My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2444: Kunpeng reappears (1/4)

Su Jin's words seemed to be a urging death announcement.

After the beheading of King Yimu Tian, ​​the second one to die is actually King Guishui!

Don't blame Su Jin for destroying the flowers with his hand-

The ice blue sky secret, although not suitable for Su Jin himself, but his purpose is to come here for this magic sky secret. He has long been chosen as a gift to Yuyan’s wife. The **** of Guishui moved greed. They have to use their ability to fight with themselves.

Desperately, whoever gambling loses will die!

The thin skirt of temperament was floating in the wind, and the girl's long legs ran across the void, turning her head to look at the gray-blue star eyes, what terrible eyes are! At a glance, the heart of the **** king Guishui was filled with crazy killing intent!

"You, you have three kinds of secrets!" God King Guishui panicked, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, how would she believe it!

The rare secrets of the sky are scattered among the heavens, and ordinary people look at them and fear that they are extremely remarkable things. If anyone gets a magical secret and grows up, the heavens are afraid that they will have a place!

This man has three kinds! Three kinds!

It's simply inhuman--

"May I tell you, my blood blue is the word secret of'dou', this gray blue is the word secret of'no', and the azure blue, the one that grabs the original **** gourd of the Otsuki Heavenly King is the secret of the sky!" Flashing, stopped between the **** of Guishui and that ice blue sky secret.

The **** of Guishui, the **** of heart stunned, and he fell into the void in fright, his mood was already disordered!

As soon as these words came out, all the monks were in an uproar!

"There are three kinds of secrets, and he is only a avenue in the realm of the'three steps of the heavens'! How enchanting he is, that is worthy of so many opportunities!" The Five Elements World was completely sensational! The monk who said this was from Nanlitian.

"No, there will be four kinds of heaven secrets right away! Obviously, Lord Yedi refused to give up that ice-blue sky secret. Under the siege of the four gods, he actually killed one by thunder. And turned the other party’s origin into a ghost slave——"

"Master Yedi walked out of our Nanlitian, I said a bold idea. If he really succeeds in killing the other three **** kings, if only our Lord of Nanli is left, will he kill us? The Lord of Nanli..."

"Obtaining the five gods, you can march to the heavens and resolve all disasters. He is extremely smart and possesses infinite wisdom. How could he give up this idea--"

"Hey! Hope it doesn't happen like this."


All five universes were chatting in monstrous voices, but in Nanli Shrine, the Lord of Nanli could hardly suppress the heartbeat. Su Jin said this by himself, how could it be false!

Three kinds, three kinds of secrets!

Appear on one person at the same time!

"The third kind of secret, this, this is what you call the reservation!" Ozy's expression was shocked, staring at Xia Yuyan in a daze, it's no wonder that such an enchanting talent would match the three kinds of secrets. Su Jin's future is described as "unmeasured", which is perfect!

"No." The little fairy Xiaoxiang blinked and stared at the Lord of Nanli.

Not yet?

From the moment of achievement, the God King Heart of the Lord of Nanli has never been so curious until now. Judging from the expressions of several women, Su Jin still has a big hole card!

But how is it possible——

Xiaoxiang, the little fairy, couldn't bear to hide it, and quietly transmitted her voice: "When I came to Nanli, the three of my sisters were behind the scenes and said something that made us all dare not believe it."

Since it is a sound transmission, Oki naturally also curious about sound transmission and asked: "What did the **** mother say?"

"There is only one sentence, the **** mother said that Guan Zizai Buddha personally told that when the son-in-law was the most downhearted, he could conjure a **** with one word." The little fairy Xiaoxiang said in a low voice.

The lord of Nanli seemed to be struck by thunder and lightning, and the amazement in her eyes was not concealed. She had continued to fall into sluggishness, making Xia Yuyan and the women peek at each other.


Su Jin really doesn't like it, she doesn't like girls who are not well-behaved, and they are extremely greedy like the God King Guishui, and they have to be in contact with Heavenly King Gengjin. Naturally, they are absolute enemies!

Since it is an enemy, naturally I have to slash—

Kakaka, the dragon sword gradually grew bigger behind Su Jin, and the heavy and domineering blade plunged directly into the frosty blood-red ground, even causing the tortoise shell to crack a circle of fine cracks.

Su Jin raised his hands high and put them up fiercely, the huge hilt was controlled by him, the dragon sword pulled up, and directly smashed it down at the **** of Guishui!

God King Guishui knew that he had no chance of winning. The King Gengjin and King Wutu had already been killed, and she immediately urged the mysterious rain technique to turn into a frosty Tianhe to cover Su Jin!


The broken ice flew around, this blow smashed the **** of Guishui into the distance!


Divine King Guishui touched his lower lip, and the blood on his fingers was clearly visible. Such a Heavenly Dao Buddha could slash her with one blow! !

"I'll hold the old ghost Yimu, you two will fight quickly!" Heavenly King Geng Jin constantly attacked the back, cutting with a long golden sword, but the piercing trees and vines kept appearing in the void, which was extremely troublesome!

"Dou Zi Tian Mi and Zhe Tian Mi, you have already used it, now this wordless Tian Mi is not the way to kill and cut, how do you cut me?" The **** of Guishui squinted Shui Lingling's eyes and straightened the girl's body. Asked.

"It's not difficult to cut you."

Su Jin frowned slightly and looked at the God King Wutu. He felt that the greatest threat was this person. If one were to go one-on-one, it wouldn't be so troublesome--

"You have just taken action, now it's the king's turn to perform magic skills! Shui Bing Yin!"

The God King of Guishui has the King of Wutu on his side, so he feels a lot of peace of mind, and he directly pinches his hands in front of him——

Mysterious hydraulic fluctuations quickly appeared all around.

Bang bang bang!

One water column, two, five, fifteen...

Like a spinning water dragon, clear water jets gush out from the ground, and the splashed mist turns into ice crystals. When each water jet rises, it all begins to appear under Su Jin...

Every time you move a step, the attack will follow! Su Jin looked at the crystal clear icicle, the upper part was as sharp as hair, if it was pierced, it would be possible to directly pass it through!

Fortunately, Su Jin Wuzi Tian Mi added himself, the opponent attacked very quickly, and his speed was even faster——

In the next half a cup of tea, the forbidden area of ​​death was destroyed, densely packed with icicles like forest! Each icicle is like a mountain, the entire void is cold, and the temperature has dropped to freezing point!

Even Moyin was hidden in the tortoise shell and almost got stabbed. When he almost escaped, he looked up in horror and looked at Su Jin, who was swaying calmly, and he was in a position.

"Hiding? Hiding is a man! Didn't you say that killing me is easy? Come on!" God King Guishui stuck the willow in his waist, his eyes flashed with a compelling cold light.

Bang bang, bang bang.

The three **** kings at the scene changed their faces unconsciously, and their **** king hearts seemed to follow a heartbeat pulse. When you looked at Su Jin, the other side was filled with terrifying demon light——

Su Jin did not know what magical technique he used, and turned into a terrifying roc, cruising above the icicle forest, every inch of feathers was crazily covered with golden light~~


When I passed the slightly higher icicles, I even trimmed all the icicles to the top!

The appalling demon light flickered, and the big Peng suddenly skyrocketed for ninety thousand miles!

As if turned into a little gold star!

"Escaped?" The **** of Guishui Leng glanced at his head.

"No! It's not escape, it's an extremely terrifying magic technique, Kunpeng technique that is rumored to be able to fight the sky!" God King Wutu's expression was extremely gloomy, and he shouted solemnly.

Upon hearing this, the **** of Guishui was as shocked as everyone who saw this scene at this moment.


Su Jin even "Kun Peng Shu" will also——

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