My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2492: Lord Galaxy (4/5)

With a stern hand, the high priest was stunned--

A strand of secret law wraps her body, Su Jin's palm is angry!


The famous high priest was shaken off!

Su Jin fell on the altar and immediately squatted in a half-squatting posture, resting the Dark Ji Tiannv on her arm with one hand, her pupils have spread, and circles of Buddha light suddenly showered out~~~

When there were two people, Su Jin would not allow her to die!

In order to protect the ‘Yin Mi Clan’, the high priest stabbed this sword really hard, but the crown on top of her head, the Dark Sacrificial Butterfly was still slowly flapping its wings——

The Buddhist sound that appeals to'life and death', along with the spread of the'light of the Buddha', appears magnificently. The "Living and Death King Buddha's Original Wish Sutra" is transformed into a piece of economics, and it is instantly permeated in the dense forest of the "Yinmian"!

Buddha yellow.

Every ancient tree and vegetation, after being swallowed by the Dragon Swallowing technique to swallow most of their vitality, are now all brilliantly colored with Buddha gold and dyed yellow!

It can be seen to the naked eye that under the "Sutra of the Lord of Life and Death", the old trees began to sprout, and they actually began to "dead wood in spring"!


Su Jin carefully checked the situation in the body of the Eternal Goddess. Although the front and back penetrated, it seemed to be in the heart of the **** king, but she was actually a little deviated. She was just dying. There were two reasons, one was the loss of the goddess too much blood. It's this sword.

In the final analysis, with the high priest's ability, it is impossible to not crush the'God King Heart', even if An Ji Tian Nu is the realm of the Divine King's Great Perfection!

Show mercy?

Su Jin used all the power of the King of Life and Death to bless the'Desolation Sacrifice to the Heavenly Girl' with all his strength, and slowly, a trace of vitality lingered in the heart of the king who almost stopped beating.


The king’s heart beat, Su Jin’s eyes were hot, and strands of Buddhist scriptures lingered around the wounded area in her body. The damaged area was quickly recovering, and a trace of breath appeared between Qiong’s nose, and immediately he released Xiao Zi’er who was in containment——

Once appeared, the audience was a sensation——

Sure enough, Xiao Zi'er, the newly promoted king of the Xiao family, ran away with Su Jin! You must know that he is a traitor to the sky, and is absolutely forbidden to appear on the plane of God!

Su Jin handed the Desolate Ji Tiannv to Xiao Zi'er and said, "I now teach you the'Great Dragon Swallowing Technique', you help me take care of her!"


Xiao Zi'er hadn't figured out the situation at all, but the sights around her directly changed her face. The familiar face of the Xiao family dragon clan's dragon body was sublimating!

Of course, it would be difficult for Xiao Zi'er to shoot Su Jin again, after all, that nasty Bo Bai had even administered the evil drug like'Chi Long Chun' to her, almost taking possession of her! If it weren't for the bone ring, she gradually gathered her divine power and spent a lot of time to get rid of it completely, but now she can't stand up!


Xiao Zi'er hugged Anji Heavenly Girl and rushed to the 82 God Kings from the "Xiao Family Dragon Clan"!

Originally, Su Jin could take the Desolate Goddess into the bone ring, so there is no need to do so, but if he died here, she would not be safe in the bone ring——

Xiao Jia Longzun gradually moved towards the void. His dragon was surrounded by circles of dragon energy. When he walked into the void, the body of the transformed dragon faintly reversed, and every piece of dragon scale seemed to faintly attract the dragon energy——

"Master Xinghe! Unexpectedly, I will meet you again in this way!" Xiao Jialongzun walked to the northeast, where Master Xinghe was!

"It's just a bunch of weak ants." Hunting in the black robe, that sickly white face finally turned towards Xiao Jia Longzun.

"You can stay to see Xishan Longzun, but you refuse to see me. It's nothing more than my Xiao family is getting weaker day by day, and it's no longer strong in your eyes!"

Xiao Jia Longzun confided his dissatisfaction. He was constantly changing between the dragon and the human body, and it was obvious that the'Great Dragon Swallowing Technique' was still sublimating him!

"Xiao's Dragon Clan, today eradicated, Wolong's Nest and Dragon Fort, will be turned into a dead city." A touch of disdain emerged from the corner of Master Xinghe's mouth, and he disappeared in place. When he reappeared, a terrifying **** hand was already directed at Xiao Jialong. Respect!

Su Jin felt relieved when he saw that Xiao Jia Longzun had turned against him this time.

His eyes were suddenly filled with killing intent——

With the bright candle dragon halo, as Su Jin raised his head, he gave a great light, and he rushed towards Xishan Longzun!

This time he will have no scruples!


Su Jin raised his fist and hit the dragon of Xishan Longzun hard, but that punch seemed to have hit a steel plate, and the strength of Xishan Longzun was really terrifying!

All around exclaimed again and again, some people have figured out the ‘situation’!

"Unexpectedly, it was the Xiao Family Dragon Clan that really opposed it! This Xiao family had long been dissatisfied, and I could not see that the Xishan Dragon Caverns were getting stronger and stronger under the care of Master Xinghe, while the Xiao Family was living in a corner and gradually declining—" Someone He woke up and talked to his companion immediately.

"Unexpected! Sure enough, that traitor possesses the magical technique of the Xiao Family Dragon Clan's heart, and he can see that it is of great benefit to the Dragon Clan, and he even turned his face with Master Xinghe directly!"

"What secret technique is so strong? Xiao Jialongzun is too old to support him. After obtaining this secret technique, he dared to directly challenge Master Xinghe directly!"

"Silk~~ This traitor, it seems unusual--"


At the same time, the twenty-nine god-level dragon kings of Xishan Dragon Cave rushed to the sublimation position of the Xiao Family Dragon Clan, and the battle was about to start!

Including Xiao Zi'er, there are a total of 83 dragon kings, and they are constantly transforming and sublimating, and immediately stepped out of the forty **** kings who were surrounded by dragon energy, and greeted them!


The dragon is roaring!

The sight of dozens of ascending dragons is simply not too scary. The void keeps trembling and cracking. Obviously, the Xiao Jialong clan has the upper hand in quantity and quality!

The bang of the dragon crashed, exploding a piece of void, causing bursts of exclamation.

However, the Xishan Dragon Cave and the Xiao Family Dragon Clan are still unable to tell the victory or defeat for the time being. Many people watched for a while before staring directly at Su Jin.


So tough?

I saw that Su Jinzhou had eight halos up and down, and the bright colors instantly became the focus of the audience's attention! The key is even facing a powerful person like Xishan Longzun, his face is very indifferent.

Don't panic!

Eight halos rose and fell up and down. Gradually, a ‘Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Picture’ appeared at Su Jin’s feet. When converging with the halo of the Eight Gate Avenue, there seemed to be an inexplicable force suppressing the integration of the Eight Gate Avenues——

"This kid actually gave me a strong pressure." When Xishan Longzun thought, he was a bit solemn.


To the northeast, the mountain dragon that Xiao Jialongzun transformed into was smashed into the air by Master Xinghe with a punch at this moment.

"Master Xinghe!!"

The audience shouted! Everyone in the plane of God seems to have an almost faith-like enthusiasm for Lord Galaxy.


The black robe hunted down, Master Xinghe raised his arms lightly, and his back lit up, and a round of ‘black sun’ studded with gold rims filled half of the void!

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