My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2468: Nanli God Bird (4/6)

The weird red smoke was silent, and Shu rolled out a circle of skull shapes, and quickly pounced towards Xia Yuyan who was sitting on the bed with her eyes closed and enlightened——

Twenty meters.

Ten meters.

Five meters.

Xia Yuyan suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and those eyes turned into a dreamy ice blue color! Countless icy blue chills seemed to condense into needles, trembling from her delicate body!

And at this moment, in the underground palace stretched out, in the pool of blood-colored fire, an altar quickly brightened, and in the flames, there seemed to be a red bird with its wings spreading loudly!

"Teacher, Master." Not far from the fire pond, Hazy's face was pale, and she didn't know what had happened, but when she saw the Nanli Divine Bird opening its eyes from the altar and quickly condensing and forming, she faintly felt It's not good.


Nanli Divine Bird spread its wings and directly exploded into nothingness, only clusters of beautiful flames fell into the fire pool.

Xia Yuyan! The Lord of Nanli suddenly raised his head, turning around and disappearing without thinking.

Above the Nanli Shrine, a flame bird that occupies half of the void manifested. The manifestation process only took a moment. Many people even felt that the sky suddenly brightened and then turned into night again.

The delicate snow feet stepped on the clouds, a trace of flames began to disappear, long legs, white shirts, black and blue waist and long hair appeared, and the Nanli divine bird turned into an adult, facing north!

"My lord comes to my Nanli Shrine to perform profound techniques and take people away. Why don't you just speak--" The thin white shirt, showing exquisite beauty, turned into a human Nanli divine bird, even more than Obi Three points to be charming, but there seems to be seven points of coldness besides charming.

On a verdant mountain in the north, there was the adult who was at war with Guan Zizai during the day!

The red skull mask seemed to follow the changes in his expression, with a weird and evil look. The red glow around him disappeared, and he slowly stood up, his tone was no lack of surprises: "Did you break through?"

"Naturally! But no one knows this secret, even my disciple didn't even notice it."

"What about a breakthrough! Do you think you can compete with me?"

On the red skull mask, two crystal red eyes stared at the wonderful state of the Nanli Divine Bird. His words were domineering, obviously not looking at the Nanli Divine Bird.

"Before today, I couldn't ask for any bargains from adults, and even adults could easily kill me. However, the Buddha of Avalokitesvara was not easy to deal with. You are seriously injured, and now you are really inferior to me——" The robe is fluttering, the incarnation of the bird of Nanli, like a fairy floating in the dust! Beautiful temperament bursts everything!

"You really want to fight against me and shoot at me?!" Under the skull mask, he seemed to feel the clear meaning of Nanli Divine Bird, but his tone softened a little.

"Yes, today is really a good day, it's a rare opportunity in a thousand years! My old lady won't be able to crush you when she catches the opportunity?"

The beauty in white shirt Nanli turned into a divine bird, no matter how unbearable, she had a very hot temper. She just wanted to pretend to be more reserved, but she soon discovered that she couldn't learn that kind of character, so she simply flattened her out!


A divine flame rose from the emptiness, and the beauty in white shirt rushed towards the top of the mountain where the "sir" was!

In the room, the red smoke gradually dissipated. Xia Yuyan tightened her mouth, and a puff of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. What the **** was the red smoke just now?

Fortunately, Xia Yuyan has the blessing of ice and blue sky secret——

The Lord of Nanli appeared in front of her bed and saw that she was injured. He directly took out a two-inch porcelain bottle, poured out the immortal medicine for her to take, and then said: "That lord's methods are really bad! You are from now on. At the beginning, don't leave me, go!"

Yumo moved outside Nanli Shrine with Xia Yuyan!

The three fairies and Princess Jincheng felt the terrifying pressure, and almost appeared in the void above the Nanli Shrine with the Lord of Nanli.

Immediately, the scene in front of me made people utterly speechless.

Fairies fight?

On the green hill to the north, the fire was everywhere, the red light fluttered, and the sound of crackling violent hammer appeared faintly. The entire green hill was being blasted away to the naked eye level.

"Teacher, uh, ancestor." The lord of Nanli found that the name was inappropriate, and a brilliant burst of brilliance burst out of his eyes, faintly seeing the means of the Nanli divine bird in Qingfeng.

It's fist to the bone.

The move is tragic!

A few people stood for less than a quarter of an hour. The battle was over. In the skyrocketing flames, the beautiful woman in white shirt straightened her scattered temples and groaned, "Hey, it's comfortable."

The green hill was flattened, and a large pool of blood on the ground was flowing, but the blood was flowing backwards quickly, digging into the ground, and vaguely saw the masked'adult', condensing the divine body, far away in a million miles. outer!

"Old ancestor." Oo understood naturally, Nanli Divine Bird broke through! Reached the same realm as that adult!

Thinking of this situation, Lord Nanli's tender body trembled with excitement, and couldn't help kneeling down.

"Called~~elder sister." The white-shirted beauty doesn't seem to like the name of the ancestor.

Lord of Nanli:...

When the white-shirted beauty came, Yuer got up, and asked in a slightly excited tone: "That adult, why didn't my sister behead him?"

"Undead, he is God's most loyal servant. He has been planted with an Immortal Curse and possesses an immortal body. If he had not been severely injured, how could he let my old lady find a chance and be very cool~~"


Xia Yuyan and the three fairies and others looked at each other, their eyes were speechless.

The white-shirted beauty seems to have a detached temperament, how come her voice looks like a female Tyrannosaurus? The method just now really surprised them all!

"Sisters, what are you doing in a daze? He will never come again in a short time! Alas, it will take a long time to leave the palace, you can tell me about the outside affairs——" The white-shirted beauty waved gently and Xia Yuyan waited. All people have been moved to the shrine!


Sun Luo plane.

Dark Ji Tiannv's face was slightly pale, she had no chance of winning in the face of the giant bone snake! But Su Jin directly condensed nine green swords all over his body——

Have a powerful demeanor!

Su Jin leaned forward, twisted his right foot, raised his hand, and urged the nine-handled ‘Chonglou Sword’ to condense the sword gang outside his body and finally rushed into the dojo!

Senluo Giant Bone Snake, no flaws! Except for the black tongue that constantly swallows, there are only thin fleshy wings spread out on both sides of the tongue, but they all say that the snake hits the seven inches. The seven inches of this giant bone snake is a **** bone! how to spell?

Qiang Qiang!

Senluo Giant Bone Snake didn't even hide, and the nine-handed cyan heavy-building sword slashed on its face, striking bursts of sparks!

This defensive power is simply staggering! Su Jin's heart sinks slightly, no matter how tyrannical exists in the world, there will be flaws, and he has the help of the dark sacrificial goddess, and it may not be impossible to kill the giant bone snake.

"Dark Ji Butterfly!" The Dark Ji Tiannv raised the back of her beautiful hand, on which a jet black butterfly was flapping its wings, turning into a black light and rushing away.


Su Jin took the opportunity to flash in the void, raised his hand and condensed the palm of the Buddha, pressed it on the head of the giant bone snake, and shouted:

"go to hell!"

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