My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2494: Against Galaxy!

Under the fierce eye contact, Su Jin and Master Xinghe's fighting spirit became more and more surging. In the end, Master Xinghe spoke first.

"Ye Di, fellow practitioners of the Nine Ways, I know you."

Master Xinghe said indifferently: "I paid attention to you when you single-handedly reversed the crisis in Nanli. At that time, I hoped that this battle would come as soon as possible, but I did not expect that you would come just the next day. , Very good, very good—"

"Master Xinghe's name is like Lei Guaner~~~" Su Jin's tone was even more plain.

"King Black Abyss was unexpectedly defeated by you, and even I gave him the'Blood God's Scythe' that I failed to kill you. I hope you won't let me down in this battle!"

"With each other, if you want to fight, then fight!" Su Jin was vigilant, but the intent to fight all over his body had never made him so strong. This battle will truly be his battle against the heavens!


The pre-war confrontation between the two can be described as ‘scare’ for onlookers.

too frightening.

Every word, uttered from Master Xinghe, adds to the onlookers' understanding of Su Jin on the scene of God's Plane!

"King Heiyuan, he was actually defeated by this man named'Emperor of the Night', my God, he has an immortal existence, how could he be defeated!"

"I heard that King Heiyuan's divine body was beaten to rotten, and he is still waiting in the blood palace to choose a new body. I didn't expect it to be defeated by the hand of the Ye Emperor——"

"Nine fellow practitioners, cultivator against the sky! Defeating King Heiyuan, it's no wonder Master Xinghe pays attention."


Many people are most concerned about these three points, especially the monk who is against the sky, which is even more scary, because the treason against the sky is different from the "against the sky". The two are not at the same level and cannot be compared together. This is the most terrifying place of all the'rules'.

The Yinmian tribe and the high priest were dumbfounded.

Xiao Longzun, dumbfounded!

Even Dragon Venerable in Xishan Dragon Cave, his expression suddenly changed. He was consumed by Su Jin's reincarnation technique twice a day. He thought that the other party was intriguing and unfair, but is this really the case?

If the fight continues, if the ninth reincarnation technique is used up, Xishan Longzun now dare not imagine what the consequences will be! Fortunately, Master Xinghe stopped!

The battle between the dragons of the Xiao family and the Dragon Cavern of Xishan, the battle between the two dragon camps, began to stop under the words of Master Xinghe.

For some reason, Xiao Zi'er was under protection, feeling that the uncles and uncles of the clansmen looked at her very strange.

"Nephew, Ye Di just said that he will marry you in the near future. When did you get along with him?" A **** king couldn't help asking.


What's this?

Xiao Zi'er was also dumbfounded! When she was released, she was arranged by Su Jin to come over with the Desolate Ji Tiannv. She is still confused now. I don't know why the Xiao Jialong clan is an enemy of Master Xinghe!

In front of her, she was constantly beating, and after Xiao Zi'er was dumbfounded, her face flushed and she was a little at a loss.

"Emperor Ye has even put down the betrothal gift. Our Zi'er niece is really powerful. One person has the Tao, and the whole clan ascends to heaven. Our Dragon Clan's original divine art will make our Xiao family prominent in the heavens again!"

"One blow seriously injured Xishan Longzun! Let him use the reincarnation technique twice, and now the emperor has the capital to fight against Master Xinghe, let's see if this is the death of our Xiao family, or the opportunity of our Xiao family!"

Hearing the words of a group of uncles and uncles, when Xiao Zi'er lowered her head in a panic, she suddenly saw An Ji Tiannv weakly open her eyes, and she whispered, "Sister Tiannv--"

"Am I dead? Why—"

The Annihilation Goddess saw Xiao Zi'er's red face. At that moment, she seemed to be walking into a black hole. There was endless darkness and loneliness. In the end, she didn't know the personnel, how could she know that there was still time to open her eyes?

"It was Ye Di who saved you." Xiao Zi'er said softly.


Anji Tiannvqiang has regained her spirit, although she is weak, but she seems to have the blessing of Buddha in her body, and she is quickly recovering her strength, otherwise how could she wake up so quickly!

That scene.

The dark sacrifice goddess will never be remembered.

Su Jin was facing Master Xinghe! As a high-ranking person, Master Xinghe is an invincible existence on the plane of God, but Su Jin's contending eyes make people's heart move!


If you want to fight, then fight!

Hearing Su Jin's words, Master Xinghe directly said indifferently: "I hope you can make me feel the feeling of death——"


But Master Xinghe definitely has more crazy capital than this!

Su Jin's eyes gradually changed, becoming murderous, and the Nine Dao Xia Hui was surging with divine light. Suddenly, the "Nine Palaces and Bagua Dao Tu" condensed under his feet, and he and Master Xinghe almost disappeared together!

In an instant, the two went hand-to-hand!


The void roads that the two of them walked at this moment were all shaken open, as if the tacit understanding of the strong, Su Jin and Master Xinghe bowed their arms, and also punched!

So strong? !

Su Jin's face was cold, and his whole body was blasted back a hundred meters away before he could stop. The power surging in his body almost caused him to be injured!

However, Master Xinghe didn't move under this punch--

Disappointment spread in many people's hearts. Some people have expectations of Su Jin, but more people raise their fists fiercely and are full of enthusiasm. After all, the Master Xinghe they believe in is invincible!

Xiao Zi'er, the high priest, and even the Xiao Jialong clan all looked sad. Only Anji Tiannv felt something was wrong.

"I have the blessings of'Doomsday Ceremony' and'Great Treasure Wheel Nirvana Phase'. With this punch, you use no real strength. Come, use all your methods, and let me see." Master Xinghe's black robe raised He looked at Su Jin and said indifferently.


It turned out to be so!

Many people immediately understood that, after all, the ‘Phnom Penh Black Sun’ that occupies half of the void is constantly blessing Master Xinghe, and this fellow practitioner of the Nine Paths did nothing except step on the road map!

Su Jin took a deep breath.

Master Xinghe's strength is beyond his expectations! Far more powerful than King Black Abyss, if you use your full strength, can you really defeat him?

This possibility is too small and too small, even Su Jin is skeptical, but he has always been the kind of man who dared to work hard first, and he must show his own style no matter how hard he is--

"Sen Luo Dao supernatural power!"

Su Jin stepped on the void fiercely, and the void above it burst into pieces, the blue and ink power, more than a million? Yu Qiang is able to show his terrifying potential.

One million, five million, and eight million blue ink lines appeared on the road map of the ‘Nine Palaces and Eight Trigrams’ that seemed to turn into a blue ink imaginary continent in a flash——

That pair of Taoist pictures, incredible expansion of a hundred thousand miles!

"Are you going to defeat King Black Abyss?" Master Xinghe's face was a little bit more expectant.

not enough! This is not enough!

Su Jin closed his eyes and opened them again--

Blood blue, gray blue, azure blue, and three-color heaven secret mood, turned his eyes into three-color **** eyes, and appeared shockingly!

Anxious Ji Tiannv and Xiao Zi'er filled their hearts with a strange feeling, Su Jin unexpectedly showed...

Three colors of heaven!

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