and even the bark fell piece by piece. From top to bottom, it began to turn into black ashes and gradually disappear!

Countless people opened their eyes to the largest extent, staring dumbfounded...

The first one, Otsuki Heaven! dead!

God king, death!

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