My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2485: Running Running (3/6)

One south and one north.

The giant soles of the feet that surrounded the Buddha flame slowly stopped in the void of the abyss.

At the northernmost Void Abyss, the black-robed man gently raised his head, a white and straight nose and half of his face appeared, and the blood god's sickle slowly shrank in his hand and turned into a red sickle emblem on his arm.

Da, Da~~~

Without hurry, the black-robed man turned around, walked into nothingness and disappeared.


In the sunken Baili pit, Su Jin walked towards the void and stayed there for a while, watching the black abyss king gradually shrink in the pit. The scarlet thick blood seeps into the ground like a snake, and soon the black abyss king is Turned into a piece of human skin, a pair of broken bones-

The immortal body is really powerful.

Although Su Jin gave a fierce anger, King Heiyuan didn't know what was going on. His blood was alive, and as long as the blood was undefeated, it was almost impossible to kill it. If he seized another bone, he would be able to jump around again.

Turning a few steps and flashing to approach Xia Yuyan's position-

The face of the middle-aged goddess king was very ugly, and now Lord Hei Yuan had retreated, and he was still holding Xia Yuyan, so it was difficult to escape!

Thinking of this, the middle-aged goddess king kept approaching the edge of the void portal, seeming to threaten Su Jin's heart not to die.

However, as he approached, the middle-aged goddess king looked ecstatic, and there were no more distorted and collapsed waves in the Void Gate, and it seemed that it no longer led to the ‘Siluo Plane’!

This big discovery made the middle-aged goddess king almost never even thought about it, and pushed Xia Yuyan in the direction of Su Jin!

It's not easy to take someone to escape!

Although she is a **** king who majors in speed, she can take a person, and the other party is a strong man who can defeat Lord Black Abyss. It will be easy to catch her.

The middle-aged goddess king turned around and jumped into the void portal at the same time he pushed Xia Yuyan away.


The screams made the scalp numb, and when it was taken into the portal, a blood mist glowed with a glow. When the miserable voice appeared, the whole inside collapsed. Many strong people don’t need to look at it to know that the middle-aged goddess is afraid. Hanged by those twisting forces, the body of the **** king turned into blood!

Although Xia Yuyan just struggled in the hands of the goddess king, she was actually not afraid. Now when she was pushed to Su Jin, she couldn't restrain her inner joy and opened her arms——

Su Jin was caught face to face with both hands!

The delicate willow waist that can be pinched with both hands, under the thin yellow skirt, the feel is simply bursting! A piece of green silk swept across Su Jin's face, and a dreamlike drunken feeling grew in his heart.

The Nine Palaces and Bagua Dao array slowly disappeared, and the explosive black void slowly recovered as time passed.

Clear sky.

When Su Jin held Xia Yuyan and walked towards Nanli Shrine, he glanced at the ground below.

The other wounded kings fled as soon as the "Shen Luo Wanxiang" was lifted, and Xiao Zi'er might be the last one to leave on the edge of the Baili Shenkeng.

The purple clothes fluttered, but her heart calmed down, and she turned to reveal a three-foot-long silver dragon body, shook a dragon cave, and disappeared into it.

Once, Su Jin obtained the Dragon Swallowing Technique in the second level of the Mogu God Prison. At that time, he should pass the Swallowing Dragon Technique as long as he encountered the dragon!


But how should he spread the Dragon Clan who acted like this? It was precisely because of this problem that Xiao Zi'er was merciful by his men and did not kill him——


Nan Litian recovered the long-lost calm, but in the cities and towns, the discussion remained unabated. Even from early noon, Ye Di returned to Nanli Shrine with Xia Yuyan, and discussed until night fell, and the heat was still very hot. .

Starry sky, bright moon.

In the darkness, a green leaf and pink flower leaned out of the palace railing, and Su Jin walked out.

"What's your plan?" The Dark Ji Tiannv slowly appeared behind him from the corner.

"I should ask you this question." Su Jin said calmly, turning aside Junyi's face while speaking.

"I will attack the ‘Divine Plane’ with you." An Ji Tiannv suddenly said something.

Su Jin turned around slightly, and in the silent night, there was a bright moon shining, and there was a rare enthusiasm in the eyes of the Dean Ji Tianmai.

"Why are you so sure that I would do that?" Su Jin suddenly felt a strange feeling when looking at her.

"If you leave, you won't be called Ye Di, and I am familiar with the plane of God. You don't need me to find you, you will also find me—"


Su Jin likes to chat with smart people very much. At least when he is sensible, Dark Sacrifice is not stupid, even his thoughts and plans can be counted.

"You are ready, and you are about to leave soon. What you said is not entirely correct. One thing is not true. It is not realistic to attack the'Plane of Gods' in this trip. If I am found out, I don’t care. I just need to go before revenge. A place." Su Jin said lightly.

"Where to go?" An Ji Tiannv was a little curious.

"Xiao's Dragon Clan——"

"Huh? I heard that right?"

"You heard me right."

"Why are you going there?"

"Don't worry about it, you will know it then."


After some exchanges, An Ji Tiannv said that she was going to change clothes. The corners of her water-red skirt were torn off by Su Jin. Although it does not affect the wear on her body, it is still conspicuous.

Su Jin returned to the room and looked at Xia Yuyan who was asleep on the bed. She hadn't slept well these few days, and spent the rest of her time in fear. She was very sleepy since sunset in the afternoon and was constantly dozing off, so she should be early. Rested.

Before the bed, Su Jin was sitting on the edge, reaching out to touch her little hand, and whispered: "Today is the first time you were snatched from my hand, and it is the last time. When I come back, I will take you back to Qin city."


Lifting the back of the snow-white catkin's hand, Su Jin kissed it, and he quietly left when the voice of An Jitian Girl reached his ear.

There are beautiful women in white shirts guarding the Nanli Shrine, and several other gods are also there. Su Jin is naturally relieved, and when the battle is over today, he faintly felt a strong Buddhist aura in the south.

Su Jin could not determine whether it was Guan Zizai or not, because it was just perception and he did not see it at the time—

The moon shadow was whirling, and a few pink petals fell off the delicate branches. When Su Jin saw the dark sacrificial goddess, he was stunned.

"Where to be a thief? Long-legged sister!"

Su Jin looked at the dark sacrificial goddess in tight-fitting black. At this moment, she was standing on the top of the divine palace with her back facing herself. When she turned her head, her face was covered with a blue silk yarn.

If you just want to be a thief, you have to cover it all. What's the matter with the knee-length skirt below? There was a lot of snow left, and the key was to wear a pair of brown leather boots.

"We are being watched--" The Dark Ji Tiannv turned her head and said, her tone full of helplessness.


Who's staring at it?

Su Jin looked directly down, and immediately the little girl named Dong Ling rode directly on the'Precious Money Pig' and rushed up!

"Big brother, where are you going?" Xiao Dongling's cute face was full of innocent smiles, and he looked at the two and asked.

"There is something urgent to do, Sister Yu didn't arrange your accommodation?" Su Jin gave Anji Tiannv a look and asked Xiao Dongling.

"It's arranged, big brother, I want to give you a baby——" Xiao Dongling turned over the treasure pig and ran over smilingly.

"Oh? What..."

Su Jin hasn't finished speaking yet, the harmless little Dongling of the livestock swept away with both hands, and a **** cloth bag was enveloped!

Xiao Dongling's excited little face flushed, and his eyes were full of bright and happy looks, yelling again and again:

"Pretend to go!"

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