My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2487: Golden Dragon (5/6)

Wear Yunfeng.

The Dark Ji Tiannv didn’t lie to him. Su Jin just walked past one side and looked up and saw the prominent building on the east side of the mountain——

The building can no longer be described by the word "Grand". It stretches for thousands of miles to the east. The lowest of each building is dozens of stories high, and the distance between the upper and lower floors is very high. There are jade pillars similar to white jade. live.

And in the center of thousands of miles, the ancient Dragon Fort is almost higher than the Chuanyunfeng Mountain Range, where is the core of the Xiao family dragon clan, and the noble and pure direct dragon clan lives there.

Such as Xiao Zier.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and Su Jin approached Longbao in one step. After not sensing anyone's attention, he came up generously——

Unexpectedly, the "Xiao Family Dragon Clan" in the plane of God was so prosperous, Su Jin treated the teaching of the "Great Swallowing Dragon Technique" more and more cautiously.

"If you insist on being an enemy of me and stand on the same front with that'King of the Dark Abyss,' the Dragon Swallowing technique will never fall into this Xiao family." Su Jin thought to himself.

In the end, the pure dragons can be seen, and most of them appear in human bodies. If the dragon's body is displayed within a thousand miles of this "Wolong Nest", it is a big problem that violates the iron law.

Su Jin is not a dragon.

When using the ‘Great Dragon Swallowing Technique’, they have such outstanding powers. If they are obtained by these pure dragons, the consequences will be astonishing, no less than gaining a lost dragon heritage!

Wolong's Nest, Longbao.

In the magnificent ninth-story hall, there are many sideline dragons at this moment, welcoming a big man——

"I know that Sister Zier left the capital and went to Outland, but unfortunately she was seriously injured. I specially asked for'Yuhuzhi' from my father and came to visit Sister Zi'er. Uncle can take Bobai as his family... "

In the Hall of Glory, a young man with a reddish-gold complexion, with two golden dragon horns on his head, seemed to be talking politely, but the same old dragon with white beard and hair sat on the same level.

"My nephew is interested, I don't know if Xishan Longzun is in good health now?" The old dragon in the robe asked people to accept the magical medicine "Jade Huzhi", and asked with a smile.

"Father Wang Jianhao~~~" The Xishan Dragon Clan named Bo Bai nodded.

Su Jin was silent, but he heard a little meaning outside.

What Xishan should this dragon named Bobai come from? Is it Xishan Dragon? When I just walked up, someone else vaguely said in a low voice, but Su Jin was paying attention now.

Regardless of the others.

Su Jin heard this arrogance called Bo Bai, maybe this is from his type, blood is more noble!

Golden dragons have always been much more noble than dragons of other colors——

After listening to it for a while, the sky finally fell faint, and the old white-bearded dragon, at this golden dragon Bobai's plea, ordered people to start taking him to see Xiao Zi'er!

Su Jin did not wait in vain!

Keep up quietly--

After the white-bearded old dragon sent Bo Bai away, he looked weird and looked around, as if he was aware of it, but he could not see the mystery. Su Jin shouted out of danger in his heart. If he hadn't walked to the round corner, he would be afraid. This Xiao family old dragon has to see the situation!

It seems that the addition of ‘No Word Heaven’s Secret’ and ‘Hidden Dragon Clothes’ is still unreliable. How terrifying is the cultivation of this white-bearded old dragon!

The sky is getting dark.

In the "Wolong Nest" with a radius of thousands of miles, various colored spar lights light up all areas. The prosperous scene alone is enough to show how powerful the Xiao family is here!

Soon, several collateral dragons took Bo Bai to a spacious hall to the west where you could watch the sunset. Su Jin naturally knew that this was Xiao Zi'er's residence.

Due to the exposure of his concerns before, he did not even sweep the primordial spirit to this Wolong Nest. There is still a difference between the dragon race and the human race, and the primordial spirit will attract people's attention.

That being the case, Su Jin was naturally not welcome, and took the lead to walk in, looking at the spacious room like a princess castle, a little surprised, the key is still connected to two floors?

Xiao Zier!

Su Jin walked down the spar floor quietly, and a full layer below was built into a dragon pond, covered with clear fairy water. When he walked down, he saw a stunned scene.

The purple skirt is sticky and wet, perhaps because of the purple color. It is not very real, and only a little white skin can be seen. She is facing her back, almost half of her body is submerged in the water, and then she turns slightly, but looks at the stairs. Place!

Su Jin was surprised.

Was it discovered?


"Xishan Dragons, here again." Xiao Zier removed the water stains from his dress.

Su Jin realized that it was Bo Bai who was discovered by Xiao Zi'er when he was walking, and then he wore clothes in the pool. I have to say that he came a bit late~~

"Princess, Lord Bobai, please~~" There were several collateral dragon girls who had just notified them, but suddenly they couldn't speak and fell down.

"Bo Bai! What do you mean?" Xiao Zi'er's snow-white feet stepped on the pond, and her dress was very neat and there was nothing wrong with it. At this moment, she stared at the golden dragon and frowned and drank.

"Sister Zi'er, it's just a few girls who are in the way. I'm not malicious—" Bo Bai looked straight, and looked at Xiao Zi'er who was wearing a purple skirt like dust.

"Not malicious?"

"I heard that Sister Zi'er was injured, so I came from Xishan Dragon Cave and brought the magic medicine, but unfortunately I could not get out of the plane, otherwise I will Bo Bai! I must kill the guy who hurt Zi'er! "

"This is all my Xiao Family Dragon Clan's business. Don't worry about it. I don't care about magic medicine. You can take it." Xiao Zi'er turned sideways and let out a cold voice.

"Xiao Zi'er! Toast and not eat fine wine, right? Your Wolong Nest has been in depression so far, and you don't want to take advantage of Master Xinghe to rise again. You want to crush the monster dragon clan in Zifeng Wuhai and Xishan Dragon Cave! Tell you, dreaming—"

Bo Bai suddenly used voice transmission to let Xiao Zi'er hear it.

"You--" Xiao Zi'er turned her head, but in a moment it seemed to smell a strange fragrance.


Xiao Zi'er's pretty face changed slightly. She was about to use the power of the **** king to guard against poison, but she could no longer mobilize her. Her spirit sea gradually became dizzy. She touched her forehead and watched Bo Baixie walking towards him with a smile——

"The world of the dragon race will only belong to me in the future, the only golden dragon born in the world!"

Bo Bai stared at Xiao Zi'er, watching her slowly fall on the spar floor by the pool, hehe smiled and said: "To be honest, I might as well tell you, you are just a low-grade silver dragon bloodline, not worthy of my noble blood. Golden yellow, I just drop by to you in Wolong's Nest. After enjoying you, I will go to see Master Xinghe!"

"What kind of poison did you poison me——" Xiao Zier's voice was very weak, and it was very difficult to move her fingers. She exhausted her strength to say this when she was weak.

"Good thing, I am dedicated to me by a low-level dragon servant named'Chilongchun', you will like this medicine~~" Jin Longbo laughed strangely.


Hearing the name, Xiao Zi'er's eyes were filled with desperate eyes——

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