My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2474: Clouds scattered, thunderstorm break (4/6)

Weird, the atmosphere is weird and silent--

From ancient times to the present, the Five Elements Heaven has never been silent for ten seconds because of the appearance of a man!

This kind of treatment is rare in ancient times!

And ten seconds later, Wufang Xingchen Tianyu seemed to have become five hot pots, with countless ants boiling!

The pot is going to be noisy!

No one can imagine, even this can be called one of the ten wonders of the ancient times!

Spicy a man who will never fall into the plane of Senluo, the king returns!

A strong one.

And now at the top of the shrine--

The women stiffened and turned their heads to look at them. Suddenly their brains roared and they were all blank. They looked at the giant snake, and the majestic man stood proudly on it. This scene made it difficult for every girl to think. ——

The thin goose yellow skirt fluttered in the majestic wind and rain, Xia Yuyan was sluggish, she shed two lines of clear tears, she still had hope in her heart, but she did not expect happiness to come so quickly!

Fryer! Fryer!

The world is boiling!

"Oh my God! Did I get dazzled? A hot man fell on the plane of Senluo, and he can still come out alive!" In a small city, a man's face was numb, as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and his face flushed immediately. , Roaring around.

"Being caught in the Sunluo plane, except for the majestic power, there is no bones left! Staying in there is either madly tortured by the endless darkness, or eaten by the great demon king who likes to devour the divine power. How did he come out? I did it!"

"Master Ye, it's becoming more and more awe-inspiring now——"

"Not only did he walk out, he also tied the Dark Ji Tiannv smoothly! Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to see him alive!"

"I'm very surprised, Ye Di's strongest way, the realm is only the'Three Steps of Heaven', and it is difficult for the **** king of Senluo to tear it apart. How did he do it?"

"You don't understand the world of genius, maybe there are other ways, or how could he come out--" Someone slammed his companion.



The discussion in the Five Elements Heaven has always been unique, and the atmosphere seems to have pushed the hot atmosphere to the highest peak with the appearance of Su Jin!

Although the speed of Sun Luo Giant Bone Snake was not as fast in the plane, the difference was almost negligible. After only three breaths, Su Jin arrived at Nanli Shrine with a dull face.

"Did I allow you to rain?" Su Jin said indifferently, as he raised his left arm and pointed to the sky.

This refers.

The clouds are scattered!

Thunderstorm break!


The giant silver dragon suddenly appeared a blood hole as big as a finger! Xiao Zi'er, the dragon king of the Xiao family, let out a cry of pain, and he condensed a purple-clothed body, clutching his shoulders and couldn't help retreating, with constant shock!

"So strong!" Xiao Zi'er suddenly had a judgment in her heart, and in the far south and north, this scene caused an uproar for nearly a hundred **** kings.

It's actually easy to explain.

Su Jin has the posture of the heavenly candle dragon, which can properly add to the suppression of Xiao Zi'er. At that moment, the dragon's power made even the newly achieved Xiao's Dragon King Zi'er girl fearful!

But in the eyes of others...

One finger slashed the Dragon King, and one word retreated the cloud and rain!

Crazy crazy!

No one can suppress the noisy discussion, the fierce sound is about to overturn the Five Elements universe!

"Emperor Ye displayed his amazing power when he returned. He repelled the Dragon King of the Xiao Family who repelled the ‘Divine Capital Plane’. He still talked like that crazy. This is the one we are familiar with, he is different!"

Crazy voices roared in every city.

"What a powerful Lord Yedi, don't say anything about the Anji Tiannv, even the Dragon King of the Xiao family doesn't even look at it. It's really amazing."

"After returning this time, Ye Emperor's realm does not seem to have been improved. Is this really guaranteed to be immortal in the hands of Lord Black Abyss?"

"So handsome, who can tell me, am I dreaming now?"

"Come on! I love you, Lord Yedi! You are my idol to relieve my loneliness late at night!"

I don’t know which sturdy girl...the voice shouted in which city----

Su Jin walked down the Serrano Giant Bone Snake, without even looking at the shocked Xiao Zi'er, silently walked to Xia Yuyan, lifted her left hand to help her wipe away the tears, and asked in a gentle tone. : "Who made you cry? Did you miss home? It's okay, when the place subsides, I will take you back."

"My son, home is where you are. Sister Yuyan misses you~~" Fairy Xiaoxiang said with her tongue out, not caring about anyone else.

Xia Yuyan raised her hand. In fact, she wanted to slap Su Jin very much, but she clenched her pink fist in the blink of an eye, unable to slap him in the chest, no pain at all.

Silence is better than sound, Xia Yuyan is so excited now, where can I say something~~~

Suddenly, the sound in my ear was like an explosion!

"Smelly boy! Let go of my wife!" Chen Youhu's copper bell-like eyes were bloodshot, and he was canthus! With great indignation, he roared directly at Su Jin.

"That's my wife!" Chen Youyou quarreled angrily.

"My wife!"

"My wife!"

The two couldn't help but disagree, and in the end they simply stopped worrying about this matter. In the eyes of the two brothers, it was so miserable and pitiful that Anji Tiannv was tortured!

On her beautiful face, her hair is disheveled, her mouth is stuffed with cloth, and her body is **** with five flowers!

That's really tight.

Not only is it tight, but the technique is obviously very skillful, and the technique is a bit powerful——

"Hateful little beast! When you tied my goddess, you must have touched her!" Chen Youhu knew that he could no longer call Anji Tiannv as a'wife', or his brother would argue with him again.

"More than that! You still tore the corners of my goddess' skirt and gagged her mouth!" Chen Youyao was about to collapse, and both of them gritted their teeth and looked at Su Jin.

Su Jinzhen was sighed with the extreme degree of the two brothers, and immediately looked over, and said to the two brothers indifferently: "This woman is useless to me, you can give it back to you if you want to--"

"Huh? What does it mean to be useless!?" Chen Youhu widened his eyes like copper bells.

"Used, used, come?!" Chen Youyao gritted his teeth and screamed at these three words almost in a feminine voice like howling.

Su Jin directly confused.

One plus one equals two~~~

Su Shaodu besides this, seeking to calculate the shadow area in the dark Ji Tiannv's heart now.

There are almost a few black vertical lines appearing on the forehead of the Dark Ji Tianmai--

Immediately after Su Jin was lazy, he threw the Dark Ji Tiannv to the two enchanting brothers of the Chen family without thinking about it!

Not far away, the white-shirted beauty was forced to retreat by the blood god's sickle. She turned her eyes slightly at this moment, just in time to watch the scene where Su Jin throws the dark sacrifice to the goddess——

After sighing ‘good boy’, he stopped and paid close attention to the opponent of Lord Heiyuan!

Say it's too late, then soon!

Master Hei Yuan suddenly raised his head, and when he saw the dark sacrificial goddess who had been thrown from the top of the divine palace to the two brothers of the Chen family, he immediately felt cold and directly sent the command:

"Kill her!"

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