My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2448: Behead the God King again

Nanli outside the shrine.

There was silence--

Inexplicable pressure appeared in the hearts of the women. The five elements, the sky and the five gods, were afraid that four would be cut off. Now only the King Wutu is still resisting. Only the Lord of Nanli, the relationship is probably not easy to handle.

The flowers were fascinating, and six gorgeous butterflies patted their wings in the beautiful garden. Xia Yuyan only felt the pressure suddenly lighten, and he was slightly relieved.

"Scared a few younger sisters..." Ozy eyes retreated and smiled softly.

"No, no." The little fairy Xiaoxiang shook her head.

"The old people in Wutu are indeed somewhat clever to instigate the discord. The five gods and spirits interact and restrain each other. They are not monolithic. No one can see who gets the benefits. The ancestors in the underground palace just talked with me, but they accidentally scared a few sisters. Impolite—" The Lord of Nanli shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"The son's heart is kind, and if the God King Wutu, sister Obi doesn't have to take it seriously." Princess Jincheng said.

"Yes, the son would never do that."


At this point, the God King Wutu is really not easy, except for the constantly rising gable, this old guy raised his arm is a mountain of boxing, he knows that Su Jin has a secret of the word'no', and he can't run away. Can only rely on a strong cultivation base in an attempt to kill Su Jin!

Su Jin smashed through a few gables, and in a blink of an eye saw that giant fist made of condensed loess swayed——


Su Jin raised his arm and turned it into a giant Buddha fist. When he hit it, he was full of momentum and directly crushed a piece of land into a terrifying rift valley. Two fist fronts, like two mountains, approached quickly. !

"Kill! Kill!" The God King Wutu red eyes, and his whole body cultivation base was born to the extreme. The five-finger gully on the huge dirt fist continued to glow with the power of the earth.

This blow, even if there are thousands of humans and gods, is afraid that they will be bombarded. That kind of power comes from below, the power of the earth below!

Su Jin had just cut off the Heavenly King Gengjin with all his strength. If it weren't for this, how could this Divine King of Wutu have a chance?

Not far away from the void, the three god-king ghost slaves of Gengjin, Yimu, and Guishui prostrate on their knees, and are constantly shaking. Su Jin is now a majestic, single-single Wutu **** king, by no means an opponent!


Two giant fists that are like mountains swimming, collide together!

Between the fists and the front, the naked eye can see a vertical crack formed in the void, and the void between the two fists has torn apart a million miles in height!


King Wutu's eyes widened. Before he saw that Su Jin was quite worn out, his own attack was done with all his strength, if Su Jin resisted, he would really have a chance to kill Lord Yedi. As a result, Su Jin took a half step. Did not return!


God King Wutu wiped the corners of his mouth with his fingers, and the blood was gurgling down. This, this blow actually hurt him!


All the cultivators of the Five Elements Sky stared blankly. Before Su Jin killed King Geng Jin, they more or less thought that they might take advantage of a breakthrough opportunity to let the careless King Geng Jin be beheaded by the dragon sword. But now, fists and fists, Simply dazed to fight with strength...

The King Wutu was actually weaker!

"What? The God King Wutu, who has the origin of the earth, was wounded by brute force?" When someone exclaimed, there was a mess in his brain.

"Is the Eight Way Guardians so powerful? I just didn't have any fancy skills, but I can see the strengths and weaknesses of the two! Lord Yedi, stronger!"

"The Divine King Realm was wounded--"

"The God King Wutu will be the fourth **** of the night emperor to accept as a ghost slave. He will return with a full load. He will not only take away the stone pallet from the Forbidden Land of Death, but will also take away the ice and blue sky secrets, and obtain the **** servants of the Sifangtian! "Someone exclaimed.

"You said, what will happen to the Lord of Nanli?"

"The gathering of the five elements of the gods can help Ye Di to move towards the heavens. It is more than a hundred times stronger than the blessing blessing brought by the etheric demon. If he is not stupid, he should be able to kill him if he returns to Nanlitian. Death to the Lord of Nanli--"

"Yes, no one will give up the gathering of the gods of the Lord of the Five Elements, and they can't resist this greed--"


At this moment, in the forbidden land of death, the light of Heheri was shining, the heavy rain was extremely majestic, and the face of the king of the earth was like ashes. He knew that this time, he was afraid that it would be cold and it would be difficult to live.

"You are greedy for my Heavenly Secret, now I will give you a happy one and let you die in the hands of my Heavenly Secret -" Su Jin coldly glanced at the God King Wutu.

"Good, good! Let me personally feel the power of Tian Mi! Maybe you are the one who died!" Hearing the words, the God King Wutu gathered all over his body, and the power of the God King rose into the void, very sharp.

Su Jin lowered his head slightly, and when he raised it, his eyes were blue.

His figure retreated slightly, and his body was melted into the vivid array! The entire bright red standing circular array, the edges are constantly covered with blue!

The Dao characters, patterns, and prosperity in the array~~~


Su Jin walked around the bright candle dragon, and when he was in the array, he seemed to be in harmony with the heavenly path. When the azure blue sky-shielding technique blessed the candle dragon heavenly path, the roar of dragons roared away the rain curtain!


Wan Dao Xuexia was scattered on the standing formation, each piece of blood was transformed into a nine-finger candle dragon, and it was in front of the Divine King of Wutu in a flash.


The ding-dang-dang-dang attacks appeared endlessly. The God King Wutu only held three breaths, and the blood-colored candle dragons passed through his body!


King Wutu's mouth sprayed poisonous blood, his face was as sick as white paper, he raised his finger to Su Jin with difficulty, his lips trembled constantly, and he couldn't even speak.

With a loud noise, a **** king's body crashed down, a trace of Wutu's origin, carrying earthy yellow, ascending to the void in place, and when gathering with Wutu's origin, the whole body of Wutu God King flashed with divine light, directed at Su Jin Kneel down--

Su Jin's face was expressionless, and he closed the candle dragon array, and his whole body shot at his feet, as if stepped on a cloud of blood.

"Our five gods only have the origin of the Southern Bizarre Fire. Sister Obi must have been waiting for a long time. Our five gods will help the master to achieve hegemony and move towards the heavens!" Guishui God King whispered.

Su Jin turned his face, and the God King Guishui was shocked, not knowing what was wrong.

"There are still some test monks alive in the ruins. The four of you will send them back. By the way, this tortoise shell is sent to the silver-backed ape king——" Su Jin pointed to the bottom of the original dragon turtle shell. Left here and buried.

"Yes." The four people answered.

Hearing the sound, the girl's magic sound moved from the tortoise shell to the void, and came to Su Jin's side. The owner of the Sifang Tianyu reduced the tortoise shell and took it away.

But Su Jin looked at the ice blue sky secret that was still spinning like an ‘ice crystal flower’...

What kind of secret is this technique? Is it suitable for Yuyan's wife?

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