My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2481: Robber (5/6)


The void was shaking with the terrifying voice--

In the dark void, a huge corpse scavenger faintly floated out. The internal mechanism of the corpse scavenger had long been embedded with a'meter-level' rectangular **** crystal. At this time, the blue flame was ignited on the **** crystal, and the huge gear was so Began to go crazy!

Three hundred ancient cannons gathered the blue divine light, and on the mast of the corpse scavenger, there was a blue-gray ancient lamp that people could hold with one hand.

The faint red scriptures emerged from the lamp body and penetrated into the void when the ancient blue and gray lamp was lit.

A kind of red charm was falling all over the sky for a moment, and the charm was lingering in the flames, and every strand was burning——

"Xipai Sky Lantern! You really took pains to deal with me!" Master Hei Yuan shouted in a deep voice.

"Everyone in the plane of God listens well~~ The male cultivator stands on the left, the female cultivator stands on the right, and the male cultivator stands in the middle! You Heiyuan King is no exception, get out and stand in the middle!"

On the huge corpse salvaging boat, I don’t know who made the sound and announced it!

Lord Black Abyss:...

The beauty in white shirt from a distance:...

Brother Nanli: ~~~

Putting on the exquisite remarks, it makes people feel courageous not to be too fat!

Finally in a small city south of Li, someone couldn't help but move their stiff neck, and asked the people around him: "That corpse boat seems to have been transformed, who is the person here, dare you to threaten Master Heiyuan like this?"

"Didn't Master Heiyuan just say that? The people who come from'Li Hentian' are all traitors." Someone rolled his eyes and said.

"It's terrible, what kind of magical treasure is the'Xipai Sky Lantern' lit on the mast? It looks so powerful, even the faces of the gods have changed."

"It is not difficult to refine the Xipao Sky Lantern. As long as you pay the price, many great abilities can be refined. This kind of magic lamp is made, but it can't be lighted. It needs the oil of the'celestial corpse' to light it— —"

"Look carefully! Oh, my mother~~The oil dripped under the lamp that day~~"


After reminding many people, they were dumbfounded. A drop of celestial corpse oil is worth no less than three kilograms of crystals. This is a big deal.

If people know that the corpse scavenger is driven by a one-meter long crystal that weighs tens of thousands of catties, I don’t know how many people’s jaws will be shocked!

On the shrine--

Su Jin sat down and glanced to the north, and when he saw that the **** kings hadn't been killed, he began to use his strength and began to repair the injuries in his body inch by inch.

"Xipai sky lanterns can bind souls. Just after Master Heiyuan received the Buddha's'prayer wheel', the demon body split and bleeds. If he is caught by those blood red spells, even if he has an immortal body, It's not easy!" As the little fairy Xiaoxiang said, she was a little excited when she saw the real Xipao Sky Lantern for the first time.

"There is no real immortality, you just treat him as cursed, it's just more troublesome to behead him." The Dark Ji Tiannv looked at Su Jin, and then said to the women.

The Lord of Nanli nodded slightly, agreeing with the words of An Ji Tiannv——

Only Xia Yuyan walked to Su Jin silently, squatted down gently, her long legs were a few inches more exposed, she consciously stretched out the snow-white palm and wiped the blood marks on the corners of his mouth.

The thin goose-yellow skirt, the long hair that was carefully combed by Xiaoxiang, and the beauty of Xia Yuyan made Su Jin stunned, and then smiled: "I'm fine."


The Giant Bone Snake is constantly swimming flexibly on all levels of the shrine, with huge bones appearing from time to time, making people unable to help but pay attention to its movements.

Su Jin took a deep breath, did not let any recovery time, closed his eyes and emitted a circle of Buddha light on his body——


In the void, facing the three hundred weird turrets, Lord Heiyuan didn't think that it could hit him. The real threat to him was the ‘Mi Po Sky Lantern’!

Circles of scarlet blood rose, Master Heiyuan tilted his head and shouted directly: "Don't do it yet!"

Bang bang bang--

Amidst the red spells in the sky, Lord Heiyuan appeared in another location, and was quickly approaching the ‘corpse-fishing ship’!

At the same time, the ninety-three **** kings shook out with majesty and fierce power, and the various lights rushed out, which actually enveloped the entire northern void, and even the sacred light hole penetrated the ‘Siluo Plane’!

The power of nearly a hundred divine kings is too terrifying. If they go together, even the beauty in white shirts will be hard to stop. The key is that no one will believe Su Jin's words!

The so-called killing one by one, when faced with so many gods, it has become a big joke!

"Not good!" The beauty in white shirt was moved. She was in a dilemma. Just as she was hesitating whether to go to the shrine to help, the cute winter spirit in the green dress made the treasure pig backwards leisurely and covered it with her little hand. Raised ears.



There are huge divine crystals as energy sources, and that row of three hundred ancient cannons has long accumulated a blue divine flame, and it blasted directly!

Master Heiyuan quickly took a position and escaped a group of terrifying divine flames, but soon he felt something wrong!


Ninety-three divine kings displayed the majesty of the divine king, and as a result, a cloud of blue divine flames sprayed out, and the divine king with a slight weakness was directly hit!

hole! Wherever you get bombed, you will definitely be shocked!

"What kind of ghosts are those!" There is the power of the **** king, and he wields a divine light, trying to resist the dense shelling, but when the shells like shooting stars hit, no one dares to sit and wait for the body of the **** king to be bombarded. open!

God King is God King——

Under this platoon of offensive, only three of them were blown away by the King of God's body and almost died, while the others moved quickly to the south of the temple, immediately robbing people!

Si Si Si~~~

Senluo Giant Bone Snake raised the head of the snake, drilled out of the void on one side, and the bone tail insidiously pulled a person in front of the side, dragging and killing the spot!

At this time, none of the Lords of the Five Elements, including Obi, was sitting there waiting to die!

The mark of the six Buddhist beads on the back of Su Jin's hand quickly lit up. In the rumbling sound, the six ten-meter-diameter beads quickly rotated along the Jinglun Buddha track, covering the top of the entire shrine!

The empty vision and mysterious method appeared with the advent of nearly a hundred eminent kings!

Although the cultivator Nanli knew very well that the **** kings to the north would do it sooner or later, but he didn't expect that the movement would be even bigger than Master Heiyuan!

"Although Lord Yedi once again used the'prayer wheel' Buddha technique, nearly a hundred **** kings are too powerful to resist!" Some people trembled and stared at Nan Li. The scene at the shrine.

"I've always wondered, Master Heiyuan said about robbing people, who exactly is robbing!"


The magnificent Buddha's ‘prayer wheel’ is running at an extremely fast speed, and its momentum is less than that of the gods and kings in the sky!

Xia Yuyan tensed his nerves and looked worriedly at Su Jin, who was still closing his eyes. He didn't sit down for long. After this force, the blood from the corners of his mouth quickly flowed down——

Panicking, when Xia Yuyan was panicking, she saw Su Jin slightly open her eyes, and there was a trace of Buddha's light flashing in it! But his right hand was directly held by him!


Su Jin's eyes widened suddenly, staring blankly at the hand that was still holding tight, but now it was empty! Xia Yuyan's whole body has disappeared.

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