My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2451: Dilemma

Give death?

Su Jin sucked the jade box into his hand, and suddenly felt that the surface was very warm and moist, and the whole jade box was carved with exquisite patterns. He frowned slightly and pushed away with his fingers——

The snow-white, half-foot snow-white dagger, the cold air lingered out, and it was even more clear under the reflection of the eighty-eight braziers.

"This divine weapon is taken from the miraculous cold pool, my body of fire spirit, except for it, can hardly be easily cut to death, but I also invite Master Ye Di to do it..." The Lord of Nanli slowly knelt down, kneeling in front of the chair of Luang Palace , Su Jin would kill her now, but he could do it casually.

In Su Jin's eyes, as deep as a starry sky, there was a sharpness that even the Lord of Nanli did not perceive.

Originally, Su Jin didn't have any intention of killing the lord of Nanli. When he came to Nanli, the woman helped all the way and had a good relationship. But now, if he is really stupid, he will believe it. ——

in contrast.

This female soldier, I am afraid that it is malicious to him, as long as Su Jin moves to kill, this Oz will be surprised and rebel against herself! It is even possible to frustrate him.

Walking outside, especially the monks, favors and loves——

Su Jin took out the dagger with one hand. He owns the Vulcan Avenue. These cold air still can't cause him any harm. It's just that when he looks at it, he is thinking about it in silence... What is the way to kill him?

The other four gods lurking around the shrine, Oki should be very clear, as long as she gives an order, all will come out, her chances are not great.

"Sister Oz, why did you make such an amazing move?" Su Jin waved his hand and flicked the dagger onto a jade pillar. The terrifying cold air was densely packed with essence, and the eighty-eight braziers would be extinguished by the cold air.

"I am different from the other four gods. In the eyes of Lord Yedi, my value should be much higher than the others."

The Lord of Nanli was talking, but he saw Su Jin stretch out his hand, gently stroke her jade neck skin with his fingers, and picked up her chin with five fingers.

"Oh? Tell me--" Su Jin pretended not to know.

"I am the Spirit of Nanli Strange Fire. Adults have a avenue, our supreme Vulcan Dao, and I have been recognized by Suzuzu. I feel that there are several kinds of strange fires that have been harvested by adults. I can help the Lord Vulcan Dao." Ozy said slowly.

"The reason is not enough. Although the strange fire is precious, it is useless to people who don't understand, and it is not necessarily rare for people who understand. There is also a strange fire cave in my big world. I am lazy to look for it."

Su Jin remembered that there was still a strange fire under the Qinghuomen outside the territory, but he was too busy to find time to go.

"The gathering of the five gods can give adults a chance to march toward the heavens--" The lord of Nanli stared at Su Jin, watching him make frivolous movements, touching the fingers of her chin, and the touch was very clear.


Suddenly, Su Jin raised his head and laughed.

There was puzzled in Obi's eyes. She realized that there was really a big difference between her thinking and Su Jin's thinking. How could she laugh at this time?

"There used to be a Buddha who has been pursuing great freedom throughout his life. Freedom is actually very simple. From the heart and from oneself, why should one live in the ideas of others? Should be influenced by the ideas of others?"

Su Jin smiled and looked at the lord of Nanli, "In your eyes, the secret of heaven is extremely precious. Wouldn't it be better for me to pass it to the king of Guishui? She is my slave to the king of ghosts and can set a piece of the sky of Guishui! But, I will take it It was given to my beloved wife—"

"This, this is indeed..." The Lord of Nanli thought for a while and hesitated.

"I have already had the ambitious ambition to move towards the heavens. It is in human beings. Only when oneself is strong is really strong. Could it be the gathering of the five gods and spirits of yours?"

Su Jin continued: "My China is a country of etiquette, why do you come to plead for sin? Not only are you innocent, but you have made great contributions. I should reward you with all kinds of rewards--"


Obi's small mouth opened. Although she felt a little unbelievable in her heart, she felt Su Jin's sincerity. If not, why should Su Jin tell her so much, the two fight hard, her chances of winning are extremely low.

Slowly, Hazy began to get nervous, Su Jin loosened her chin, like a sea fishing moon, grabbed her right waist, and hugged her and sat in his arms.

"Master Ye, Yedi." The Lord of Nanli was in a panic, but he did not dare to look sideways at Su Jin.

"I own the Avenue of Vulcan True Essence, which can help you further your perception, and the natural disaster is approaching. I will not take away the other four ghost slaves who have lost the god’s king body. Everything in the Five Elements Heaven will be for you. Become the true Lord of the Five Elements!" Su Jin released another heavy news.

"Ghost King Slave, it's hard to be the master of the other four heavens. The horrible existence behind them will not allow it--" The master of Nanli was trembling slightly.

"I have my own way!"

Su Jin said five short words, but it made the Lord of Nanli's face flushed. She saw the fire-colored waistband on the long skirt around her waist, which was gently pulled apart in a slipknot state.

Seeing this, it is difficult for Obi to calm down, wave a piece of Xia Hui, so that the palace hall is in a state of being covered by the road~~~


In the early morning, outside the Nanli Shrine, the tops of the green trees were still covered with snow, and a long-beaked bird chirping made a sweet sound, jumping around on the branches, shaking off the white snow from the stubborn branches.

Although the sky was already bright, it was cloudy. Su Jin changed into a dark golden robe and appeared in the north of the shrine. There was a pine forest and snow fell in the forest. He looked up at the cloudy sky and his face became serious.

At the third watch, the winter thunder, which would never appear, sounded in Nanlitian. At that time, in addition to the terrifying atmosphere under the underground palace, he felt no less than ten tyrannical coercion in the north of the heaven.

At that time, Su Jin felt that a natural disaster was coming-

A wisp of Yuanshen was captured by Su Jin and returned. The three fairies and Princess Jincheng are still protecting Xia Yuyan. Obviously, Yuyan's wife has consolidated the heavenly secret mood and will return at any time.

Su Jin took a deep breath, grabbed the waste bronze bell on his waist, and shook it lightly.

"You came back here peacefully..." The mysterious white bone voice was surprised. When Huang Zhong had a crack at the time, he had already expended his strength and automatically entered a dormant state. Now he has improved a lot.

"Senior, the dilemma is difficult to solve. I always feel an ominous feeling that is happening." Su Jin said truthfully.

"You entered the Heavenly Dao Realm on the two avenues. At that time, you did not obey what Guan Zizai asked--"

"The Five Elements Cosmos and the level of'Guan Zi Zai Tian' are no more than five million miles away. If you walk out a star road, you can reach it soon.

"Which way to go?"

"Facing north and west."

"My hunch is also in that direction.'Kuan Zizai' helped me when he was in the Heavenly God Palace. At that time, he said that it should have only appeared when I was in the realm of the heavens. Now Guan Zizai is facing disaster -"

"No, the Five Elements Heaven also suffered a great calamity because of you! Look carefully..."

The mysterious white bones made Su Jin look to the northwest, and even used his face and eyes.

The field of vision passed through the cloudy sky, vaguely, there were giant gods carrying tombstones, walking south from here on a star road--

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