My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2490: Xishan Longzun (2/5)




When the Yinmian tribe was about to be destroyed, many monks from hundreds of thousands of miles in the big city had already arrived. I thought there was Master Xinghe, but after the Yinmian tribe could not stop it, there was a slight accident—

Everyone was staring.

Surprisingly looked at the young man who appeared on the altar! With countless pairs of eyes like a spotlight, Su Jin has become the most focused existence!

Su Jin was indifferent, slowly drew out the giant que sword with the ‘mountain’ pattern.

Then the Dragon King of Xishan didn't fall down, and began to tremble. The wound was recovering quickly?

There was a hint of undetectable surprise in Su Jin's pupils, but then he was relieved. Just now, the other party questioned the Eternal Goddess, eager to ask for the golden dragon body, fearing that there would be big means.

The high priest turned pale, looked at Su Jin, and then stared at the dark sacrificial goddess: "You, you--"

The high priest, who looked like a beautiful woman, seemed to be several years old in an instant. She was extremely disappointed. Just now, she even threatened to raise the goddess of the Dark Sacrifice by her to this day. She grew up and never lied!

The result is now--

For a man now~~~

"Ah! Another sky traitor has appeared! This is a nail-biter! The Yinmian clan secretly betrayed the sky clan to sit down!" Someone exclaimed and roared, a little excited.

"The traitor, the goddess of Annihilation is lying! She is really a thing to eat inside and out. She was born in the capital of God, and grew up in the capital of God, but she sneaked into the plane with the traitor, wanting to go wrong!"

"It's okay! Master Xinghe has seen through their conspiracy a long time ago, let alone one, even ten or a hundred, they are not an opponent of Master Xinghe."

"Xishan Longzun possesses the reincarnation technique. It can be reincarnated nine times in one life. Even if the heart of the **** king is shattered, it can be reincarnated and restored instantly. If I remember correctly, this is the seventh time he has used reincarnation since the record!"


The emptiness in the northeast was covered by clouds and mist, Master Galaxy in the black robe was still unmoved, he seemed to be waiting for more traitors to appear——

As for the Yin Mi clan, a dragon king from Xishan Dragon Cave can all be solved.

Amidst the fluctuations, the Dragon King Xishan slowly turned around. Under the'reincarnation technique', he was already the same as before, but he was unaware of the attack, which made him lose a big face!

"Damn heaven traitor! Have you ever been to the Xiao Family Dragon Clan!" Xishan Longzun's staring eyes almost burst into flames.

Su Jin silently took out the'Dragon Abyss Sword Box', and took the giant **** into it, and the sword box disappeared on the bone ring.

After taking a look at the stunned Dark Ji Tianmai, Su Jin responded, "Are you talking about the golden dragon?"

"You, kill, you?!" Xishan Longzun's momentum rose rapidly, and his eyes filled with crazy killing intent.

"Hmm!" Su Jin nodded heavily, as if afraid that the old dragon would not hear him.


Although admitted truthfully, the tone and attitude of the reply is obviously as arrogant as it is--

"Hand over the dragon body of my son, I will keep you a whole corpse..." Xishan Longzun can no longer maintain the stability of his breath, and now he wants to smash Su Jin into one thousand, ten thousand pieces, so I'm afraid I can't understand his hatred!

"Don't be angry, because you will be even more angry if you ask." Su Jin spread his hands very freely.

"My Longer, it's by you--" Xishan Longzun had a scared thought.

"Peeled." When Su Jin was indifferent, the corners of his mouth smiled, which made people feel very evil, and at the same time, there was an incredible arrogance.



Old Xishan Longzun's face suddenly turned pale, he was shaking, trembling with anger!

"Kill! I will tear you up!" Xishan Longzun was full of red light, and in a blink of an eye a terrifying brown-red dragon, roared into the sky, and directly surrounded the central altar with the huge dragon body.

The terrifying dragon eye, staring closely at Su Jin, who seemed to have nothing to do.

"Old man, don't think about the dragon corpse of the golden dragon, because I have fed the snake, why? Didn't those from the Xiao family tell you?" Su Jin squinted and smiled strangely.


Xiao family?

Xishan Longzun is roaring to the sky, the huge dragon is stirring the wind and clouds, the entire dense forest filled with gray mist is swaying crazily, and everyone is witnessing the anger of Xishan Longzun!

These words are too thief, they directly brought the two dragons to the opposite side! Originally, Xishan Longzun suspected that there was a ghost in the Xiao family’s Longbao. Huang Jinlong Bobai died there, and the Xiao family didn’t even know how to die!

Moreover, Xiao Jialongbao’s explanation made Xishan Longzun even more angry. The dragon daughter Xiao Zi'er of the newly promoted God King also disappeared at the same time, saying that she was afraid of being brutally killed?

"The Xiao Family! The Xiao Family!"

Xishan Longzun was angry, and the roar spread far away, "Your dragon girl has disappeared. I am afraid that it is your Xiao family dragon girl who has also colluded with the traitor!"

Su Jin:...

Dark Sacrifice Goddess:...

When Long Zun was angry, Su Jin was not someone who had never seen the world before. He walked to the altar torture and directly helped Anji Tiannv to untie it.

"You just lied about me." Su Jin said to her.

"You, you shouldn't show up." The Dark Ji Tiannv adjusted to a moment, and was lifted up by Su Jin when she was weak, and said slowly.

"Since I dared to come to this God's plane with you, I dared to start the war, and then you can recover with peace of mind." When Su Jin said, suddenly his lips moved, and a word was transmitted to her.

The Dark Ji Tiannv glanced at the high priest, with a guilty expression on her face——

Su Jin turned around and started walking towards the void, looking at the brown-red dragon incarnation of Xishan Dragon Venerable, and said lightly: "Old dog, I want to see, you can live a few more times!"

"Hahaha, bear the anger of my Xishan Dragon Cavern! Die to me!" Xishan Longzun fiercely explored the horrible dragon claw, and that claw directly wanted to suppress Su Jin and crush him!

This kind of inferior trick, the other party really underestimated himself——

Su Jin went up in the wind, and the gray dense forest and nine altars under his feet seemed to be turned into arcs!


Shrunk again!

Dark Ji Tiannv looked up at the sky, Su Jin's unrestrained and unrestrained posture was dizzying, but she felt that she was doing useless work——

The most terrifying Master Xinghe didn't even see Su Jin in his eyes, and he didn't even have the will to take action. As long as he was there, both of her would die today!

"Do you think you can hide, I can't do anything with you!" Xishan Longzun's Hehelongwei was roaring.

"Hiding? It's not my style, Master!"

Su Jin stood still, facing the red-brown dragon body that Xishan Longzun turned into, his right foot stepped heavily on the void!


A bright red halo rises magnificently from bottom to top, and inside that halo, there seems to be a horrible ‘Candle Dragon’ looming!

Dark Ji Tiannv retracted her gaze, lowered her head, staggered her delicate body, and walked towards the high priest——

There was an imperceptible sharpness in the high priest's eyes, pretending to step forward quickly and hug her face to face.

Then An Jitian female body trembled, and blood began to flow down her mouth quickly!

Her body was pierced by a short sword...

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