My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2483: The Might of the Night Emperor (1/6)


When the twelve giant characters came out, they seemed to turn into dots of blue ink, transforming into a ray of brilliance, dancing around like fireflies, the original dark void was just a collapse in one place, but then it collapsed into pieces——

The imaginary blue ink-colored Dao formation like the mainland, on the nine palaces and gossip, the two instruments are reversed, and a scene of the sacred light begins to turn into a storm, stirred by unpredictable power!

The positions of the Nine Palaces, such as'Gangong','Kangong','Gengong', and'Zooming Palace', unexpectedly began to attract the power of the stars and the earth. The whole Nanli seemed not to be brought down because of Su Jin, but was caused by Su Jin. The catastrophe is brought down!

Transparent fluctuations exist all the time, and a strong fighting spirit is rapidly rising——

Climb again!

Originally there was no wind, but under the storm formed by that power, it almost made some great abilities unable to open their eyes! And where the Anji Tiannv and others stood, several dreamlike beauties, their hair fluttered wildly, each pair of eyes was unbelievable!

"Nine fusion skills, all things in the world?" An Ji Tiannv swallowed hard, her heart throbbing violently, a kind of uncontrollable fear breeds.

That's right.

It is fear.

The vast majority of people who look up are like this.

Su Jin was really shocking this time, and even the beauty in white shirt and King Black Abyss who were on the edge of the blue ink storm were shocked to varying degrees--

In the nine palaces and gossip, the two instruments are reversed, and among them the appalling Dao marks are swarming, and countless ‘Sen Luo Faxiang’ faintly condenses.


The middle-aged goddess king who was catching Xia Yuyan's face reacted in shock and changed wildly. She turned around and took Xia Yuyan into the void portal that she waved away——


The middle-aged goddess king felt violent and she found that she couldn't get in! The Void Portal was distorted by the mysterious power. Looking closely, the Void Portal is still collapsing!


Could this be the power of all things?

Su Jin, with a little sentiment, opened his eyes directly from the state that looked like a woodcarving. When that eye opened, it seemed as if a ray of stars shone through——

Get up!

Step on, step on--

It seemed silent.

Su Jin stepped on the edge of the slightly rotating Dao map, on the thick and imaginary blue Jiugong Dao map, every step he took, there would be a circle of ripples.

In the first pass, he raised his head to look at the nearly a hundred nervous kings!


What kind of deep eyes is that?

At a glance, the nearly a hundred **** kings gathered together, all instinctively felt that the **** king's soul was trembling, and they all took a step back!

At a glance, nearly a hundred divine kings retreated!

In this scene, countless monks admiring Su Jin were excited and excited, and finally waited for the moment of real confrontation! Ye Di, want to come and go shopping!

"Star Sky God King! We will not take any action. When the time comes for you to kill him, let's do it!" Xiao Zier's face paled in shock, and he glanced sideways at the Star Sky King.

The Star Sky God King was very dumb, really dumb, his face was stiff, and his face was a bit unbearable.

"Yeah! Just now you said let us give you a chance! You must be able to kill Ye Di, it's all up to you!"

"Star Sky God King, only you can contend against him, let's do it--"

"Master Star Sky~~~"

Faced with the urging of many **** kings, the star sky **** king's face turned black. Why didn't he know that these words were all praise!

Attention is to praise, not to ridicule——

Now Su Jin’s state is too weird, he can’t figure out the details of his strength at all, and he urgently needs someone to test his combat power. There is no doubt that he just took advantage of the situation and threatened to let the other **** kings not take action. The Star Sky King became the best choice. !

"Cut it! I'm close to the consummated **** king, and he can't kill him as a young man?" The Star Sky **** king unfolded the five-color feather fan, but he was ready to attack.

If Ye Di is killed, he is confident that he can become the idol of Xiao Zi'er, the dragon king of the Xiao family! Even, it can capture the hearts of beautiful people. He thinks that Su Jin will only use gorgeous magic to scare people, and he can't kill the weak of heaven?

Do not believe!

"The King of Star Sky is good." There is the King of God cheering for the King of Star Sky.

"The Star Sky God King can easily smash and kill Ye Di, just wait and see if you don't believe it--"


Su Jin said nothing, watching the Star Sky God King walk out——

Immediately afterwards, the Star Sky God King with strong jealousy swept away the five-color feather fan, and said softly, "Hundred birds face the phoenix!"

A mysterious cyan giant bird sang high in the sky, and the huge feathers clumped into clusters of divine flames, and the raging burst out, and when they screamed loudly, they flapped their wings and swooped down towards Su Jin!

Su Jin took a step forward, as if shining with blue ink radiance behind him, he approached the Star Sky God King directly——

The Star Sky God King also reacted quickly. The five-color feather fan flipped over, changed his moves repeatedly, and thrust forward on his feet. The sharp fan-shaped force wanted to cut Su Jin's throat!

Time seems to pass very slowly at that moment~~~

Su Jin didn't even see the fan-shaped blade, but with one hand behind his back, raising his right hand--

Suddenly, the shocking sound that overturned the Five Elements Sky appeared again!

Su Jin held only three fingers in his right hand, and just caught the fan-shaped sharpness between his thumb and index finger, which was too accurate to be any more accurate, and tightly pinched the five-color lupin spread out in front of his throat!

Cold sweat!

The Star Sky God King's face was all drawn out, he looked at it in disbelief, and looked at the "Five Bird Fan" he was holding. Although he didn't use his full strength just now, he also used at least eight points of his strength! Can you lock your magic weapon with just two fingers?


The King of Star Sky only felt a pain in his arm, and the "Five Bird Fan" pinched by Su Jin was directly crushed!

Broken! He read it right, it's really fragile!

"Ye Di, Ye Di, how mysterious he is! I have never seen the magic that he has realized after reading many ancient books!" In an ancient city not far to the south from the shrine, someone said with trembling lips.

"The'Five Bird Fan' is a famous treasure of the Star Sky God King, so it was crushed?!"

"More than that, look at the north side. After the Ye Emperor's woman was robbed, she couldn't take it out at all. A mysterious power sealed the void."

"That's right! The Void Portal is full of twisted forest storms, which are constantly collapsing inside. That goddess king can't take people away! This is too strong!"

"Strong is strong, there are nearly a hundred **** kings in this first level, can he fight all the way through no matter how strong it is?"


There is admiration, respect, and doubt, but in the face of many doubts, Su Jin has already begun to prove it with actions!

It's too late to say, then soon! After Su Jin smashed the "Five Bird Fan", the Star Sky God King didn't wake up from his sluggish expression, and suddenly felt a terrible suppression!

Su Jin lifted his foot, as if he was performing an art of kicking people with his feet, and kicked the upper body of the King of Star Sky ——


The Star Sky God King was kicked into the distant northern void, and endless divine flowers were spewing out. At that instant, someone saw the Star Sky God King disintegrate, and the power of the God King was burning in the sky after the loud noise!

One kick, kick the King of God!

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